
China's largest coal company has made a commitment to stabilize prices, and the first batch of guaranteed coal spot has been shipped

author:Interface News

Trainee journalist | Liu Yunfei

On October 26, the National Energy Group held a media briefing on intelligent mine construction and energy supply assurance. At the meeting, the National Energy Group promised the highest price for the calorific value of the bohai rim port.

Wang Jingang, deputy spokesman of the National Energy Group, said that under the premise of ensuring safety, the coal mines owned by the National Energy Group will arrange production to the greatest extent according to the approved capacity. Outsourced coal purchases adhere to the full organization in accordance with national policies to maximize the release of transportation capacity。

According to the National Energy Group, in order to maintain the stability of coal prices and strictly implement the pricing mechanism of "benchmark price + floating" for self-produced coal, the coal operation branch of the group has made a commitment to guarantee supply and price stability on October 19:

During the heating season this winter and next spring, the heat generated by the bohai rim port is less than 1800 yuan / ton for thermal coal of 5500 kcal; the closing price of thermal coal for 5000 kcal is less than 1500 yuan / ton; the closing price of thermal coal for 4500 kcal is less than 1200 yuan / ton; and the price of high-calorie thermal coal other than the above coal types is not more than 2000 yuan / ton.

Wang Jingang said that on October 21, the first batch of stable price guaranteed spot coal has been successfully shipped in Qinhuangdao Port, and the price of 4500 kcal of coal shipped is 1190 yuan / ton.

According to the data disclosed by the National Energy Group, from January to September this year, the company has completed coal production of 410 million tons, an increase of 4.6% year-on-year; coal sales of 570 million tons, an increase of 9.3%; power generation completed 823.9 billion kWh, an increase of 16.7% year-on-year. Among them, thermal power generation reached 690.3 billion kWh, an increase of 17.9% year-on-year。

From October 1 to 24, the group's self-produced coal production increased by 3.08 million tons, an increase of 8.6% year-on-year; the cumulative power generation capacity was 65.7 billion kWh, an increase of 13% year-on-year, of which thermal power increased by 7 billion kWh year-on-year, an increase of 15.4%.

Recently, coal prices have risen sharply, and the problem of ensuring the supply of coal in winter has attracted great attention from state departments.

On October 26, the official micro of the National Development and Reform Commission said that in accordance with the "Price Law" and relevant laws and regulations such as stopping profiteering, the National Development and Reform Commission is studying the establishment of a standardized coal market price formation mechanism to guide coal prices to stabilize in a reasonable range for a long time.

Coal is an important basic energy source, which has a great impact on economic and social development, is closely related to the lives of residents, and basically relies on domestic production and the concentration of main production areas.

In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, the National Development and Reform Commission is studying the inclusion of coal in the scope of commodities to stop huge profits, and has organized a cost-effectiveness survey of the coal industry to estimate and determine the average price, average price difference rate, average profit margin and reasonable range of the coal market under normal circumstances.

The National Development and Reform Commission said that on this basis, it will take into account the reasonable costs, normal profits and market changes in the coal industry, study and establish a long-term mechanism for coal market prices of "benchmark price + floating up and down", and strengthen the connection with the market-oriented electricity price mechanism for coal-fired power generation.

Officially established on November 28, 2017, was formed by the merger and reorganization of two enterprises, China Guodian Group Corporation and Shenhua Group Co., Ltd., and is one of the five major power groups in China.

The company has coal, power, transportation, chemical and other full industry chain business, is the world's largest coal production company, thermal power generation company, wind power generation company and coal-to-oil coal chemical company.

At the above-mentioned meeting, Zhang Yuxin, spokesman of the National Energy Group, introduced the intelligent construction of the company's coal mine.

At present, the group has built a series of normalized operation intelligent work surfaces, achieving 40% of fixed positions unattended. The group plans to achieve 85% intelligent technology coverage by the end of 2021.

On October 20, also signed a strategic cooperation agreement with CATL in Beijing to carry out and cooperate in the development of new energy industry, smart energy construction, energy storage technology and standard system construction, and international business development.

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