
A meeting of leading cadres of Pucheng County was held

author:Market Weekly
A meeting of leading cadres of Pucheng County was held
A meeting of leading cadres of Pucheng County was held

On August 24, the Pucheng County Leading Cadres Conference was held. Fan Cundi, member of the Standing Committee of the Weinan Municipal CPC Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee; Chen Zhenjiang, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Weinan Municipal People's Congress; Chen Shuangniu, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Municipal CPC Committee and director of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, attended the meeting; all county-level leaders, members of the leading body of Haloyang Lake, responsible persons of various departments at the county level, and party and government officials in various towns (subdistricts) attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Chen Shuangniu, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Municipal CPC Committee and director of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, announced the decision of the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee to appoint and dismiss comrade Zhang Yifeng as secretary of the PUCHENG County CPC Committee and secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Haloyang Lake Modern Industrial Comprehensive Development Zone; Comrade Xue Bin as a member, standing committee member, and deputy secretary of the Pucheng County CPC Committee; Comrade Chen Zhenjiang will no longer serve as secretary, standing committee member, and member of the Pucheng County CPC Committee; and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Haloyang Lake Modern Industrial Comprehensive Development Zone.

In his speech, Fan Cundi affirmed the achievements made in Pucheng's economic and social development, stressing that it is necessary to always tighten the string of stressing politics, always be vigilant and practice everywhere, strengthen political responsibility, and earnestly implement the requirement of stressing politics in all fields of work. It is necessary to improve the political position, deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on "July 1st" and the spirit of the important speech of visiting Shaanxi, thoroughly implement the "five requirements" and "five solids"; do a good job in the study and education of party history, guide party members and cadres at all levels in Pucheng County to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, draw on the strength to forge ahead, and implement the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards" into concrete actions and reflect them in the results of work; we must enhance political consciousness, focus on the Ninth Plenary Session of the Thirteenth Provincial CPC Committee, In the spirit of the Eleventh Plenary Session of the Fifth Session of the Municipal CPC Committee, with the implementation of the theme activity of the Municipal CPC Committee "holding high the banner, responding to the call, forging ahead into a new era, and setting sail for a new journey", the party organizations at all levels and the vast number of party members and cadres in Pucheng County were mobilized to focus on the "ten key tasks", and with a strong sense of dedication and responsibility, they should gather a good atmosphere of greater unity and progress and entrepreneurship; we must maintain political determination, always put stressing politics and abiding by rules in the first place, take a firm stand in the face of major principles, take a clear stand in the face of major right and wrong, and have the courage to take responsibility in the face of challenges and tests to ensure that all work is carried out in the right direction.

A meeting of leading cadres of Pucheng County was held

Fan Cundi demanded that we should take the "breakthrough year of project construction" as the starting point, focus on the precise investment promotion of the industrial chain, go all out to grasp the industrial development, improve the infrastructure construction of the high-tech zone, focus on the five leading industries, strengthen and optimize the modern industry; start the brand of honeysuckle, Pucheng crispy pear, watermelon and other brands to accelerate the development of modern agriculture; deeply practice the concept of green development, focus on the feedback of environmental protection inspectors, pay close attention to the implementation of rectification and reform tasks, and solidly promote the ecological restoration and governance of the southern foothills of Qiaoshan and Yaoshan. It is necessary to further promote the strategy of rural revitalization, comprehensively improve the level of people's livelihood security, improve the security system such as medical care and old-age care, and continuously enhance the sense of happiness and gain of the masses. It is necessary to take the opportunity of dismantling counties and setting up districts to continuously improve the modernization level of county social governance, enhance the organizational strength, cohesion and centripetal force of grass-roots party organizations, and strengthen the effectiveness of party building to lead grass-roots governance.

