
Deputy Wang Tianyu: Strengthen financial support for high-quality logistics enterprises and promote the development of modern logistics industry

author:People's Daily News

Source: People's Daily Original manuscript

【Editor's Note】 2021 is a year of special importance in the process of China's modernization construction - the beginning of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and the beginning of a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country. The two sessions of the National People's Congress held at this node undoubtedly carry more significance and expectations. A blueprint, a vision, the "14th Five-Year Plan" of China, people are looking forward to! From March 4, the People's Daily launched a series of reports on "Opening 14th Five-Year Plan • Deputies Say" to take you to listen to the "good voice" of the two sessions and imagine the beautiful new life of the "14th Five-Year Plan".

People's Daily Beijing, March 10 (Reporter Shen Zhiyuan) "There are still some shortcomings in the development of China's logistics industry, especially the problem of insufficient financial support. Wang Tianyu, deputy to the National People's Congress, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Zhengzhou, said in an interview with this network that financial support for high-quality logistics enterprises should be strengthened and the high-quality development of the logistics industry should be accelerated.

The logistics industry is a basic, strategic and leading industry that supports the development of the national economy, and is an important support for building a new development pattern. The "Outline of the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-term Goals for 2035 (Draft)" points out that it is necessary to improve the modern logistics system, which puts forward new requirements for the development of the logistics industry, especially to reduce costs and improve the level of intelligence and intelligence.

"According to the survey data of the Logistics Finance Committee of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, the loan financing needs of logistics enterprises are less than 10% met by traditional financial institutions, especially road transport companies due to their small scale and scattered location, and the proportion of loans from traditional financial institutions is less than 5%." Wang Tianyu believes that many problems such as the financing difficulties of logistics enterprises in the "asset-light" operation model, the lack of scenario-based logistics financial products in the financial market, and the strict restrictions on the development of supply chain finance have always restricted the development of the logistics industry.

To this end, Wang Tianyu suggested that financial institutions should be encouraged to integrate the real data of the operation of the logistics industry chain, on the basis of visible and controllable logistics operation, reasonably approve the big data credit for logistics enterprises, and increase the credit of big data of logistics enterprises, thereby strengthening financial support for high-quality logistics enterprises and accelerating the high-quality development of the logistics industry.

Wang Tianyu said that it is necessary to support financial institutions to integrate logistics-related enterprises such as logistics technology companies with the help of special platforms, innovate logistics financial service products, and establish a financial service ecology of the logistics industry chain; rely on the logistics financial service ecology to provide financial empowerment for the logistics industry chain, realize the deep integration of the financial industry and the logistics industry, and provide financial support for the efficient operation of the logistics industry chain.

At the same time, it is also necessary to encourage financial institutions to innovate, develop financial products and services that are deeply integrated in the manufacturing industry of the logistics industry, and broaden the channels of financing support. Support financial institutions to cooperate deeply with core manufacturing enterprises or platform enterprises in the supply chain, integrate information such as logistics, information flow, and capital flow, provide credit enhancement support for upstream and downstream enterprises including logistics enterprises such as transportation, warehousing, and express delivery, and properly promote the development of supply chain finance.

"It is also necessary to encourage small and medium-sized banks to carry out corporate business transformation and regional characteristic model innovation through supply chain finance, and expand the national market by serving upstream and downstream customers in the supply chain." In terms of improving the relevant systems of digital finance and innovating financial services such as standardized bills and remote account opening for enterprises, we also hope to give more policy support to small and medium-sized banks. Wang Tianyu said.

"Opening Fourteenth Five- Representative Members Say" series of reports:

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