
The daily income of a fountain is 3,000 euros, and the superstition of coin-operated wishing has "huge profits"?

author:President of the Mind

Coin as one of the world's most popular currency styles, in the history of the world economy has a weightless position, in the past has not appeared virtual currency, coins with its texture of the characteristics of the longest circulation life of the currency, compared to the paper money can only circulate an average of 300 times will be scrapped for various reasons, a coin in the normal circulation process can adhere to at least 30,000 cycles, generally can be used for 30 years.

The daily income of a fountain is 3,000 euros, and the superstition of coin-operated wishing has "huge profits"?

In addition to the long circulation life, the small denomination characteristics of coins also provide a lot of help for people in many cases, after all, sometimes (buses, vending machines, etc.) than the use of large-denomination banknotes also need to constantly find change, a small denomination of the coin can save a lot of trouble, not only reduce the possibility of bacterial infection when the currency circulates, but also reduce the chance of the banknote being scribbled.

However, with the progress of the times and the development of science and technology, the emergence of virtual currency is a complete break of the advantages of the coin, after all, whether in terms of circulation life, or in terms of convenience in use, virtual currency has already completely "defeated" the coin, and it can even be said that the popularity of virtual currency has become a major trend.

So what is left of the "poor" coin? Some time ago, the president saw a very thrilling coin usage on the news, which is to throw the coin to a certain place, and the meaning of this coin tossing is to make a wish, which can be said to be a very common means of blessing.

The daily income of a fountain is 3,000 euros, and the superstition of coin-operated wishing has "huge profits"?

So why is it said to be thrilling? The reason is that the place where the coin is tossed is not right, it is okay to toss coins in tourist attractions where coin is allowed, but the act of throwing coins into the engine of a large aircraft is absolutely not OK, after all, the normal operation of the engine is related to the safety of dozens or even hundreds of passengers, and the consequences of throwing coins into the engine are unimaginable, and the act is put into action by an old lady over 80 years old, and her purpose is only to make a wish to keep the peace. (PS: Don't dare imagine!) )

Now that we have talked about coin-operated wishes, the president will start from this topic. In fact, when it comes to coin-operated wishes, the president and everyone else, the first thing that comes to mind is to go to a certain lake for coin-making, after all, since ancient times, there have been myths and legends that throwing some metal objects into the water can make a wish, and the West has thrown an iron axe into the lake, and there will be a legend that the lake god will help the axe thrower realize his wish with an iron axe as a reward (from Aesop's fable).

The daily income of a fountain is 3,000 euros, and the superstition of coin-operated wishing has "huge profits"?

In ancient China, there are also written records related to coin throwing, and a person named Zhang Que in the Tang Dynasty once wrote: "There are jealous women with spring names in Hezhou, the springs are clear and clear, and the coin tosses are visible", which shows that the situation of throwing coins into the water has long appeared. However, as people's expectations for a better life increase year by year, the direction and meaning of everyone throwing coins has gradually become complicated and diverse, such as some people throwing coins to the hanging coffin in some museums to seek the blessings of the ancients, and there are also people who throw coins to crocodiles, turtles and other animals in zoos for longevity.

But with so many coins thrown, do you really know the specific rules? Take the European Germans, who have a very strong wishing culture, as an example, their coin-operated wishes are not just tossed into the water, on the contrary, they need to close their eyes and pray immediately after throwing out the coin, as to whether they can fulfill the wish, it depends on which side the coin sinks into the water and falls, if it is face up, it means that the wish can be granted, if it is facing up, it means that the wish is not recognized.

The daily income of a fountain is 3,000 euros, and the superstition of coin-operated wishing has "huge profits"?

Many countries in the world are popular such coin-operated wishing behavior, people think that water is a very sacred existence, the act of throwing a coin into the water, its internal meaning is to exchange a little material for good luck in life, which is why the ancient Indian kings would ask their subjects to collectively throw coins to the river.

In addition to seeking good luck, people scramble to throw coins into the water is also in line with the characteristics of collective belonging, someone to the water after the coin, will attract more people to the water to throw coins, so with the accumulation of time and the flow of people, the water of the coin more and more accumulation, and eventually the formation of tens of thousands of underwater coin world, the water of a coin like living on the surface of the same as us, the coin becomes our substitute for entering the underwater coin world. In a sense, the coin is equivalent to a small "me", we are integrated into the real world, and the small "me" is integrated into the underwater coin world, and this is the interesting part of the sense of collective belonging.

In fact, as early as 1912, the famous sociologist Emile Dilkheim proposed the sociological concept of "collective jubilation", there was a habit of tribal gathering in ancient times, and tens of millions of people in modern times participated in collective activities such as concerts and competition visits, which have the effect of increasing the sense of collective identity. On the edge of the scenic fountain, after seeing many people throw coins into the fountain, they subconsciously want to throw coins, and hope to integrate into the group through these consistent behaviors, and finally gain a sense of group belonging, after all, no one wants to be the lonely one.

The daily income of a fountain is 3,000 euros, and the superstition of coin-operated wishing has "huge profits"?

Count the world's countless famous fountain attractions, the most famous of which is the Trevi Fountain, which is famous for two reasons, the first is that the fountain has a long history and culture, and it is also a representative building of the Baroque era in Rome. The second reason is that the fountain has the highest amount of coins in the world, with an average of more than 3,000 euros coined by tourists every day, and in 2016, it exceeded 1.5 million euros of total coinage for the whole year, which is simply the world's first wealth password.

As for why the Trevi Fountain attracts so many people to invest coins, in addition to the reasons for the sense of collective belonging mentioned above, the biggest reason is the "publicity" of the classic romantic comedy "Love in Rome" in 1954. In addition, the trevi fountain coinage method is different from other places, the fountain needs to throw three coins each time, and the number of coins to be thrown also represents different meanings, throwing one represents the future will return to Rome, throwing two represents the future will return to Rome and meet love, casting three represents the future will return to Rome and meet the love of a lifetime. With this very characteristic representative significance, how can tourists not choose three consecutive coin coins.

The daily income of a fountain is 3,000 euros, and the superstition of coin-operated wishing has "huge profits"?

Some people may say that these coins did not end up in the hands of the attraction managers, but in fact, these coins carrying the good wishes of tourists will not be used for the expenses of attractions. Take the Trevi Fountain, for example, whose maintenance costs are contracted by social enterprises, and the 2019 clean-up and restoration project was sponsored by the Italian luxury brand Fendi for $2.2 million out of its own pocket.

The million euros deposited in the fountain will all be invested in a local charity, mainly to fund various international humanitarian emergencies or to help refugees who come to Rome to maintain their lives, anyway, these wish coins have not experienced any setbacks, on the contrary, they carry the good wishes of coin-operated people to the other side of the world, with collective strength to help those in need, to achieve their own value.

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The daily income of a fountain is 3,000 euros, and the superstition of coin-operated wishing has "huge profits"?

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