
What is Buddhism? What are the Three Jewels of Buddhism?

author:Warm six sisters

More than 500 years B.C., Siddhartha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree in the ancient Indian village of Gaya and was revered as "Shakyamuni", and the history of Buddhism began. Today, more than 2,500 years later, Buddhism has become one of the three major religions in the world.

What is Buddhism? What are the Three Jewels of Buddhism?

What is Buddhism?

Buddhism is one of the world's three major religions, founded by Gautama Siddhartha (566-486 BC), the prince of the ancient Indian state of Kapilava (in present-day Nepal). At the age of twenty-nine, he renounced his royal life to practice monasticism, and at the age of thirty-five he meditated under the Bodhi Tree for forty-nine days and attained enlightenment, attaining supreme enlightenment and becoming a Buddha.

What is Buddhism? What are the Three Jewels of Buddhism?

Since Siddhartha's father was a Shakya, people also called him "Shakyamuni", which means "sage of the Shakya tribe". Since its inception, Buddhism has been widely spread in many countries in Asia, and was introduced to China from west to east in the early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

To be precise, the meaning of "Buddhism" refers to the education of the Buddha, not the worship of the Buddha, so Buddhism is not a religion, nor is it a philosophy, and buddhism as a religion is only a popular saying. Its specific meaning is to use the wisdom of Prajnaparamita to self-evidence to break through confusion and attain the path of bodhichitta.

The Buddha is not omnipotent, the Buddha cannot give us liberation, he can only guide us how to achieve liberation by our own efforts.

What is Buddhism? What are the Three Jewels of Buddhism?

What are the Three Jewels of Buddhism?

The Three Jewels of Buddhism, namely the Treasures of The Buddha, the Dharma Treasures, and the Sangha Treasures, are the core of the Buddhist teachings and teachings.

Buddha's treasure refers to all the Buddhas who have attained the full path of Buddhahood. To attain the full path of Buddhahood, one must cultivate the body and virtues of the Buddha. There are three Buddha-bodies: the Dharma-body, the Retribution Body, and the Incarnation. There are also three kinds of Buddha: wisdom, brokenness, and endurance.

The Dharma Treasure, the teachings of the Buddhas, consists of three elements: liberation from Nirvana, and self-purification as the body (the goal is to attain a pure Dharma body); For the convenience of the Thirty-Seven Dao Qualities (Thirty-Seven Methods of Practice); With 84,000 Dharma Doors as the nectar medicine for subduing sentient beings (the Methods of teaching the Dharma can be divided into four categories: the World Siddhartha, the Human Siddhanta, the Cure Siddhanta, and the Ultimate Siddhanta).

Sangha, that is, practicing truthfully according to the Dharma, can also be divided into three types: righteous monks, sage monks, and Futian monks. Righteous monks refer to those Buddhas who live in the world in the form of the Dharma, who can randomly conjure up different appearances, and the true appearance has never been seen, and they are secretly protecting all sentient beings. A sage monk refers to a sage who has seen the path above, a bodhisattva who has attained the first fruits above the Hinayana and a bodhisattva who has attained the first thought in the Mahayana. Futian monks refer to monks who are in the position of mortal monks, and although they have not attained enlightenment, they can also shade sentient beings.

What is Buddhism? What are the Three Jewels of Buddhism?

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