
Residents of Boluo County, Huizhou City, please note that your neighbor Zhong Weiqiang has been listed by the court as a dishonest executor, please report his whereabouts!

author:Executive Board of Shunde Court
Residents of Boluo County, Huizhou City, please note that your neighbor Zhong Weiqiang has been listed by the court as a dishonest executor, please report his whereabouts!

(2021) Yue 0606 Zhi 181 - Zhong Weiqiang

Name of the judgment defaulter: Zhong Weiqiang

Gender: Male

Citizenship number: 4413221975****3314

Household registration address: Boluo County, Guangdong Province, Baitangwei Town New Village Group

Enforcement court: Shunde District People's Court of Foshan City, Guangdong Province

Enforcement Case No.: (2021) Yue 0606 Zhi 181

Case filing time: January 5, 2021

Enforcement basis: (2019) Yue 0606 Min Chu No. 9647 Civil Mediation Letter

Execution target amount: 162,000 yuan and corresponding interest

Legal consequences: Because the person subject to enforcement has not yet declared his assets to this court or performed his obligations to make an effective judgment, this court has taken measures to restrict consumption and listed him as a judgment defaulter; if the person subject to enforcement still refuses to perform the obligation of effective judgment, and it meets the circumstances of "having the ability to enforce but refusing to enforce, the circumstances are serious" provided for in article 313 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, so that the judgment or ruling cannot be enforced, this court will transfer the case clues to the public security organs to pursue the criminal responsibility of the person subject to enforcement according to law.

The public is welcome to provide clues to the enforcement court's whereabouts and property, and to report on their high consumption, transfer or concealment of property, and evasion of enforcement.

Tel: 0757-22663547, 0757-29219138

Contact: Judge Xiao, Clerk Zhou

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