
Set more than 10 world jump rope world records in six years, and this rural elementary school has created "World Speed"

author:CCTV network selection

CCTV news: Recently, in the 2019 Jump Rope World Cup competition held in Oslo, Norway, the Chinese teenager Cen Xiaolin from Guangzhou was shocked by four seats. Cen Xiaolin broke the world record with his jump rope performance that can be called "storm foot speed", and even broke the five-event record. In fact, as early as 2015, Cen Xiaolin, the fourth grade of primary school, had already won the first jump rope world championship. Many of Cen Xiaolin's classmates are also world champions in jump rope, and they are all from Guangzhou Seven Star Primary School, a rural primary school.

Record-breaking! The Skipping Rope World Cup "Lightspeed Junior" won the championship again

In the six years since 2013, Seven Star Primary School has won dozens of world skipping rope championships and set more than 10 skipping rope world records. A rural elementary school created "World Speed", how did they do it? How did the Jump Rope Dream Team come to be?

Set more than 10 world jump rope world records in six years, and this rural elementary school has created "World Speed"

At this year's Skipping Rope World Cup in Oslo, Norway, from July 1 to July 13, Cen Xiaolin, 17, from Huadu, Guangzhou, single-handedly "single-handedly" won two events, including a three-minute single jump rope with a score of 570.5 times, and broke the world record of 568 times he set himself last year.

Set more than 10 world jump rope world records in six years, and this rural elementary school has created "World Speed"

Cen Xiaolin, a member of the Guangzhou Huadu Jump Rope Team: Because there are many masters at home and abroad gathered together this time, I am still a little nervous in my heart. Because I have a lot of projects, each of which is this one to the next one, I'm very quick to warm up. I win in terms of speed, because I'm short and I have to be short to shake fast.

The Jump Rope World Cup attracted a total of 975 athletes from 26 countries and regions in the world, the scale of participation in history, and the representative of the Chinese jump rope team covered 18 domestic teams. In the primary and secondary school categories, the Guangzhou Huadu Jump Rope Team, composed of Guangzhou Seven Star Primary School and Huadong Middle School, won a total of 37 individual championships and 6 all-around medals.

Cen Xiaolin, a member of the Guangzhou Huadu Jump Rope Team: Compared with them, our speed is better than theirs, but their tricks are much stronger than ours. Because our main focus in China is speed.

Set more than 10 world jump rope world records in six years, and this rural elementary school has created "World Speed"

Lai Xuanzhi, physical education teacher of Guangzhou Qixing Primary School: Our Chinese team broke 9 records in the competition, and our Huadu District team won 7 records alone. Students feel that this is a rare opportunity, and they feel that it is an extremely glorious thing to be able to win glory for the country.

Most of the "skipping rope schools" are left-behind children

With a small jump rope, the children jumped out of the small playground and stood on the big stage, so that the world could see their health, cheerfulness, confidence and sunshine. Sports is a big stage without borders, and it is the best life companion for you and me. Many people may not think that many of these children are left-behind children or the children of migrant workers. And their change began with the jump rope in their hands.

Set more than 10 world jump rope world records in six years, and this rural elementary school has created "World Speed"

Seven Star Primary School is a rural primary school, and nearly half of the more than 400 students in the school are the children of migrant workers.

Set more than 10 world jump rope world records in six years, and this rural elementary school has created "World Speed"

Zhang Youlian, principal of Guangzhou Qixing Primary School: They are all children from the countryside, and they are planting vegetables, planting green lotuses, and some breeding in the surrounding areas. So when we come here, our students lack self-confidence, that is, it is as if a stranger comes to our school, he will only hide, and dare not take the initiative to say hello.

Cen Xiaolin's hometown is in Guizhou, grew up in the depths of the mountains, followed his parents to work in Guangzhou Huadu a few years ago, and when he first arrived in a foreign country, the original introverted Xiaolin became more reticent.

Cen Xiaolin, a member of the Guangzhou Huadu Jump Rope Team: I am very shy, I don't like to talk much, and I don't want to communicate with others.

Cen Xiaolin studied at Seven Star Elementary School when he was in elementary school, and the school building was still very dilapidated, the muddy playground was difficult to carry out standardized physical training, and there were fewer and fewer teachers left to teach.

Zhang Youlian, principal of Qixing Primary School: The minimum number of students was 153, and I only had chinese, mathematics, and English teachers, so the other subjects were concurrent.

In 2010, as the first physical education teacher recruited by Seven Star Primary School, Lai Xuanzhi became the only teacher in the school to graduate from college.

Set more than 10 world jump rope world records in six years, and this rural elementary school has created "World Speed"

Lai Xuanzhi, physical education teacher at Guangzhou Qixing Primary School: I was the first college student to come here, and I was also the first newly recruited physical education teacher in the school's 16 years, so I was under a lot of pressure at that time. At that time, I told the principal that I would give me five years to get the sports in this school.

However, Lai Xuanzhi, a college basketball major, has just come here to face a very embarrassing situation, whether it is basketball, football or athletics, due to environmental and financial constraints, these traditional sports are difficult to carry out in this rural primary school.

Lai Xuanzhi, physical education teacher of Guangzhou Qixing Primary School: At that time, there were only 147 teachers and students in the school, and if you think about it, the per capita funding for a year is very limited. When I was communicating with the principal, the principal said that there was only more than 100,000 yuan a year. If you think about it, if the cost of more than 100,000 yuan a year is allocated, it will also have to remove water and electricity costs, office expenses, and the cost of these handymen and security guards.

