
From "let the pear" to "finish the egg" - the idiom path of Kong Rong's father and son

author:The desert is snowing

When I was a child, the person I hated the most was Kong Rong, because adults often took things for us to choose, and if you chose something worse, some people would say that you were stupid, and if you chose a little better, adults would teach people the story of "Kong Rong let the pear" teach people.

From "let the pear" to "finish the egg" - the idiom path of Kong Rong's father and son

Kong Rong, Ziwenju, Eastern Han Qufu people also. The twentieth grandson of Confucius, the second son of Kong Zhou, the capital of Taishan. When Rong was seven years old, on the × of the × month, on the sixtieth birthday of his grandfather, the guests were full of doors. A plate of crispy pears, placed on top of The Sudai, is melted by the mother. The integration is divided according to the order of the elder and the young, each getting what he wants, but he gets very little. Father Qizhi asked: Others get a huge pear, but they are small, why? Rong calmly said: Trees have high and low, people have old and young, respect the elderly, and the way of people is also! Rejoice the Father.

This story is very boring, maybe Kong Rong is unwilling to eat pears, maybe he is afraid that the big pears can't eat, and there is some waste left, maybe it is kong Rong's stomach in those days, and he doesn't dare to eat more pears...

Anyway, various reasons are possible, and adults don't have to ask more. Partial Kong's father was a little bored, asked this question, Kong Rong is also smart, picking up what his father likes to hear, connecting the pear with respecting the elderly, a nonsense.

Kong's father also likes to say the big truth the most, see his son so out of the way, praise, in fact, here, let his father happy, not let the pear, but the son will be reasonable from a young age, open his eyes and say big words, no blush, very Confucius tradition.

Later, our confused father couldn't understand it and always tested the child with something.

Kong Rong, who has been praised since childhood, has finally developed a personality that no one has in sight. Seeing that no one is awkward, and if others are slightly wrong, he will do a lot of things.

Others could not afford him and gave him a title of famous man, all far away from him. Unwilling to go with the customary Kong Rong, he is alone and never returns on the road of cursing.

Finally, one day, Kong Rong offended someone he could not afford to offend and scolded Cao Cao. Who is Cao Cao? It was a Lord who "would rather I bear the burden of the people of the world than the people of the world bear me." If you have some skill, he is very kind to you, such as Guan Yunchang.

But Kong Rong, in addition to speaking big words and big reasons, has no long things, and Cao Cao will certainly not be polite to him.

From "let the pear" to "finish the egg" - the idiom path of Kong Rong's father and son

Cut off the head and save the noise

According to Liu Yiqing's "New Language of the World",

Kong Rong was collected, and The Chinese and foreign countries were terrified. Shi Rong'er is nine years old, the younger one is eight years old, and the second child is so nailed. No shame. The messenger said, "If the sin ends in the body, the second child will not get it all?" Erxu Jinyue: "Don't you see that under the nest, there are eggs again?" Seek and receive.

We saw that when we encountered the hard stubble, Kong Rong was timid, and looking at the two children who were not yet adults, Kong Rong regretted it.

Initially, the two children were still playing nail tricks, unaware of the danger. But soon, they found that their father's face was not right.

They know their father, they want face, even if they are afraid to die, on the surface they will be like no one else.

Father's face changed, and he was probably in more trouble than his life or death. Sure enough, they heard their father's plea, "I confess my sins and spare my two children."

The two children understood what was going on, but they didn't expect that their father was still so naïve when he was old, and he offended Cao Cao and wanted to stay behind? Don't talk about uselessness.

There was no way, they clearly told their father, "Don't you see that under the nest, there is a complete egg?" This sentence is actually a bit of a complaint, now I think of protecting my son, when I am addicted, why did I go.

From "let the pear" to "finish the egg" - the idiom path of Kong Rong's father and son

Soon, both children were arrested. In fact, this matter, Cao Cao handled too simply, after killing Kong Rong, the Kong family could not wash Cao Cao white.

You know, the Kong family has a characteristic, that is, unconditional praise for the emperor. Whoever it is, as long as you become emperor, they will take the lead in supporting you. Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor, the Kong family supported, the Manchus entered the customs, and the Kong family also took the lead in supporting. Even when Japan invaded China and the Establishment of the Wang puppet regime three years ago, the Kong family immediately sent a telegram of congratulations and praised Wang Jingwei.

If he did not kill Kong Rong and did not fall out with Kong Fu, Cao Cao would not become the first traitor in the ages, and his killing of Kong Rong should be a lose-lose situation in the long run.

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