
"Born in 90" premiered, starring Kang Min Hyuk Jeong In-sin, Korean drama version of "Thirty Only"

author:Ma Qingyun

Text/Ma Qingyun

On February 25, the TV series "90 Years Of Life" can already be watched on the first episode of the genuine video platform. In fact, the Korean version of this TV series can already be watched on the genuine video platform on the 24th. However, the Chinese translation of the play's name has always been in a state of inability to unify. At present, the more popular Chinese translations are "Not Yet Thirty Years Old" and "Just Thirty Years Old". The name of Douban is "90 Years of Life".

"Born in 90" premiered, starring Kang Min Hyuk Jeong In-sin, Korean drama version of "Thirty Only"

Personally, I think that "Just Thirty Years Old" is more in line with the charm of this Korean drama. Of course, on the profundity of the Chinese language, in fact, it is still the name of our fire drama "Thirty Only" last year. "Thirty and standing, forty not confused", such a classic ancient Chinese, used by TV dramas to learn and use, directly called "thirty only", there is a firm pursuit of "standing", but also has young women's disdain for "thirty years old", and it is just that. That's culture.

"Born in 90" premiered, starring Kang Min Hyuk Jeong In-sin, Korean drama version of "Thirty Only"

The English name of this Korean drama is "Born in 1990", a very tasteless name. So, why doesn't this Korean drama directly translate into "Thirty Only"? On the one hand, it is to avoid confusion with our TV series "Thirty Only". On the other hand, Korean film and television drama counterparts seem to be remaking our "Thirty Only", leaving this name to their remake is also our care for our neighbors and brothers. It is worth noting that the TV series "Thirty Only" is also being broadcast in South Korea, and the reverse effect is very good.

This "90 Years of Life" is also about three women born in 1990, in the workplace, life and love encountered a variety of things. Unlike our "Thirty Only", in the Korean version of this TV series, the three heroines are not yet married. In our "Thirty Only", two people are already married, and one of their children can already play soy sauce. Obviously, our outstanding women all have the motherland in mind and are willing to nurture the next generation of talents for the motherland as soon as possible.

"Born in 90" premiered, starring Kang Min Hyuk Jeong In-sin, Korean drama version of "Thirty Only"

Back to this "90 Years Old". In this TV series, the heroine is a comic book author. It is worth noting that this TV series is also based on a Korean manga of the same name. The heroine has reached the age of thirty, but still has not found her true love. In a chance to publish a comic, the female protagonist actually heard the name of the male protagonist, and this name is the same as the name of the boy she had a crush on. Several times, the heroine of the cartoonist began to fantasize that the male protagonist of the publishing company was the Prince Charming, who was her crush on the year.

"Born in 90" premiered, starring Kang Min Hyuk Jeong In-sin, Korean drama version of "Thirty Only"

On the other hand, the second female number of the show is a TV anchor. The anchor has been in the industry for many years, growing into a TV host elite, and becoming an inspirational role model for the next generation of students. However, in her personal life, this heroine is a typical "scumbag" (there is no meaning of discrimination against women, but the word is too easy to use, simple and simple), and there are a lot of boys who pursue themselves. However, this heroine does not believe in love, because her parents married because of love, and because love eventually separated, causing mental harm to the heroine.

The third heroine of this TV series is the owner of a gourmet restaurant. After her own hard work, the heroine obviously has her own high-end catering career. However, the more tragic part of the heroine is that the love she has been running for nine years is not inferior to the "three-month little girl", and the boyfriend is eventually robbed. The heroine has since hated her ex-boyfriend. After the party was bustling, the waitress and boyfriend of the restaurant rushed to work, and the heroine was lonely.

"Born in 90" premiered, starring Kang Min Hyuk Jeong In-sin, Korean drama version of "Thirty Only"

At the end of the first episode of the show, the manga artist heroine goes to the publishing company to negotiate cooperation, and the male protagonist appears, and it is indeed the male god he has been secretly in love with for many years. However, the male god does not seem to know himself, and the crush of that year is a bit wishful thinking. In the follow-up party activities, the male protagonist did not show classmate friendship to the female protagonist. The female protagonist once suspected that her appearance had changed too much over the years, and the male god could not recognize it. But who knows, after the party, it was raining outside, and the heroine did not bring an umbrella. At this time, the typical Korean plot section appeared, and the male protagonist followed from behind, held up an umbrella for the female protagonist, and said sweet words.

Obviously, "Born in 90" is a TV drama work in which the three heroines love, life and career are integrated. This TV series is similar to our "Thirty Only", which is a humanistic and artistic care for the lives of women aged thirty and above. Of course, in this TV series work, several women have not entered the marriage state for the time being, and what they care about is still the love road familiar to Korean dramas. However, the love between the thirty plus women and the twenty plus women is obviously different. Read the style, naturally have another flavor. Of course, this kind of thirty-plus love theme is not new in Korean dramas. Since last year, there have been many love stories in Korean dramas.

"Born in 90" premiered, starring Kang Min Hyuk Jeong In-sin, Korean drama version of "Thirty Only"

Dare to care for "older" love is a common phenomenon in East Asian TV dramas at present. Of course, dozens of additions are just gimmicks, who can better reflect life, better reflect the pain and sweetness in life, who is likely to become a good drama.

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