
"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

author:Movie juicing

“Ride or die”

It is better to die than to die

Fast & Furious 6

Bald Racing is here again!

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

The "space drag racing" that the audience ridiculed before was really realized in Super 9.

The first "Fast and Furious" 20 years ago was just a "B-grade film" project that was not optimistic.

But because of its unique "underground racing" element, it stands out in many homogeneous Hollywood crime films.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

Before Super 7, the temperament of this series was like "Water Margin", Brian was originally a policeman, and "Donald Boss" felt sorry for each other and joined the company.

The final formation of the family is like a group of green forest good men wandering in the gray area of law and crime, drinking Corona beer, dividing a large piece of gold and silver, and finishing!

It's very enjoyable to watch.

Combing through the main situations of speed 1-speed 8 and the sequel, the statistics are as follows, combined with the background production or the context of the plot to analyze some hidden Easter eggs in speed 9.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="28" >-speed 1-3: Start groping</h1>

The story of skinhead racing in space begins with an article by an Asian-American journalist:

In 1998, vibe (May), an American music &amp; entertainment magazine, published an article by Asian-American journalist Kenneth Li about illegally modified racing cars in New York, "Racer X."

That's why in the "Fast and Furious 1" screenwriting column, in addition to the signatures of three professional screenwriters, there is also a name called Ken Li, who is the original author of the entire idea of Fast and Furious.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

The article focuses on the New York underground modified car racing circle, and the central figure is a Dominican driver, Rafael Estevez, who is the prototype of "Donald Boss".

Esteves is from the Dominican Republic, a Latin American country, from which van Diesel's full name is Dominic Toretto, as well as the Dominican Republic that appears at the beginning of Super 4.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

The article is the prototype of Donald's Boss, Raphael Esteves

If you taste carefully, you will find that the Fast and Furious series has a lot of Asian and Latino elements, such as the villain in Super 1 is a Chinese gangster, Super 2 has a female driver played by Japanese star Dai Wen Aoki and Latin-style beauty Eva Mendes, and Super 3 directly moved the story to Tokyo, and led to an important Asian character Han throughout the series.

Including Don Himself, as well as his sister Mia, girlfriend Letty, Giselle, Hobbes played by Dwayne Johnson, Elena, a Brazilian policeman played by "Hammer Sister-in-law" in Super 5 and Super 6, Ramsey in Super 7, Super 8, And Super 9, and multiple villains, etc., are Latin americans or have Latin style.

The other two key members of the team, Roman and Tai, are black.

With the exception of Brian, played by Paul Walker, the main characters in the Fast & Furious series are not typically White Europeans and Americans, but a racial smorgasbord.

The quick-fire series does not fully feature the white American elite, but rather presents an American society of various ethnic mixes, which is one of the fundamental reasons for the series's popularity around the world.

And the source of all this comes from the author and protagonist of the original story of Fast and Furious, one is Asian and the other is Latino.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

The authors and riders of the Inspiration Rush series reunite at the Anniversary of the Rush

Ken Li's article intrigued director Rob Cohen, who approached screenwriter Gary Scott Thompson, who was not well known at the time, to adapt the article into a screenplay and directed by producer Neil Cohen. Neal H. Moritz ran the project and submitted the script to Universal Pictures.

Producer Moretz's own production company is called Origin Film, and it can be seen from the statistical table that the company involved in the production of the Fast and Furious series is not only Universal, but also this company.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

Moretz had just worked with Paul Walker on The Skulls before running the Super 1 project, so he was directly assigned to play Brian O'Connor.

Paul Walker, who was not popular at the time, must not have imagined that his future acting career and even life and death would be closely bound to this series.

Regarding the selection of "Donald" actors, Universal originally decided that Timothy Olyphant would not be able to do so.

Because the actor just played against Nicolas Cage and Angelina Jolie in the movie "60 Seconds at a Time".

Released just before the launch of the Rush project, "60 Seconds at Speed" is also a movie centered on car chases and gang crime, and was funded by Universal's rival Disney's Touchstone Pictures.

But producer Moretz suggested that Don be played by van Diesel, the impressive supporting character in Saving Private Ryan.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

Van Diesel caught the attention of the Hollywood mainstream for his appearance in Spielberg's "Saving Private Ryan."

Van Diesel was initially reluctant to participate in the quick-fire project because he attached more importance to the series of science fiction films "Interstellar Legends" with him as the first male protagonist.

