
9 classic movies about Greek mythology, a must-have on the way home during the Spring Festival

author:Take off on a car trip
9 classic movies about Greek mythology, a must-have on the way home during the Spring Festival

Greek mythology has its roots in the ancient Aegean civilization and bears some resemblance to the Chinese Shang and Zhou civilizations. They are the progenitors of Western civilization, with remarkable nature and extraordinary imagination. After the Dorian invasion of the Aegean civilization, the Greek peninsula began to overpopulate, and they had to seek out living space. They worshipped the hero Haojie, resulting in a story of national heroes intertwined with many gods. The stories of the people, gods, and things created by these people, through the chain of time, have been collectively called "Greek mythology" by historians.

The gods of Greek mythology have distinct personalities, no ascetic elements, and few mystical colors. The beauty of Greek mythology is that the gods still have a destiny, still be trapped by love, and do bad things for their own benefit.

9 classic movies about Greek mythology

A must on the way home

1. The Woman Who Fell in Love: Troy (2004)

Director: Wolfgang Petersen

Goddess: Helen

9 classic movies about Greek mythology, a must-have on the way home during the Spring Festival

In Greek mythology, the queen of heaven Hera, the goddess of wisdom and war, Athena, and the goddess of beauty, Venus, all thought that they were the most beautiful and were not convinced of each other, so they agreed to be judged by the prince of Troy. Before judging, all three goddesses ran to bribe the prince of Troy, promising what kind of benefits they would give the prince if they chose themselves. Hera promised him unlimited rights, Athena promised wisdom, and Venus promised the most beautiful girl in the world.

The Trojan prince thought he was destined to be king and thought he was wise enough, so he chose Venus. So Venus fulfilled his promise. Prince Troy came to the kingdom of Sparta on the instructions of Venus, met Queen Helen, fell in love at first sight, and eloped back to Troy. The Spartan king, believing that he had been seriously insulted, joined forces with the Greek city-states on an expedition to Troy. The expedition was also supported by Athena and Hera (in retaliation for the defeat), and Troy was eventually attacked by the Trojan Horse.

2. Angels Left behind: Son of Zeus: Hercules (2014)

Director: Brett Ratner

Hercules: Hercules

9 classic movies about Greek mythology, a must-have on the way home during the Spring Festival

One of the most famous heroes of Greek mythology. The main god Zeus and the son of Archmenez, one of the greatest heroes of Greek mythology, also known as Hercules, is known as Hercules in Roman mythology. Half-human, half-god, he was abandoned by Zeus since childhood, and suffered all kinds of sufferings in the world. After killing his family by mistake and completing twelve atonements, he turned his back on the gods and anesthetized himself in a bloody and brutal war. Six comrades who had similar experiences to him took pleasure in war and death. They never ask why they fought, nor who they want to kill; they only care about how much prize money they have.

When the benevolent King of Thrace and his daughter come to seek Hercules' help in repelling the barbarians and warlords, Hercules realizes that for the sake of justice and victory, he must become the hero he once was. He was extremely brave and powerful, and he completed twelve heroic feats during his lifetime, was promoted to the rank of Martial Immortal, and he also participated in Algos to help Iason find the Golden Fleece, rescue Prometheus, and so on. Hercules was a wise man, but he was eventually persecuted by villains, and he set himself on fire and died, and after his death, he ascended to the holy mountain of Oripus and became a god of Hercules.

3. Beauty is not a snake and scorpion: The War of the Gods (1981)

Director: Desmond Davis

Serpent Banshee: Medusa

9 classic movies about Greek mythology, a must-have on the way home during the Spring Festival

She was a beautiful woman, and all the men wanted to marry her, and even the old man would have a hard time walking when he saw her. But she vowed to dedicate her virginity and life to the goddess Athena, serving in Athena's temple all day long, leaving the men delusional. However, she was so beautiful that even Poseidon, the god of the sea, was seduced by her appearance. How can a weak woman resist the brute force of the sea god? She lost her virginity under the coercion of Poseidon, the god of the sea. Athena was enraged, but she was powerless to fight the sea god, so she turned Medusa into a terrible snake-haired demon. Let any man who sees her eyes instantly turn to stone.

In "War of the Gods", it tells the story of a hero who kills Medusa, kills her head and turns the monster into stone, and finally defeats the monster.

4. One Man's Long March: The Odyssey (1997)

Director: Andrey Koncharovsky

Hero: Odysseus

9 classic movies about Greek mythology, a must-have on the way home during the Spring Festival

Characters from Greek myths and legends. Known in Roman mythology and legend as Ulysses or Ulyxes, he was the king of the western Greek island of Itak, who fought in the Trojan Wars. He sacrificed the Trojan horse to attack Troy inside and outside. On his way home from Troy, he offended Poseidon, the god of the sea, by stabbing the blind cyclops Lephemus, and was repeatedly hindered by Poseidon. Many in Itak believe that he must have died after 10 years without returning.

Many of the local nobles were pursuing his wife, Penelope, who, convinced that Odysseus would one day return, tried to reject them. And Odysseus went through all kinds of hardships and dangers. He defeated the witch Kirk, overcame the temptation of the beautiful singing voice of the siren Siren, crossed the residence of the sea monster Skura and Calyudis, escaped the 7-year retention of the goddess Calypso, and finally returned to his homeland of Itaka alone in the tenth year, and together with his son Telemachus, killed the suitors who pestered his wife and squandered his family wealth, and reunited with the family.