The coach painstakingly studied the jump rope to take the students to "jump" out of the countryside

In the past, the Seven Star Elementary School can be said to be nothing. Broken hardware, fewer students, fewer teachers, can maintain daily teaching, let the children read the book well is not bad, where is the time to engage in sports? But the more this is done, the more marginal it is, and if you are poor and do not think about change, you will become poorer and poorer.

In 2013, with the support of Guangdong's education reform policy, Qixing Primary School also received some financial support, and the teaching building and playground were also renovated. However, changes in school hardware still haven't made children feel confident and happy. Principal Zhang Youlian and physical education teacher Lai Xuanzhi are thinking, in the case of limited funds and venue conditions, how can we change the original situation and mobilize the enthusiasm of the children?

Because basketball and football are limited by the venue, children usually do not have sports that can be sprinkled with joy, in this case, the simple form and do not occupy the place of the "jump rope", has become the most suitable choice.

Zhang Youlian, principal of Guangzhou Qixing Primary School: Can we turn our remote rural primary schools into a school with a brand, a characteristic, and a status? But how do we do it, see some foreign students, he has a kind of not afraid of suffering, not afraid of tired, but also very obedient, this kind of personality, in fact, we want to see if we can train some jump rope athletes to participate in the competition, let's try it.

Set more than 10 world jump rope world records in six years, and this rural elementary school has created "World Speed"

However, this idea also made Lai Xuanzhi's heart beat the drum, and he had never undergone professional training in jump rope, and he did not have the confidence to take the children to practice the jump rope together.

Zhang Youlian, principal of Qixing Primary School: Some people laugh at him, you big man, in our dialect, you are big, you can jump rope, pigs can climb trees, angry at him or whatever.

Lai Xuanzhi, physical education teacher of Guangzhou Qixing Primary School: The more he said I couldn't do it, the more I had to prove it to them, so I held my breath at that time, every day on the Internet to find information, to study, and constantly think, in fact, I could describe myself as crazy at that time. In the two years from 2013 to 2014, I can say that I went crazy about jumping rope, and every day I thought about how to teach these children better, and every day I wanted to jump faster.

After repeated research on checking materials and downloading videos, Lai Xuanzhi gradually explored a set of jump rope teaching methods. Soon, however, he was faced with another problem, what if he didn't have enough money to buy a rope for training?

Lai Xuanzhi, physical education teacher of Guangzhou Qixing Primary School: Because the school has no money, I collected all the materials of the wires, tried them, and did them countless times, and then I found that the original thing I wanted to find was the brake line, which was very thin, and some hardness was there, which was very suitable for (doing) jump rope.

While watching videos and studying ways to improve teaching methods, while taking the children to practice hard, every morning at 6:30, Lai Xuanzhi would train jump rope with everyone, and he would practice for six or seven hours a day.

Cen Xiaolin, a member of the Guangzhou Huadu Jump Rope Team: When you slowly learn an action, you will get some sense of accomplishment, and you will like jump rope more and more.

Set more than 10 world jump rope world records in six years, and this rural elementary school has created "World Speed"

In 2013, they won 80% of the gold medals in their first competition. The following year, they participated in the national jump rope competition in Anhui, and they won the first place in the overall team score and 36 gold medals. Seven Star Elementary School Jump Rope Team, since then, a blockbuster.

Zhang Youlian, principal of Qixing Primary School: Our students, their personalities or personalities have also changed, they were originally afraid to speak and did not want to communicate with others, and now they are like birds. Seeing this kind of change, my principal said that the rope could not only get grades, but also change some bad habits of students.

The changes brought by skipping rope to children are not only cheerful and joyful, but also in the process of training hard, they can also devote themselves to cultural classes in a positive and focused state, and gradually become confident and enthusiastic from the past when they were not interested in anything.

Zhang Youlian, principal of Seven Star Primary School: Jumping out of a kind of self-discipline, there is also a kind of self-confidence, and there is also a kind of tenacious self-confidence, and it turns out that skipping rope and academic performance complement each other.

After graduating from elementary school, Cen Xiaolin went to Huadong Middle School in the town to attend junior high school, and he and his classmates kept jump rope training until junior high school. Under the leadership of Coach Lai, the Huadu Jump Rope Team, jointly formed by Seven Star Primary School and Huadong Middle School, won many awards in domestic and foreign jump rope competitions and became a well-known junior strong team. Recently, the team members who just returned to Guangzhou from Norway to participate in the Skipping Rope World Cup did not hesitate to rest, braving the nearly 40-degree heat, and began a new round of training non-stop, preparing for the National Jump rope league finals that began on July 18.

Set more than 10 world jump rope world records in six years, and this rural elementary school has created "World Speed"

Lai Xuanzhi, physical education teacher of Guangzhou Qixing Primary School: They don't have any talent, but I have one thing that others can't compare to us- our efforts the day after tomorrow. When I am the stupidest bird, I fly before others, fly more than others, and one day I can fly and soar into the sky, I think so. Sports is not just about competing for gold and silver, exercising, it turns out that sports can change lives and change the fate of children.

Beat dreams change destiny

A rural primary school, because of a sports project into the international vision, has become a famous jump rope school, the cradle of champions. The story of Seven Star Primary School is truly inspirational and legendary. Some netizens said that this is simply a realistic version of "Spring of the Cattle Herding Class", and some netizens said that this story is definitely not lost to "Wrestling Bar Daddy" when it is made into a movie. I think the reason why this story makes netizens excited is that people see the counterattack road of a rural primary school.

A jump rope changes the lives of children and opens the door to a new world. In fact, the key to open the door is in everyone's hand, to do one thing to the extreme, it becomes their core competitiveness, the world will remember your name. The children have seen the world, and the world has also seen them, seen the vast countryside where they are located, and seen that there are countless Chinese children in the vast countryside, and there are endless possibilities in them.

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