
The introduction to the ninth grade book "Selected Poems of Ai Qing" and a collection of knowledge points

author:Renze District Junior High School Language

First, the basic knowledge

1. Author profile

Ai Qing (1910-1996), modern poet. His original name was Jiang Haicheng, a native of Jinhua, Zhejiang. In 1932, he joined the Chinese Left-Wing Artists Union. In 1933, he published a long poem "Dayan River - My Nanny" under the pseudonym of "Ai Qing" for the first time, which was sincere in feelings, fresh in style, and sensational in the poetry world. Later, he successively published poetry collections such as "Dayan River" (1939), "Torch" (1941), "Toward the Sun" (1947), etc., with strong brushstrokes and strong feelings, pouring out his feelings for the motherland and the people.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he created poems such as "Colorful Poems" and "Extraterritorial Collections", published "Selected Narrative Poems of Ai Qing", "Selected Lyric Poems of Ai Qing", and various versions of "Selected Poems of Ai Qing" and "The Complete Works of Ai Qing". In the history of the development of new Chinese poetry, Ai Qing is another poet who has promoted a generation of poetry styles and had an important impact after Guo Moruo, Wen Yiduo and others, and also enjoys a reputation in the world. In 1985, France awarded Ai Qing the highest medal of merit in literature and art.

2. The process of writing a book

After the "Gang of Four" was smashed in 1976, Ai Qing was unjustly rehabilitated, and he was once again rejuvenated in creation, writing and publishing excellent works such as "Fish Fossils". In 1979, the poet himself compiled "Selected Poems of Ai Qing", which was published by the People's Literature Publishing House. This selected poem includes the poet's major works from the 1930s to the late 1970s, and basically reflects the poet's creative process and stylistic characteristics.

3. Style of work

Ai Qing's poetry is from a stylistic point of view: before liberation, he cursed the darkness with deep, agitated, and unrestrained brushstrokes and praised the light; after liberation, he sang praises the people, praised the light, and thought about life as always. His "Return" song is more extensive, more thoughtful, more emotional, more diverse, and more mature in art. His poetry, with realism as the main body, draws on the nutrients of symbolism, the style is simple and fresh, deep and timeless, clear and not direct, sometimes subtle and not obscure, practicing his poetic aesthetic proposition of "simplicity, simplicity, concentration and brightness". Ai Qing is a representative poet of free-form new poetry.

Second, expand and extend

1. Poet stories

In 1931, when the "9.18" incident broke out, Ai Qing was studying in France. Like many young Chinese who studied in France, he was discriminated against and insulted in Paris. One day, when Ai Qing went to a hotel to check in, the hotel staff asked him for his name, Ai Qing said that his name was Jiang Haicheng, and the other party misheard it as "Chiang Kai-shek", so he immediately shouted away. Ai Qing was angry, and typed a "×" under the cursive character of "Jiang", and then took the local colloquial pronunciation of "Cheng" as "Qing", and filled in "Ai Qing" when checking in the accommodation. So Ai Qing became his pen name.

2. Classic quotes

(1) Why do I always have tears in my eyes? Because I love this land deeply. (2) The people do not like lies, no matter how pretentious and grandiose they are, they will not touch people's hearts. Everyone has a scale in their hearts to measure language. (3) The pain and joy of the individual must be integrated into the pain and joy of the times. (4) There is no eternal night in the world, and there is no eternal winter in the world. (5) For our once dead earth, under the clear sky, has been resurrected! Suffering has also become a memory, and in its warm chest, it will be the blood of the fighters that will re-empt. (6) A tree, a tree, standing alone with each other, the wind and the air, telling their distance. But under the cover of the soil, their roots stretched out, and in the invisible depths, they entangled the roots and whiskers together.

Third, wonderful appreciation

When dawn put on the white dress, the green and purple-blue forest and the forest from the green and gray slopes to the green and gray slopes, the green grassland, the green grassland, the grassland flowing with fresh emulsion-like smoke... Ah, how fresh the fields were when dawn put on the white coat! Look, the yellowish light that was trembling on the pole at its last hour. see! On January 25, 1932, on the way from Paris to Marseille

This poem is about the scenery on the field at dawn and your own feelings. At the beginning of the poem, the author carefully selects three color words "purple and blue", "green and gray" and "green", which outlines a clear and harmonious picture for the reader. On the basis of the above static depiction, the whole picture is brought to life with "flowing on the grassland". The use of "emulsion" to describe smoke, the freshness and flow of smoke are depicted, which can be described as a stroke of God. Thus, at the beginning of the second verse, the poet seems to be unable to bear it, and praises it with a straight chest: "Ah, when the dawn puts on the white clothes, / How fresh the field is!" The closing sentence, "The yellowish light, / is trembling its last time on the pole", contains a profound philosophy, "dawn" symbolizes the power of new life, "light" symbolizes the power of decline, and the old things can not resist the footsteps of new things in any way.


