
Small country | Burkina Faso Ball: The Finished Egg Under the Nest

author:Only Wow fanTV

Hello everyone, today we will come from the Asian continent to Africa, the origin of mankind, see another small country in West Africa, and walk into Burkina Faso together to see football and humanities there.

There, coups were commonplace, political instability and impoverishment. Just a few days ago, Xiao Wei, who was concerned about international current affairs, saw such a news.

According to Xinhua News Agency, a military coup took place on September 16 in Burkina Faso, in western Africa, and a large number of people dissatisfied with the coup took to the streets to protest. Clashes sparked by the coup killed at least 10 people and injured hundreds more. On the 23rd, The Transitional President of Burkina Faso, Kafando, announced in a radio and television speech that he would resume state power and that the transitional government would resume normal operations from the 24th.

Small country | Burkina Faso Ball: The Finished Egg Under the Nest

(Whatever the cause of the turmoil, innocent people are the most pitiful people)

Burkina Faso is a landlocked country located in the upper reaches of the Volta River in West Africa, with an area of 274,200 square kilometers and a population of 17.4 million. Founded in the 9th century AD. It became a French colony in 1904. Independence was declared on August 5, 1960. From the declaration of independence to October 2014, the six regime changes that went through here were achieved through military coups.

War is the greatest enemy of popular security and socio-economic development, and under such turmoil, the economic situation in Burkina Faso is naturally not optimistic. It is one of the least developed countries published by the United Nations, ranking 173rd in the Global Human Development Index in 2008. The industrial base is weak and resources are poor. The national economy is dominated by agriculture and animal husbandry. Even more frightening is the cultural poverty, a country with the lowest literacy rate in the world, with less than 30% of its citizens literate.

Small country | Burkina Faso Ball: The Finished Egg Under the Nest

(Since the country's pillar industry is the primary industry, the industrial base is weak, and economic problems have caused weak sanitary conditions, etc., which has also made Burkina Faso a hard-hit area in need of assistance.)

However, in such a country, there is a sport that, with its incredible vitality, opens one bright flower after another in the barren land, and this is football!

Even a tattered football can make the children here show a big smile, maybe poverty is not the whole of a country's decline, despair is, because as long as you can see the smile on the child's face, it means that the country still has a rising hope.

Small country | Burkina Faso Ball: The Finished Egg Under the Nest

(The world's first sport has become a tool for children here to escape from reality, and they find long-lost happiness in football.)

Burkina Faso's national team, which used to play on the African continent, did not perform well. The reason for this is that football entered Burkina Faso very late, and even so, since 1999, the country's youth team has been in a row, twice winning the Second Place in the African U17 Youth Football Championship, losing to the powerful Ghanaian team and Nigeria respectively, heralding the rise of the emerging power of football in Burkina Faso.

Especially in the 2013 Africa Cup of Nations, this team lianked the last champion Zambia, togo with Adebayo, defeated World Cup regular Ghana on penalties, and finally lost to Nigeria to win the runner-up, bringing the miracle of surprise to the world.

Small country | Burkina Faso Ball: The Finished Egg Under the Nest

(Burkina Faso and Nigeria met in the first match of the Africa Cup of Nations that year, and it is estimated that Nigeria did not expect that the team in front of them would go all the way to the final)

Small country | Burkina Faso Ball: The Finished Egg Under the Nest

(On the news page of Burkina Faso's point kills Ghana, it is estimated that football is the only way for these players to get happy)

With this record, this team has also soared in the fifa world rankings and is now ranked 73rd.

Small country | Burkina Faso Ball: The Finished Egg Under the Nest

(When looking for Burkina Faso on the fifa ranking page, you can see China in the 84th place, at this moment, Xiao Wei's heart is full of mixed feelings)

The country has also sent a lot of physically strong and hard-working blacks to Europe, the most famous of which is Bertrand Traore, who joined the Blues Chelsea in 2013.

Small country | Burkina Faso Ball: The Finished Egg Under the Nest

(Traore is a typical African black and hard player)

According to the Daily Mirror, it is not easy for Chelsea to sign Traore, and the Blues wait until Traore turns 18 and gets his labor certificate before officially signing a professional contract with him. With this signing, Traore will be able to play for Chelsea until at least the summer of 2018.

After watching the football here, we may as well shift our positions and come to this fertile land to see the original ecological culture of Africa.

Small country | Burkina Faso Ball: The Finished Egg Under the Nest

(Thatched house with African characteristics)

Small country | Burkina Faso Ball: The Finished Egg Under the Nest

(Waves, oases and beaches magically coexist in one picture)

Small country | Burkina Faso Ball: The Finished Egg Under the Nest

(An endless African desert, a lion waiting for an opportunity)

Small country | Burkina Faso Ball: The Finished Egg Under the Nest

(Buildings made of stone)

Small country | Burkina Faso Ball: The Finished Egg Under the Nest

(Unique bazaar)

Small country | Burkina Faso Ball: The Finished Egg Under the Nest

(Resident with strange tools in his hand)

Small country | Burkina Faso Ball: The Finished Egg Under the Nest

(Flowing riverside, watch the wanderer rafting)

May football be a spark for this country, igniting hope and saving people from turmoil and poverty.

This article is the original of Weiwofootball (public number: weiwofootball), please indicate the source when reprinting. Join us for a unique football experience!

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