Although Universal Ultimate decided to invest in the script, it was also very unoptimistic about the project, the main reason can be summarized as "there are not enough eye-catching stars but there are very strong opponents."

Universal believes that The Rush is in the same genre as 60 Seconds, released in 2000, and that Speed 60 Seconds has two stars, Nicolas Cage and Angelina Jolie, compared to Paul and Van Diesel.

Even ken li, the author of the original story, is not optimistic about the film, feeling that illegal modified cars and underground racing cars are a small circle of subcultures, and not many people will watch it after adapting it into a movie.

Everyone predicted that the rapid shock would soon be forgotten.

So Universal experimentally invested $38 million in Super 1, well below the average $50 million invested in Hollywood movies at the time.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

Stills from Fast & Furious 1

However, "Fast and Furious" was released in the same slot a year after "60 Seconds at Speed", and eventually earned about $145 million in the United States and $207 million in the world box office.

The world box office of "Speed 60 Seconds" is almost the same, and the national box office exceeds "Speed 60 Seconds", while the investment is only about 40% of "Speed 60 Seconds" (the investment in "Speed 60 Seconds" is as high as $90 million).

What was ultimately forgotten was 60 Seconds, in the words of author Ken Li: "No one talks about 60 Seconds [after the release of The Rush] anymore."

The plot of Super 1 mainly tells the story of Brian, a white policeman, who goes undercover through an underground drag racing race and infiltrates a gang led by Dominique Toledo to investigate the crimes of the Chinese gangsters.

Dominica jianghu people call "Donald Boss", he has a beloved girlfriend Letty, Brian fell in love with "Donald Boss" sister Mia in the case.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

Super 1 laid the groundwork for subsequent series

Super 1 laid three foundations for the entire series:

First, the family concept

Gary Scott Thompson, the screenwriter who adapted Ken Li's article, said he was created with the intention of creating some "grassroots heroes," not the superpowered heroes of Marvel or DC.

He believes that the characters should be connected to the audience and grounded, and he deliberately combines Brian, Dominic, Letty and Mia into a real family.

In Super 1, when Mia introduces the "team" to Brian, who is integrated into them, she also says that they are more like a family than a team.

Although Ken Li was the author of the original story of Quickson, the soul who developed the story into a script and created the characters of "Donald", Brian, and so on was screenwriter Gary Scott Thompson.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

Quick Shock's first soul screenwriter, Gary Scott Thompson

So, with the exception of Super 3 and Spin out, the screenwriter's signature has always had a place for Gary Scott Thompson.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

Super 7 begins with the words "Characters based on Gary Scott Thompson"

Second, the creative mode

Starting in Super 1, the entire series has developed a replicable pattern: this team of fame led by "Donald Boss" and Brian, against increasingly powerful villains.

In Super 1 and Super 2, the villains are still only engaged in robbery and smuggling, and when they reach Super 4 and Super 5, they are upgraded to drug lords, and by Super 6 they have provoked the Shaw brothers from special forces, and Super 7, Super 8, and Super 9 have been elevated to the height of military government forces.

Although the members of the Quick-Fire Team are constantly changing for various reasons inside and outside the play, this creative mode has always continued.

Third, the drag racing element

The original idea for this series was derived from racing, relying on the core elements of drag racing to solve problems and finally showdown.

Every time the Rapid Thrill team beats an opponent, drag racing is always an essential part.

This model was unexpectedly successful, and the unpromising "Fast and Furious" gained considerable revenue with a low investment, and Universal Pictures certainly did not let go of this cost-effective project and decided to make a sequel.

However, the director Rob Cohen, who successfully incubated the first quick shock, refused the invitation to continue shooting Super 2 and instead went to work with Van Diesel to create the "Extreme Agent" series, and Van Diesel himself also refused to shoot Super 2 on the grounds of shooting "Extreme Agent".

Although Super 1 performed well at the box office, Van Diesel, who had just become famous at the time, was not satisfied after reading the script of Super 2, felt that the role did not have enough potential (later proved to be a slap in the face), or paid more attention to "Extreme Agent" and "Interstellar Legends" with him as the first male protagonist.

Universal eventually chose black director John Singerton to direct Super 2, which Singleton had previously praised.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

Super 2 director John Singerton (1968-2019)

Screenwriter Gary Scott Thompson stayed on, and he co-wrote the super 2 script with two other creators.

