
CCTV 2021 Mid-Autumn Festival Gala Li Yuchun Tan Wei Wei Ji Ke Jun Yi Ding Zhen Yu Ke Wei and other Sichuan stars will sing

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Doon Lake

This year's CCTV Mid-Autumn Festival Gala was recorded in Xichang City, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. Because of the prevention and control of the epidemic, the party did not broadcast the whole process live as in previous sessions, but used live recording.

This year's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala followed the chapter structure, in addition to the prologue "Bright Moon Rising" and the epilogue "Bright Moon on the Sea", the party also set up three chapters: the first part "Moon to Mid-Autumn Festival", the novella "Hometown of the Moon", and the next part "Full Moon Dream".

What is of concern is that at the CCTV 2021 Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, a huge cast of Sichuan actors from Sichuan, such as Li Yuchun, Tan Weiwei, Jike Junyi, Ding Zhen, and Yu Kewei, will sing songs, which is expected.

September 21 is the Mid-Autumn Festival, 20:00 pm, the 2021 CCTV Mid-Autumn Festival Gala will be broadcast simultaneously through CCTV-1, CCTV-3, CCTV-4 and related broadcast frequencies, and the new media platform of the station.

CCTV 2021 Mid-Autumn Festival Gala Li Yuchun Tan Wei Wei Ji Ke Jun Yi Ding Zhen Yu Ke Wei and other Sichuan stars will sing

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