In the area where the Yellow River flows through countless dried-up river bottom trolleys with the only wheels make the dark heavens spasm through the cold and silence from this one foot to that foot of the mountain resounds with the sorrow of the people of the north Country On the days of freezing ice and snow between the poor villages and the small villages The trolleys with separate wheels carved on the layers of gray loess through the vast expanse and desert From this road to that road intertwined with the sorrows of the people of the north country in early 1938

In early 1938, the poet came from the cold Wuhan to the bank of the Yellow River, where war was approaching, and wrote nearly ten simple and dignified poems, "Trolley" is one of them. The poem, which is only twenty short lines long, outlines a real heartbreaking situation. The whole poem does not have a single superfluous word, and every accurate and heavy word contains a sense of historical, painful reality, which is like the heavy wheel of a trolley pressing on the reader's heart.

I love this land

If I were a bird, I should also sing with a hoarse throat: this land that has been hit by a storm, this river that is forever raging with our grief, this endlessly blowing angry wind, and the incomparably gentle dawn from the woods... - and then I die, and even the feathers rot in the land. Why do I always have tears in my eyes? Because I love this land so much...

This is a widely recited lyrical poem in which the poet incarnates as a "bird" and "sings with a hoarse throat" to sing about our troubled country. It goes on to describe the objects of birds' singing—the land, the river, the wind, the dawn—all of which are images that have been hit by wind and rain for a long time, full of sorrow and indignation, and struggle to fight. In the second verse of the poem, the poet's pen turns sharply and instead makes a close-up of "I", a static close-up of "tears in my eyes", showing that the emotions of grief and pain linger in the heart of "I" for a long time. The last two sentences are the essence of the whole poem, which is the confession of the most sincere feelings of all patriots to the motherland in that difficult era.

Dawn's notice

For the sake of my prayer poets, rise up and please tell them that what they are waiting for is already saying that I have come by the dew and have come by the illumination of the last star I have come from the east from the rough seaS I will bring light to the world and will bring warmth to mankind Borrow your mouth of an upright man Please bring my message to the human beings whose eyes are burned by longing, and the cities and villages in the distance who are immersed in suffering, please welcome me, the pioneer of the day, The Messenger of Light opens all the windows to welcome all the doors to welcome Please whistle to welcome Please blow the trumpet to welcome Please blow the horn to welcome Please the scavenger to clean the streets Please the carts to carry the garbage Let the laborers walk down the street at a wide pace Let the vehicles flow through the square in brilliant rows Please the village also wake up from the damp fog In order to welcome me to open their fences Please the village women open their cocks Please the farmers pull out the cattle from the barn to borrow your enthusiastic mouth to inform them that I am coming from the other side of the mountain, Come from the other side of the forest and ask them to clean up the sunbathing fields and the eternally filthy patios Please open the window with the flower paper please open the door with the spring joint Please wake up the courteous woman and the snoring man Please the young lover also get up and the snoozing maiden Please wake up the sleepy mother and the baby beside her Please wake everyone Even the sick and the maternity even those who are old people groaning in bed, even those who are wounded in the war for justice and the refugees who have fled because of the fall of their hometown Please wake up all the unfortunate people I will give them comfort Please wake up all the workers who love life , the technicians and the painters ask the singers to sing to welcome the dancers to dance with the sound of grass and dew, please dance to welcome the dressing gown draped in their white mist, please call those who are healthy and beautiful to wake up and say that I am about to knock on their windows and doors, please be faithful to the poets of time to bring comfort to mankind Please be ready to welcome, please all people to be ready to welcome When the rooster cries for the last time I will come and ask them to gaze at the sky with pious eyes I will give all the most merciful radiance that expects me when the night is almost over, Tell them that what they have been waiting for is coming

This poem was written in early 1942, the poet rushed from Chongqing to Yan'an, he saw the dawn of the coming victory with a sensitive eye, so he created the image of "dawn" and gave it a new meaning. The whole poem unfolds in the tone of "Dawn" and the poet's dialogue, the "I" in the poem is "Dawn", "you" is the poet, and "they" are people who are hungry for light. The whole poem makes extensive use of comparisons and repeated lays out, full of a kind of triumphant pride.

Lost years

Unlike lost baggage, which can be retrieved at the lost and found, the lost years are not even lost somewhere - some are sporadically lost, some lost for ten or twenty years, some lost in noisy cities, some lost in distant wastelands, some are crowded stations, some are under the cold and clear oil lamps; what is lost is not like pieces of paper, can be picked up and poured more like a bowl of water thrown to the ground and dried, and there is no shadow in sight; time is a flowing liquid - with a sieve, with a net, Time cannot be turned into solids, it is better to become fossils, even tens of thousands of years can be found in rock formations; time is like gas, like smoke coming out of the head of a speeding train! The lost years were like a friend, cut off contact, endured some suffering, and suddenly got the news: he said that he had long left the world.