In the absence of Van Diesel, only Paul Walker continued to play Brian in the main cast, and the plot could only follow Brian, who was still a police officer at the time.

But Brian alone is difficult to support the plot, director John Singhton introduced a black actor Teres Gibson who has just worked with him to play Roman, and Luda Chris, who was originally a well-known black rapper in the United States, also came to cameo in Speed 2, playing Brian's friend Tej in the car repair shop.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

Super 2 introduces Roman and Tai, later important members of the Quick Shock family

Rapper-born Ludacris and newcomer actor Gibson did not expect that they would become extremely important resident roles in the "Rapid Family" in the future.

At that time, Roman had not yet set up a role in the team dedicated to mouth cannons and funny, and was still more serious.

The plot of Super 2 is simpler than That of Super 1:

Brian and Roman grew up together, and because Roman's driving skills are equally superb, he is called by Brian as a partner to use his driving skills to fight villains.

As a transaction, the police want to give Roman a write-off. Serving the police in exchange for the freedom of team members has appeared several times in the rapid series.

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Roman Pierce

In Super 2, Eva Mendes plays Monica, an undercover policewoman who lurks around the villain to obtain intelligence for Brian and Roman.

However, the role of Monica did not unfold, and she only appeared once as a Hobbes colleague in the Later Super 5 Easter egg, providing information that "Donald" girlfriend Letty was still alive, thus leading to the plot of Super 6.

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Super 2 Monica reappears in Super 5 as an Easter egg

Universal's investment in Super 2 was double that of Super 1, reaching $76 million, and the final total box office also reached $236 million, which was a poor performance (positive).

The Super 2 replication of the Super 1 mode was still a success, but the third part made a big difference.

It's clear that Fast & Furious 3: Tokyo Drift is the most outrageous in the entire series, or not at all in the Rush main series.

The primary reason for the Super 3 plot to deviate from the story line before and after is the screenwriter.

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Fast & Furious second soul creator Chris Morgan

For the super 3 scriptwriting, Universal adopted a similar "open writing call" format, and eventually the "Tokyo Drift" story by screenwriter and producer Chris Morgan gained favor.

So, as you can see from the statistical table, the only thing that the creator of the initial script of the rapid shock, Gary Scott Thompson, did not sign was this Tokyo Drift.

Chris Morgan is a fan of "Donald Boss", and the Super 3 script was also written for Van Diesel, but van Diesel and Paul Walker, who are in the ascendancy of their careers, have not left enough slots for Super 3.

Van Diesel still pressed the treasure on the "Interstellar Legends" series, and Paul Walker began to take on the role after increasing his popularity with Super 1 and Super 2.

In the end, Super 3 became an outlier that was inconsistent with the entire series and had a different cast.

But as a result, Van Diesel starred in "Interstellar Legends 1" (2000) invested $23 million, the US box office 39 million; "Interstellar Legends 2" (2004) invested more than 100 million US dollars, the US box office was only more than 57 million, blood loss; "Extreme Agent 1" invested 70 million US dollars, the US box office 142 million US dollars... None of them are as profitable and influential as the Quick Shock series.

Paul Walker's other films made in the 7-year period from Super 2 to Super 4 are also not the same as Fast Thrill.

Although Super 3 currently has the lowest box office and bad reputation in the entire series, it is not useless, and it has made three contributions to the Rapid Series.

1. The fun of filling the pit:

The first success of Super 3 is also a big pit, which is Han played by Kang Sung-ho.

This cool Asian face always eats potato chips, has no first-class driving skills, and is very popular.

But Chris Morgan hadn't considered the follow-up when he wrote the Sketch 3 script, so he wrote the character of Han to death.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

Han in Super 3

Han's death is not like the death of Liletti in Super 4, deliberately leaving suspense, he is nailed to death.

In order to explain the cause of Han's death, an Easter egg was arranged at the end of Super 6, revealing that Han was hit by Dicald Shaw's revenge while racing on the streets of Tokyo, and died of fire and explosion.

In order to ensure that the character of Han can still appear reasonably in the future, screenwriter Kry Morgan thought of a way to turn Super 4, 5, 6 into a prequel to Super 3, and the order of the entire series became 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 3, 7, 8, 9...

