
Wang Tianyu, director of the Liaoning Provincial Inspection and Testing And Certification Center, and his party came to our city to investigate

author:Huludao released
Wang Tianyu, director of the Liaoning Provincial Inspection and Testing And Certification Center, and his party came to our city to investigate

Reporter: Zhang Ying, Cao Xiyu

From April 22 to 23, Wang Tianyu, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Liaoning Provincial Inspection and Testing and Certification Center, went to our city to investigate and further promote exchanges and cooperation between the two sides in the field of inspection and testing, accompanied by Vice Mayor Huang Xiaoxia.

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Wang Tianyu and his entourage successively went deep into PetroChina Jinxi Petrochemical Company, the Central Hospital, and the Special Equipment Inspection Base of the Municipal Inspection and Testing Center to conduct field investigations. At the symposium, the heads of relevant departments reported on various tasks. The two sides exchanged in-depth views on the needs of the city's social and economic development, the development status of the inspection and testing industry, and the regulatory situation and needs of the market, agriculture, food and medicine departments, and put forward constructive opinions. At the same time, we will study how the province and the city center can exert their joint efforts to provide technical services for industry supervision, and study in depth strategic cooperation in related fields.

Wang Tianyu said that the Provincial Inspection and Testing certification center will continue to care about and support the development of inspection and testing work in Huludao City, further strengthen communication between the two sides, and promote more exchanges and cooperation in the field of inspection and testing business.

Wang Tianyu, director of the Liaoning Provincial Inspection and Testing And Certification Center, and his party came to our city to investigate

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