
From "a stack of certificates" to "one paper commitment" jiaozuo implemented the system of notification of certification matters

author:Great River Network

Reading tips: Clean up the "strange proof", circular proof and duplicate proof, and cancel the proof matters that have no legal basis to increase the burden on enterprises and the masses... From "a stack of certificates" to "a paper commitment", Jiaozuo City has taken the first step.

Dahe Network News (government reporter Shen Hua) focusing on the masses' "most desired, most urgent, and most needed" points, comprehensively implementing the system of informing and promising certification matters is not only a reform and exploration to reduce evidence and facilitate the people and optimize services, but also a vivid practice of wholeheartedly solving problems for the people and doing practical things. On October 25, the Information Office of Jiaozuo Municipal Government held a press conference to introduce the work of Jiaozuo City's comprehensive implementation of the system of notification of certification matters and the formulation of the "List of Notification and Commitment System for Municipal Certification Matters in Jiaozuo City", and answered questions from reporters.

From "a stack of certificates" to "one paper commitment" jiaozuo implemented the system of notification of certification matters

The system of notification and commitment of certification matters refers to the working mechanism where when citizens, legal persons and other organizations apply to administrative organs for handling administrative matters, the administrative organ informs the applicant in writing of the obligation to prove, the content of the proof, and the legal liability for false promises, and the applicant promises in writing that it has met the relevant requirements for notification and is willing to bear the legal responsibility for false promises, and the administrative organ no longer requests the relevant certificates and handles relevant administrative matters on the basis of the written commitment.

In order to implement the national and provincial work arrangements, the Jiaozuo Municipal Government Office issued the "Notice on the Implementation Plan for the Comprehensive Implementation of the Notification and Commitment System for Certification Matters in Jiaozuo City" (Jiaozuo Government Office [2021] No. 26), requiring the city's administrative organs at all levels or organizations authorized by laws and regulations to fully implement the system of notification and commitment of certification matters. The implementation of the certification matters notification commitment system is to continue to deepen the reform of "decentralization and management of services", in-depth development of the "certificate reduction and convenience" action, further optimize the business environment, stimulate the vitality of market entities and social creativity of a major reform measures and achievements, the system to the administrative organs clearly informed, enterprises and the masses integrity and keep promises as the focus, and gradually form a governance model of open standards, fair rules, clear expectations, each responsible for their own responsibilities, credit supervision, from the institutional level to further solve the enterprises and the masses to handle more certificates, difficult to do things, multi-head running, Running back and forth and other issues, constantly improve the people's satisfaction and sense of gain, promote the modernization of the government governance system and governance capabilities, strive to create a market-oriented, rule-of-law, and international business environment, and build a service-oriented government that the people are satisfied with.

What are the aspects involved in the cancellation of 139 certifications?

The field of people's livelihood that is closely related to the production and life of the masses

With the study and consent of the 84th executive meeting of the municipal government on September 30, 2021, the Jiaozuo Municipal People's Government Office issued the "Jiaozuo Municipal Certification Matters Notification and Commitment System List", which has a total of 139 certification matters, divided into 16 categories, involving public security, education, civil affairs, market supervision, human resources and social security, housing and urban and rural construction, health and health, judicial administration, transportation, urban management and many other areas of people's livelihood that are closely related to the production and life of the masses. In the process of sorting out the list, in strict accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment, those that have no basis for setting laws, regulations and decisions of the State Council will be excluded from the certification matters. Highlight the principle of maximizing the benefit of the people and facilitating the people, selectively select matters that are closely related to the production and life of enterprises and the masses, work and entrepreneurship, use more frequently or have greater difficulty in obtaining certification matters to implement a notification and commitment system, and under the premise of ensuring that risks are controllable, implement a commitment system for all those who can implement a commitment system. The system of notification and commitment has not been implemented for certification matters directly involving national security, state secrets, public safety, prudential supervision of the financial industry, and ecological environmental protection, as well as for certification matters that are directly related to personal health, the safety of life and property, and important foreign-related matters with greater risks, higher costs of error correction, and irreparable damage, to ensure the overall steady progress of the work.

What are the applicable objects and scope of application?

The applicant may choose whether to adopt the notification and commitment system

For the certification matters that implement the notification commitment system, the applicant may independently choose whether to use the notification commitment system to handle it. Where the applicant is unwilling or unable to make a commitment, he shall submit proof required by laws and regulations or a decision of the State Council. Where the applicant has a relatively serious negative credit record or has made false promises, the notification and commitment system is not applicable until the credit is restored. Where the certification matters may be undertaken on behalf of the applicant in accordance with law, the person undertaking on behalf of the undertaker shall obtain special authorization from the applicant.

How is the authenticity of the promised information confirmed?

Priority will be given to the use of information technology means for online verification

All levels and departments will make every effort to promote the sharing and opening up of government service data, relying on the Henan Provincial Integrated Government Service Platform, the "Internet + Supervision" system, the national credit information sharing platform (Jiaozuo, Henan), and so forth to achieve cross-regional, cross-departmental, and cross-level connectivity and business coordination of data resources, and establish an online verification support system for the system of notification and commitment of certification matters. Priority should be given to the use of information technology means for online verification, comparison of relevant data, and interdepartmental data sharing and verification. Where on-site verification is required, rely on "Internet + supervision" systems and applications, etc., to timely and accurately push the promised situation to the relevant regulatory personnel to provide information support for front-line supervision and law enforcement. Where data network sharing has not yet been realized and it is difficult to verify through the above methods, the relevant administrative organs may be requested to assist in the verification, and the administrative organs that have been requested for assistance have the obligation to provide timely assistance, and must not prevaricate or refuse.

Proof matters notification commitment system makes credit more "expensive"

The notification and commitment system is not applicable in situations such as negative credit records

All levels and departments will determine specific verification methods for the characteristics of the certification matters involved in the list, and take the credit status of the pledgee as an important factor in determining the verification method, and for matters exempted from verification, administrative organs will comprehensively use "double random, one open" supervision, "Internet + supervision", wisdom supervision and other methods to implement daily supervision. Where false promises are discovered in the course of verification or routine supervision, the administrative organs will handle them in accordance with law, and where a crime is suspected, transfer them to the judicial organs in accordance with law.

Notification of certification matters is one of the six major types of credit commitments, and it is also a basic measure for the implementation of credit supervision. In the work of comprehensively implementing the system of notification and commitment of certification matters, credit supervision and management in key industries and fields will be strengthened, deepening hierarchical and categorical supervision of credit, inquiring into the use of credit information in administrative management and government services, and where there are relatively serious negative credit records or where false promises have been made, the notification and commitment system is not applicable until credit restoration. At the same time, make the promiser's credit status an important factor in carrying out ex post facto supervision, and where false promises or illegal promises are discovered in the course of verification or routine supervision, the administrative organs should lawfully terminate the handling, order rectification within a time limit, revoke the administrative decision, or give an administrative punishment, and include the circumstances of breach of contract and untrustworthiness in the credit record. At the same time, mechanisms for repairing untrustworthiness and handling objections should be established and improved, strengthening the protection of credit subjects' lawful rights and interests.

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