When the Super 9 trailer was released, one of the biggest surprises was that Han was resurrected again!

But how he was written alive again, there will be no spoilers, or whether it is reasonable to go to see the original Super 9 film.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

Super 9 Korean "Resurrection"

The character of Han influenced the plot of Super 6, Super 7 and Super 9.

2. Use of Easter eggs:

In addition to the pits of the "dead" to be filled, the pits of the living must also be filled.

Van Diesel saw that the potential of the Quick Shock series was far greater than that of Star Trek and Extreme Agent, and decided to return.

Chris Morgan had wanted Van Diesel to play, but the script had been written and the actors had been chosen, and it was impossible to change it again.

So Chris Morgan very cleverly added "Donald" to the Easter egg at the end of Super 3.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

Van Diesel's "Donald Boss" appears on the Super 3 Easter Egg

In Super 7, Van Diesel travels to Tokyo to find out who killed his brother Han.

From the release of Super 3 in 2006 to the release of Super 7 in 2015, it took 10 years to completely complete han's death and "Donald Boss" to Tokyo to talk to Sean about what to complete.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

Super 7 reveals the content of the conversation between "Don Boss" and the protagonist of Super 3

In addition, Sean Boswell, the super 3 protagonist played by Lucas Black, also returned in super 9, brushing a wave of feelings.

Sean was a high school student in Super 3, and in Super 9, he became a Frankenstein who studied test thrusters at the jet proving ground, providing Roman and Ty with thrusters in space.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

Super 3 protagonist Sean (white) appears in Super 9

At the super-9 finale, Sean meets his friend Han again, reunited after more than a decade, and the scene is touching.

3. Iron triangle formation:

In addition to the above two points, one of the biggest contributions of Super 3 to the entire series is the discovery of newcomer director Justin Lin.

According to moritz, the producer of the aforementioned Quick Shock series, after watching Lin Yibin's feature film debut "Better Luck Tomorrow" (2002), he felt that the film felt very similar to "Tokyo Drift", and Lin Yibin was a fan of Quick Shock when he was in college, and he had great enthusiasm for Quick Shock.

Moretz eventually decided to hire Lin Yibin, who was still a newcomer director at the time, to direct Super 3, and Lin Yibin introduced Kang Sung-ho, who played Han in "Hot Ma Ji", and let him also play a driver named "Han" in Super 3.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

Director Lin Yibin is on the super 3 set

Due to the strong creative abilities of director Lin Yibin and screenwriter Chris Morgan, they were given the opportunity to continue to create subsequent series, forming a more stable creative group with another screenwriter, Gary Scott Thompson.

The three of them contributed the best 4, super 5 and super 6 of the series to fans.

To sum up, the first 3 installments of the Fast & Furious series can be grouped together.

These three films are still in the experimental stage, whether it is the gold lord Universal Pictures or the main actors are looking at the potential of this IP, the capital investment is not high, the personnel changes are large, and the plot is not coherent.

It wasn't until Super 3 that van Diesel and Paul Walker decided to return, universal took the series more and more seriously, and the creative team stabilized.

The Rapid Shock series accelerates to its peak from The 4th Part.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="484" > speed 4-6: acceleration peak</h1>

For the next creative direction of this series, Universal believes that it is not enough to rely on drag racing.

After all, modified cars and illegal racing cars are a subculture branch, with a relatively narrow audience and great creative limitations.

If the focus continues on underground racing, the audience may become smaller and smaller, a view supported by screenwriter Chris Morgan.

So starting from Super 4, the Rush series began to add more gunfights, fights against criminals, agents, etc., and made a reasonable graft with drag racing elements.

Super 4 is called Fast &amp; Furious in English, and as can be seen from this name, it is a reboot of the Main Series.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

Fast & Furious 4

At the same time, Super 4 is also a transformation of the entire series, the plot is no longer limited to the underground racing cars on the streets of the city, "Donald Boss" and Brian began to join forces to fight crime syndicates.

Super 4 plot follows Super 2, and at the beginning Brian also serves in the police department, which belongs to the official law enforcement officer.

During the investigation of the drug lord Braga, Brian and his police colleague Stasiak have not dealt with each other, and the two have an argument, and Brian "for the first time" broke Starshak's nose bone.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak
"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

Super 4 Bryan's colleague at the police station, Starshak

The reason why it is "first time" is because in Super 6 Brian beat up his colleague Starshak again.