In 1957, the poet was mistakenly classified as a rightist, forced to shelve his pen for more than 20 years, and wrote again in 1976. In this poem, he poignantly recalls his "bitter years of lost twenty years" of exile. In poetry, he compares time to lost objects, to pieces of paper, to gas, to liquids, to solids, and finally to a friend, who is no longer in the world when you think of him. Readers reading this poem, on the one hand, touch the author's inner pain, on the other hand, it will also arouse the feeling of "the years are hurried, the past is no longer", and remind themselves to cherish time and grasp the present.

Tabby shellfish

Beautiful tabby stripes glitter on you What grinds you so light what rubs you so brighter than the best porcelain delicate than white gems hard as goose eggs oval smooth can not find the tip of the needle large scars in the desperate seabed how many years rolling in the waves of the waves is jade armor protects the most vulnerable life If it were not for the accidental waves that rolled me to the beach I never thought I could see such a beautiful sunshine December 17, 1979, in the morning

A lady gave Ai Qing a tabby shell, which triggered the poet's feelings. The first eight lines of the poem use several metaphors to depict the appearance and texture of the tabby shell, which makes people feel the image of the tabby shell and also feel its texture. The last few sentences are both writing about the fate of tabby shells and their own fate. "How many years on the bottom of the sea in despair / Rolling in the waves / Armor covered in jade / Protecting the most vulnerable lives / / If it weren't for the accidental waves that swept me to the beach / I never expected to see such a beautiful sun." 」 It sums up the poet's many years of painful experience and the joy of returning to the sun. The clever use of metaphors is the greatest feature of the whole poem.

After-school testing

1. Fill-in-the-blank questions. 1. Ai Qing (1910-1996), formerly known as ____, is a modern Chinese poet. The famous work ____ His poem "____ 2. The main imagery of Ai Qing's poetry in the 1930s is ____ and ___. His long poems "To the Sun" and "Torches" expressed the good wishes of expeling darkness, persisting in struggle, and striving for victory by singing praises to the sun and asking for torches, and the poet was also called a singer of "_____ These poems are also representative of free-form poetry. 3. Ai Qing was born on February 17, 1910 in the lunar calendar to a landlord family in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province. Because the family did not like the baby of the "parents", they entrusted it to the nursing mother, _______________ 4. "Cough, on such a cold night / Countless / Our old mothers, / all huddled in their own homes, / Like foreigners / I don't know what the wheels of tomorrow / What kind of road to roll?" And / China's roads / so rugged, so muddy. From Ai Qing's "__________ Ai Qing's "____ 6. "But you are silent, not even sighing, and your scales and fins are intact, but you cannot move; You are absolutely still, unresponsive to the outside world, unable to see the sky and water, unable to hear the sound of the waves. This poem is excerpted from Ai Qing's ______

2. Multiple choice questions. 1. The following poems written after the poet's "return" are ( ) A. "I love this land" B. "Words of the Sun" C. "Snow falls on the land of China" D. "Hymn of Light" 2. After 1978, Ai Qing's poetic style has undergone great changes, and the following one that does not belong to the characteristics of his poetry in this period is ( ) A. The verses have become more neat from the original length and shortness, not seeking uniformity. B. The poetry has changed from the original "melancholy of the land" to a deeper one. C. The writing style has changed from the original indulgent shouting and wanton narration to colloquial and prose culture. D. Poetry has changed from the original solemnity and depth to a more vigilant and philosophical one. 3. One of the incorrect representations of the contents of the "Selected Poems of Ai Qing" below is ( ) A. The reef in "The Reef" that "smiles and looks at the ocean" symbolizes people who are tenacious and arrogant. B. From "to live is to struggle, to advance in the struggle" can be experienced the poet's lofty enthusiasm for the revolution, unremitting efforts, and the great thoughts and feelings of dedicating his life to the revolution. C. The two sentences "When death does not come, exert the energy cleanly" can be seen in the poet's love for life, admiration and appreciation for life, and great feelings of dedication and contribution. D. "Then I died, and even the feathers rotted in the ground. These two verses vividly and fully express the poet's attachment to the land, and imply dedication.

【Reference Answer】1. Fill in the blank questions. 1. Jiang Zhenghan, Dayan River - my nanny, I love this land. 2. Land, light; Sun, torches. 3. Dayan River 4. Snow falls on the land of China 5.Mao Zedong 6.Fish fossil 2, multiple choice question. 1.D 2.C 3.A (Analysis: A. should symbolize people who are tenacious, optimistic and confident. )

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