
Indonesian "Little Sun" on the construction site of a Chinese-funded power station

author:China News Network
Indonesian "Little Sun" on the construction site of a Chinese-funded power station

The picture shows Maya on the project site. Photo by Zhang Changsen

China News Service Jakarta, October 3 Title: Indonesia's "Little Sun" on the Construction Site of a Chinese-funded Power Station

Author Lin Yongchuan Zhang Changsen

During this year's Chinese National Day holiday, Maya was busy with her Chinese colleagues at the site of the Boya power project in Indonesia.

Located in Palembang, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia, the Boya Project is the largest power project invested by China Huadian in Indonesia to jointly build the "Belt and Road" and the largest pit mouth power station project in Indonesia. The project, which is undertaken by China Huadian Hong Kong Company, plans to build two 660 MW supercritical coal-fired generating units, which will generate 9 billion kWh of electricity per year. The project will play a positive role in promoting Indonesia's economic development, cultivating local power technology talents, improving Indonesia's energy structure, promoting employment, and deepening cooperation between China and Indonesia.

Indonesian "Little Sun" on the construction site of a Chinese-funded power station

The picture shows the temperature of colleagues every day during the COVID-19 epidemic. Photo by Zhang Changsen

Maya was hired at the end of 2019 to become an employee of the Indonesian branch of The Fujian Engineering Company of China Power Construction Group, and her company undertook the 500 kV transmission line project of the Boya Power Station, which is currently the transmission and transformation project with the highest voltage level and the longest line undertaken by Chinese-funded enterprises in Indonesia.

As a multilingual translator who masters Chinese, English and Indonesian, Maya is lively and humorous, can harmonize the atmosphere, bring warmth to colleagues in China and Indonesia, and is called "little sun" on the construction site by colleagues.

Indonesian "Little Sun" on the construction site of a Chinese-funded power station

The picture shows the entire line of the Boya 500 kV transmission line project. Photo by Zhang Changsen

Growing up in West Java, Maya began studying Chinese at Chinese training institutions in Indonesia in 2010 and has since been self-taught online.

When it comes to the purpose of learning Chinese, Maya clearly says that it is "to be able to work in a Chinese-funded enterprise." With the increasingly close economic and trade cooperation between China and Indonesia, especially the promotion of the "Belt and Road" initiative, more and more Indonesian Chinese-funded enterprises are in urgent need of local bilingual talents and can provide "good salaries".

After coming to the project department, the complex expertise of power transmission and transformation engineering also made Maya, the first translation interface of the management team, make some jokes. However, she was good at learning and researching, and she took the initiative to consult the Chinese technicians and compared the practice on the spot. In just half a year, it not only translates well, but also assists engineers from both China and Indonesia to clarify the work content and straighten out the project process.

In addition to doing her job well, Maya also actively builds a bridge of communication and friendship between Chinese and Indonesian personnel. Every Indonesian traditional festival, she will introduce local customs and habits to the project team, assist the Chinese personnel to comfort the frontline workers, and send the company's most sincere holiday greetings to Indonesian employees.

Indonesian "Little Sun" on the construction site of a Chinese-funded power station

After the outbreak of the new crown epidemic spread in Indonesia, Maya took the initiative to go to the front line of the "fight against the epidemic". She used her expertise to assist Chinese personnel to do a good job as frontline employees; insisted on taking the temperature of everyone every day and carefully recording the whereabouts of personnel to ensure that various epidemic prevention measures were in place. In order to ensure the stability and safety of food supply during the epidemic, she selects reputable suppliers, and whenever the goods arrive, she strictly checks the delivery personnel and food quality.

Last month, when the Boya power transmission and transformation project was fully completed, Maya said that she was very happy, because the Boya project not only brought the light of electricity to the local area, but also brought hope to the local people, so that many locals like her had a stage to realize their dreams in life.

"I'm proud to be a part of it," Maya said. (End)

Source: China News Network

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