In Super 6, Brian investigates how "Donald" girlfriend Letty was resurrected, and why Letty became Owen Shaw's subordinate, he finds his former police colleague Starshak and asks Starshak to help him put himself in a U.S. prison to get close to the drug lord Braga who was imprisoned in Super 4.

After Stašak arranges for Brian to go to jail, he says you need to create some chaos to get the attention of the high-level prison braga.

As a result, Brian could only take the former colleague again, hitting Stashak for the second time.

Stashak said a line: "Again? (Again?) This refers to the fact that he was beaten once by Brian in Super 4 and injured his nose bone.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak
"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

In Super 6, Stašak was beaten again

The reason why this particular marginal character Starshak appeared in Super 4 and Super 6 is that it is said because this role appears again in Super 9.

In Super 9, "Donald Boss" and his party were rescued from the plane after crossing the border from the jungle.

The person who said to "Donald" on the plane don't expect me to save you again was this good colleague Stašak, who had a very heavy scar on his nose.

This scar was left by Super 6 Brian, and Stašak is another Easter egg in Super 9 associated with the previous game.

Another highlight of Super 4 was Gail Gadot, who had just entered Hollywood at the time, when she wasn't yet Wonder Woman.

Gisele in Quickstretch was her first film role with worldwide impact.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

"Wonder Woman" Gayle Gadot made her Hollywood debut super 4

In order to take care of the two protagonists of "Donald Boss" and Brian, the plot of Super 4 basically adopts a cross-narrative structure.

Brian's investigation of the drug lord Braga is his duty, while "Donald" investigates Braga for a personal vendetta, and Braga's driver and killer kills Letty (in fact, Letty is not really dead).

In the end, Brian completely broke away from the system, and the two grassroots heroes with complementary styles merged and became jianghu partners.

The return of the protagonist coupled with the ups and downs and logical plot makes Super 4 play a beautiful turnaround battle. The investment in Super 4 is comparable to Super 3, which is also $85 million, but the total box office is double that of Super 3, and it also refreshes the series highest, reaching $360 million.

Super 4 pulled the entire Quickspeak series back to the "right track", the previously mentioned creative model is clearer, and the box office proves that this model is indeed effective.

The mode of speed 4 explicit can be summarized as:

One Job one task;

One Target One Goal;

One Family one team;

One Enemy, an enemy;

One Race A car chase;

One New Star A new star;

In this model, the word Job is used instead of Mission because the "Donald" gang is not an official law enforcement officer, and Job is more in line with the meaning of "do one vote".

The "Donald Boss" gang has a "family affection" that is more closely related to love, family and friendship than Team, so it is more appropriate to use family.

Each new star refers to, in addition to the family core "Donald Boss" formed by Super 1, Brian, Mia and Letty, each Quick Shock will introduce a new big star, the previous roles are Roman, Tai and Han, Super 4 is Gayle Gadot, Super 5 is Dwayne Johnson, Super 6 is Luke Evans played by his younger brother Shaw, Super 7 is a bald Jason Statham, to Super 8 Charlize Theron joins, Super 9 is Zhao Heina.

Speed 4 clearly this model reaches its peak at Speed 5, which is recognized as the best in the entire series.

The plot of Super 5 will not be repeated, first sort out the clues that are deeply related to Super 5 and Super 9.

The son of "Donald" in Super 9 is named Brian.

The first time in the entire Quick Shock series was in Super 5, in which Mia was pregnant with Brian's first child, a boy.

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Brian and Mia's sweet and warm collection

But Mia and Brian's children were not named after "Donald."

We all know that english full names generally consist of three names, namely first name, middle name and last name.

First name is the "name"; last name is the family name, that is, "surname"; the middle name is generally used to commemorate ancestors or has other special commemorative significance, and most of the time it does not appear.

For example, the full name of child star Little 11 is Millie Bobby Brown, which is a typical Full English name.

※ Remarks: The above knowledge of English names is also expected to be corrected by professionals

Mia and Brian's child's name was spoken by "Donald" in Super 7, and he said to Brian that you should be nice to my nephew Jack.

That is, Mia and Brian's child should be named Jack O'Conner, guessing that the full name is Jack O'Conner. Dominic O'Connor, a tribute to his uncle and friend and partner "Donald".