5. Abandoned Heroes: God of War (2011)

Director: Tahim Sim

Hero: Theseus

9 classic movies about Greek mythology, a must-have on the way home during the Spring Festival

Theseus was the legendary king of Athens. His main deeds include: cutting off many famous robbers; solving the labyrinth of Minos and defeating Minotanos; marrying Hippolyte; kidnapping Helen in an attempt to kidnap Pluto's wife, Persephone, who was imprisoned in the underworld and later rescued by Hercules. He was later pushed off a cliff by King Lycomedes of Sculos and died. He was soon forgotten by the Athenians after his death.

But hundreds of years later, the Athenians fought the Persians at Marathon, and the soul of the great hero Theseus emerged from underground, and he led the people to defeat the invading Persians. So the oracle of Delphi asked the Athenians to retrieve the remains of Theseus and solemnly bury him. But where should people go to find his remains? However, Theseus in the film has completely become a mortal, and he is not even a prince, just a stonemason who does not even know who his father is, and he is dependent on his pious mother, and unlike his mother, Theseus is still an atheist.

6. The Fate of the Inescapable: The King of Oedipus (1967)

Director: Pierre Paul Pasolini

Example of tragedy: Oedipus

9 classic movies about Greek mythology, a must-have on the way home during the Spring Festival

Oedipus was the son of King Rayos of Thebes and Queen Jokasta in Greek mythology. His father was deeply disturbed by the oracle "to be killed by his son", and after a drunken encounter, he had a relationship with his wife against his will and gave birth to Oedipus. Later, Oedipus, unknowingly, killed his father and married his own mother. After Oedipus entered the city of Thebes, he cracked the riddle of the Sphinx, the Sphinx, and was elected king of the city of Thebes.

As Oedipus unknowingly committed the great sin of "killing the father and marrying the mother", plague and famine descended on the city of Thebes. Upon learning the truth, his mother Jokasta committed suicide in shame, while Otibus blinded himself with his mother's brooch and exiled himself to the wilderness. Oedipus then wandered in all directions under the tugging of Antigone, and was later protected by Theseus, who had repelled the monster Minotaurus, and eventually died in the holy land of the goddesses. The legend of Oedipus was later extended by Freud to the "Oedipus complex", the legendary "Oedipus complex".

7. Bravery and Sacrifice Turn into Jokes: Medea (1988)

Director: Russ von Thiel

Goddess of Vengeance: Medea

9 classic movies about Greek mythology, a must-have on the way home during the Spring Festival

Medea is the most famous vengeful woman in history and the patron saint of all women who suffer from betrayal and jealousy. He fell in love with a Gentile, Iasson, so he abandoned his status as a princess, stole the national treasure Golden Fleece, killed his brother, and willingly followed him to exile and wander, and finally helped Iason usurp the throne.

However, her brave love and great sacrifice eventually turned into a joke: her husband decided to marry Princess Collins in exchange for a stable position. Desperate, Medea launches a terrifying revenge: first she sacrifices poison clothes to burn her husband's new love, then the two children born to her husband and her husband, and drives the magic dragon summoned by magic back to her original hometown, leaving her husband with nothing.

8. Thank the World She's Still Alive: Iphigenia (1977)

Directed by: Micharis Kakoyanis

Hunting Priest: Iphigenia

9 classic movies about Greek mythology, a must-have on the way home during the Spring Festival

Agamemnon, the commander of the Greek Allied Forces, accidentally wounded the red deer, the pet of the hunting goddess Atemis, during a hunt. In a fit of rage, Atemis trapped the Greek fleet in port. Agamemnon had to consult the prophet Karchas. Karchas said that only the living sacrifice of Agamemnon's most beloved daughter, Iphigenia, could appease the wrath of the goddess.

Agamemnon was so angry that he had to lie that he wanted to marry his daughter to Achilles. Iphigenia, who had been in love with Achilles for many years, rushed to her with joy, and what awaited her was not the kiss of the lover in the warm red tent, but the dagger of her father at the cold altar. Just as the human tragedy of father-daughter cannibalism was about to be staged, the hunting goddess Atemis finally moved her heart of compassion, and a gust of wind took Iphigenia away and made her the priestess of the hunting temple.

9. Creation is Destruction: Prometheus

Director: Ridley Scott

Creator: "Space Jockey"

9 classic movies about Greek mythology, a must-have on the way home during the Spring Festival

Nor does it seem to be a movie about Greek myths and legends. Director Ridley Scott almost recreates a creation myth in this film. In Greek mythology, Prometheus was one of the most intelligent gods, who not only created humans (men), but also stole the source of fire from Olympus and taught humans the use of fire. Fire makes man the spirit of all things. He thus offended the lord god Zeus. Zeus ordered the other mountain gods to chain Prometheus to a rock in the Caucasus Mountains. Let a hungry evil eagle peck at his liver every day, and his liver will always grow back. His suffering would last thirty thousand years.

The story of Prometheus enlightens mankind: "All the perfect things that mankind can enjoy will be obtained through a kind of blasphemy, and from then on they will suffer the consequences again and again, and the offended heavens will send down a flood of suffering and sorrow, invading the noble and striving generations of mankind." At the beginning of the film, after the creator "Space Jockey" drank the black liquid, his body decomposed into the river, his genes gave birth to humans, humans became the descendants of engineers, and the punishment that Prometheus had to suffer was grafted onto the head of humans. In order to destroy humans, the "Engineers" of the "Space Jockeys" bred an organic species, which was later the predecessor of the famous "Alien".

9 classic movies about Greek mythology, a must-have on the way home during the Spring Festival

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