
Quiet and immovable brother, after giving up his acting career, has now grown into a towering tree


The girl named Milan in "Sunny Day" is the tranquility of knowing the destiny of heaven for a long time, and with her superb acting skills, she has won many best actors all the way through thorns, thus becoming a "post-film" level figure in the domestic film and television circle.

Quiet and immovable brother, after giving up his acting career, has now grown into a towering tree

  In recent years, Tranquility has grown older, limited to its own energy, there are not many suitable roles, coupled with the external environment, her film and television works are not much, a few days ago she participated in the reality show "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", with a straight-forward true temperament out of the circle, full of aura, was jokingly called "Jing Huang" by netizens. However, there are also many netizens who do not buy it, saying that she is a "big mother who rides the wind and waves".

  Tranquility is famous, her strong brother Shun Wenqi has been tepid, over the years Shun Wenqi's popularity is very low, the biggest label on the body is "Quiet Brother", want to come to people also have a lot of feelings, life's encounter is so mysterious.

  Quiet, who has been in the circle for many years, naturally wants to bring his brother out, so he took his brother with him in high school and then began to push into the show business circle. In that circle of talents, it was difficult for no one to carry out, and in order to increase Shun Wenqi's exposure, Tranquility had gone to great lengths.

Quiet and immovable brother, after giving up his acting career, has now grown into a towering tree

  In the quiet "Secret History of Filial Piety" and "The New Five Daughters Worship Shou" and other works, we can all see the shadow of Shun Wenqi. When she went out to dinner with her brother, she was photographed by the relevant media, and Serenity had to come forward to explain.

  Want to develop in the show business circle, in addition to their own strength, there are some elements of luck in it, although quiet and careful guidance, Shun Wenqi is still tepid, many people have not even heard of this name, he also began to be dissatisfied with his sister's arrangement, the road to acting is becoming more and more difficult.

  Shun Wenqi made up his mind, gave up his acting career, devoted himself to his favorite music path, opened his own other life, even though the road to acting is not smooth, but in music is small, he will pop music rap music and Peking Opera mixed together, express social reality and humanistic thought, in the realm of high artistic achievements.

Quiet and immovable brother, after giving up his acting career, has now grown into a towering tree

  "He is a person who has surpassed the era of Internet pop dramas, a mature and innovative all-round musician Shun Wenqi." The famous musician Horqinfu commented that Shun Wenqi's innovation in music has opened up a new type of Chinese Internet short drama.

  In 2005, Shun Wenqi produced the musical "Secret Agent Xiaoqiang", which was China's first FLASH musical series, with which he also came to prominence; in 2016, Shun Wenqi won the best director at the Beijing International Micro Film Festival for the short film "Black and White".

  Today's Shun Wenqi low-key stoic, calm heart, more engaged in behind-the-scenes work, music, public welfare, micro-movies, in addition to work things, he is more concerned about the family, after the low-key marriage, the couple has a baby daughter, but also co-produced with his wife a family series of short films "Home and Wanshixing", the plot is humorous and witty, the reason is usually sincere.

Quiet and immovable brother, after giving up his acting career, has now grown into a towering tree

  That younger brother Shun Wenqi, who couldn't bring up the tranquility, had already grown into a towering tree himself!

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