Fan Cundi stressed: It is necessary to further strengthen the sense of responsibility and vigorously grasp the leading body and lead the team. First, it is necessary to enhance the cohesion of the leading bodies, strengthen the conscientious maintenance of unity as a kind of ability, strive to create a democratically centralized, harmonious and comfortable working atmosphere, and form a joint force of work that supports and closely coordinates with each other; second, it is necessary to fulfill the responsibility of managing the party and administering the party, consciously abide by the regulations on honesty and honesty in government, and always maintain the political nature of communists who are loyal and clean and honest in taking responsibility for the people and being pragmatic and honest for the people; third, we must encourage cadres to take responsibility, stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of cadres and officials, and create a contingent of cadres who are politically competent, have a strong work style, and are full of hard work. Provide a strong guarantee for the development of Pucheng.

When presiding over the meeting, Chen Zhenjiang said that he resolutely supports the decision of the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee. In his speech, he said: The readjustment of the principal leading cadres of the Pucheng County CPC Committee and the county government by the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee this time is a major decision made by proceeding from the overall situation and the long term of Pucheng, giving full consideration to various factors, and fully embodies the cordial concern of the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee for Pucheng, the great importance attached to the building of Pucheng's leading body, and the ardent hope for the development of Pucheng. In the future work, I will, as always, pay attention to Pucheng and support Pucheng, I believe that under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, a group of people of the county party committee will be able to unite their efforts, unite and struggle, create new brilliance, write a new chapter, and the pace of pucheng's high-quality development will surely become more solid and create new achievements worthy of history and the people.

A meeting of leading cadres of Pucheng County was held

Zhang Yifeng said that he will adhere to the political proficiency as the first criterion, always put political construction in the first place, take the lead in learning to understand and understand Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, and enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve "two safeguards". Adhere to the high-quality development as the first priority, seize the opportunity of promoting the high-quality development of the county economy in the province and the city to promote the "ten key tasks" and accelerate the withdrawal of Pucheng county and districting, adhere to the high-quality development throughout the decision-making and implementation of the whole process, and take industrial development as the main direction of attack. Persist in taking pragmatic responsibility as the first responsibility, benchmark the "14th Five-Year Plan" plan and "ten key tasks", persist in grasping early, grasping details, grasping small, grasping hard and doing hard, working hard, and working hard to ensure that all work tasks are clear and clear. Adhere to the improvement of people's livelihood as the first goal, always enhance the sense of happiness of the masses, enhance the sense of gain of the masses, and ensure the sense of security of the masses as the starting point and foothold of all work. We should persistently regard honesty and honesty in government administration as the first bottom line, take the initiative to firmly shoulder the main responsibility of managing the party and administering the party, and earnestly perform "one post and two responsibilities."; continue to strengthen the rectification of work style and discipline, strictly implement the eight regulations of the central authorities and their implementation rules, and vigorously rectify the conspicuous problems of the "four winds"; conscientiously implement the system of reporting on major personal matters of leading cadres, take the lead in abiding by work discipline, financial and economic discipline, and life discipline, and truly exchange their own "good work style" for the "great development" of Pucheng and the "good life" of the people.

Xue Bin said that he resolutely supports the decision of the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee, sincerely thanks the organization for its trust, and will fully integrate into the hot land of Pucheng as soon as possible, not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, work hard, work hard, work hard, and work hard together with the cadres and masses of Pucheng to fulfill their duties and fulfill their responsibilities and do their best to accelerate pucheng's catch-up and surpass development, and write loyalty with practical actions. Always take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, deeply study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on "July 1st" and the spirit of the important speech of visiting Shaanxi, continuously improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve "two safeguards". Adhere to the people-centered development thinking, solidly carry out the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses", do a good job of "ten practical things for people's livelihood", accelerate the completion of the shortcomings of people's livelihood, and continuously meet the new expectations of the masses for a better life. We should pay close attention to the problem of the masses' "urgency, difficulty, and anxiety," promote the masses' employment and income increase, properly solve problems such as education, medical care, and housing, and actively respond to the concerns of the masses. Continue to promote the consolidation of the results of poverty alleviation and the effective connection of rural revitalization, and comprehensively promote the integration of urban and rural development, so that the people of Pucheng can live a better life and have more head-to-head.

(Source: Pucheng County People's Government website)