The second episode of Super 5, which is indirectly related to Super 9, is the dialogue between "Donald Boss" and Brian about his father in Super 5.

Because Brian is about to become a father in Super 5, he asks "Donald" if he remembers his father.

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"Don" said he remembered everything about his father, including eating barbecue every Sunday, tutoring his sister Mia with her homework, and spending all day in the garage during the day and taking care of their siblings at night.

Super 9 shows a lot of the father's kindness and filial piety in the adolescent years of "Don Boss", as well as the opposition to his brother Jacob.

The image of the father can be found in this description of Super 5 to some extent.

The reason why Super 5 is the best in the whole series is because Super 5 is the most complete personnel in the series, the most happy ending, and the most appropriate cooperation between resident actors and guest superstars.

For the first time in the entire series, the Super 5 investment exceeded $100 million, and the box office was double that of Super 4, still maintaining a very high input-output ratio.

Finally, let's briefly analyze the speed 6.

The plot of Super 6 can actually skip Super 5, which has a relatively large relationship with Super 4.

Screenwriter Chris Morgan made a fundamental upgrade to the villain in Super 6, using the lines in the film, that is, Irving Shaw and the villain that the Rapid Family had previously encountered were not on the same level.

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Quick-forward villain escalation

Owen Shaw is a military-background, professional special forces officer, and his team members are not gangsters, but special forces.

Owen Shaw also took letty, who was hunted down and amnesiac by the drug lord Braga in Super 4, and solved the puzzle of Super 4.

The upgrade of the Super 6 villain is not simply that the characters become more and more powerful, but in essence, the entire series of Speed Shock is completely separated from street racing and becomes more "Mission Impossible".

From Super 6 onwards, it is clear that the "Donald Boss" team has changed from the former green forest good guys to the extra-staff mercenaries of Hobbs, Mr. Anonymous and other forces.

Super 9 also has a homage to Super 6.

At the beginning of Super 9, "Donald Boss" and Letty, Roman and Ty and others arrive in the jungle where Mr. Nameless crashed, get half of the Aries plan and are hunted down.

During the car chase, "Donald" catches letty with his car, which also happened when the Super 6 Bridge forced Owen Shaw's tank to stop.

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Super 6 "Donald Boss" flew to pick up Letty

At the end of Super 9, all the surviving members of the Super 1 family gather in the old house where the Super 1 story takes place.

Also at the end of Super 6, Hobbes asked "Donald" what do you want after this vote?

"Donald Boss" answered: 1327!

This number is where the Quick Shock saga began, the house number of "Donald Boss" and Mia's hometown in Los Angeles.

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Many fans hope that the Quick Shock series will always be frozen at the end of Super 6:

The family gathers in 1327, Brian and Mia have a child, the amnesiac Letty returns, and close friends Roman and Ty, all of whom have been washed away by Hobbes for their previous sins.

From then on there was no mission, no disturbance, no danger of bullets...

More importantly, as Roman said in the film: there are no more funerals! (No more funerals! )

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

The reason why this article analyzing the ins and outs of The Rapid Shock chose Super 6 as the ending was because Paul Walker, one of the souls of the Quick Shock series, unfortunately died in a car accident in 2013.

At that time, Paul's role in Super 7 was still about 20% unfinished, and he could only use the real body + special effects of The Paul brothers to complete Super 7.

About Paul Walker's acting career, family situation, and the before and aftermath of the car accident, recommend a documentary "I Am Paul Walker" for him.

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

Documentary "I Am Paul Walker"

The absence of Paul and the rapid shock and the rapid shock of having Paul are two completely different feelings.

At the end of Super 9, the family still gathered in the old house of 1327, leaving a vacant seat for Brian and also for Paul.

With the roar of an engine, he drove the blue performance car and came to the family appointment like a gallop...

"Fast and Furious 9" hidden Easter egg full analysis, sort out and 1-6 details of the correlation speed 1- speed 3: start to grope speed 4 - speed 6: accelerate the peak

Super 6 Closing Prayer in Honor of Paul Walker:

Fater, thank you for the gathering of friends.

Lord, thank you for bringing our brothers together.

Father, we give thanks for all the choices we've made, because that's what makes us who we are.

Lord, thank us for the decisions we have made, for they have made us ourselves.

Let us forever cherish the loved ones we've lost along the way.

We will always cherish the lovers we lost along the way.

If there is any error in the above information, we hope to correct it


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