
Biden is silent, Bush is vicissitudes, Trump is busy criticizing the incumbent... "9/11" sadness can't hide the "unity" of the out-of-shape

author:Xinmin Evening News

The unity that U.S. presidents have called for cannot always rely on making enemies outside.

"Unity is our greatest strength. It shows our true colors, and we must not forget it. US President Joe Biden called on the country to maintain unity on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

While grief remains the theme of the day, U.S. polls don't support Biden — as many as 63 percent of Americans believe the country is on the wrong path. Many observers point out that 20 years ago, 9/11 united the United States as never before, and 20 years later, the division tore apart the United States.

Biden is silent, Bush is vicissitudes, Trump is busy criticizing the incumbent... "9/11" sadness can't hide the "unity" of the out-of-shape

The moment the World Trade Center building in New York was attacked. Source: AP

A solemn memorial in the United States

At 8:46 a.m. on the 11th, the bells rang in New York City. At this moment 20 years ago, American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Nearly a thousand people, including U.S. President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill, former President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle, former President Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton, bowed their heads in silence for a minute.

This was the first moment of silence held in the United States that day. From 8:46 a.m. to 10:28 p.m., there were six silent ceremonies across the United States in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania, representing six moments when the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were hit, collapsed, the Pentagon was attacked, and United Flight 93 crashed.

Biden is silent, Bush is vicissitudes, Trump is busy criticizing the incumbent... "9/11" sadness can't hide the "unity" of the out-of-shape

U.S. President Joe Biden attends the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in New York. Image source: Reuters

Ahead of attending the commemoration in New York, Biden posted a video of his speech on social media calling on the nation to cherish and remain united. Following a visit to New York, he attended a memorial ceremony at the Site of United Flight 93 crash in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and the Pentagon. Earlier, he had declared the 11th "Patriot Day" and "National Day of Service and Remembrance", calling on all U.S. agencies and functions to lower the flag at half-mast to commemorate it.

From three consecutive days of prayers and commemorations to Biden's tears in front of the camera, from the huge flag hanging in front of the Pentagon to the "light salute" of the World Trade Center site soaring into the sky, all of them show Biden's desire to reunite the United States again through sadness and patriotism.

Biden is silent, Bush is vicissitudes, Trump is busy criticizing the incumbent... "9/11" sadness can't hide the "unity" of the out-of-shape

The Pentagon flies a huge American flag. Image source: Reuters

So in his only public speech of the day in Shanksville, Biden specifically praised former President Bush, who was also there to attend the commemoration ceremony — Bush was not only the incumbent president at the time of 9/11, but also the only former Republican president to attend the official commemoration ceremony that day.

The population is even more disturbed

20 years ago, in the face of the United States, which was united by the same enemy because of the terrorist attack, Bush sincerely sighed: "This is the United States that I know." On the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Bush reiterated this point.

However, biden's coincidence with Bush highlights the scarcity of "unity" in the United States at present.

Biden is silent, Bush is vicissitudes, Trump is busy criticizing the incumbent... "9/11" sadness can't hide the "unity" of the out-of-shape

Former US President George W. Bush on the day of the commemoration is visible to the naked eye compared to 20 years ago. Source: AP

In September 2002, 55 percent of Americans believed that 9/11 made America better, while 27 percent held the opposite view. But according to the latest polls, only 33 percent of Americans remained positive in September, and 46 percent were convinced that 9/11 made the Country worse. In addition, only 30 percent of Americans believe the United States is safer than it was 20 years ago, and 44 percent think it is more insecure.

On 9/11, police in Washington, D.C., spotted a suspicious vehicle near the National Mall, suspected to be armed. Police immediately detained two people in the car and closed the area around the National Mall to investigate the suspicious vehicle.

Biden is silent, Bush is vicissitudes, Trump is busy criticizing the incumbent... "9/11" sadness can't hide the "unity" of the out-of-shape

The streets of New York after the collapse of the World Trade Center. Source: CNN

Society is increasingly torn apart

Both Biden and Bush stressed on the same day that anger, fear and resentment against Muslims have distorted the United States, and Bush has pointed out that white supremacy has become the greatest terrorist threat in the United States.

But what they consciously or unconsciously avoid is that they are tearing apart much more attitudes toward Muslims in American society. Needless to mention the old and difficult issues such as gun violence and abortion freedom, all kinds of anti-scientific speech against vaccines and various acts of violence against Asians since the new crown epidemic have all reflected the ills and divisions of American society.

Biden is silent, Bush is vicissitudes, Trump is busy criticizing the incumbent... "9/11" sadness can't hide the "unity" of the out-of-shape

Panicked people in the 9/11 attacks. Source: AP

On the same day, another former Republican president, Donald Trump, gave a video address, but the emphasis was on emphasizing that "the war against those who have caused so much harm to our country ended last week" and that "our country's leaders were fooled like fools."

That night, Trump was also invited to serve as a commentator on the night of the Florida Boxing Night event. He said Biden would be the easiest opponent and he could knock him down quickly.

The hasty withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan is indeed an ugly footnote to the 20-year war on terror. But even more embarrassing is the capitol, which United Flight 93 passengers saved 20 years ago with solidarity and self-sacrifice, fell into the hands of American mobs and extremists in January.

When the United States looks back on the pain and lessons of the past 20 years, it may wish to think about whether the country's problems come from abroad or at home.

Produced by Deep Sea Studio

Written by Yang Yifan

Edited by Deep Hammer

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