
How many old people don't "get old"?

author:39 HealthNet

According to the results of the 2010 Beijing Oral Health Epidemiology Sampling Survey, the caries rate of middle-aged people in Beijing reached 65.9%, the prevalence of gingivitis reached 58.7%, and the detection rate of dental calculus reached 80.3%. And caries and gingivitis are the causes of "aging".

Most people think that it doesn't matter if you lack one tooth or two teeth. However, dental experts have shown that missing teeth without repair will cause the teeth to become more and more missing until they lose their chewing function. This in turn has become a cause of non-communicable chronic diseases such as gastrointestinal diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and diabetes.

8020 Concept: The World Health Organization (WHO) officially proposed the "8020" plan in 2001, that is, 80-year-olds should have at least 20 functional teeth (that is, teeth that can chew food normally and do not loosen). Each person has 32 permanent teeth and the one that really functions is 28. When 1 to 2 teeth fall out, it will not affect the health of the whole body, but when the teeth gradually fall out and there are less than 20 left, it will begin to affect the function of multiple systems of the body. The "8020" program proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) aims to ensure health and improve the quality of life by extending the life of teeth.

Decryption: Aging is an abnormal physiological phenomenon!

Periodontal disease and caries are precipitating factors

There is a Chinese saying called "old teeth", which is used to describe people's age. It can be seen that in most people's concepts, teeth loss in the elderly is a normal physiological change.

This is not the case, and tooth loss in the elderly is mainly caused by oral diseases, which are mainly caused by periodontal disease and caries. Periodontal disease is a chronic lesion of the tissues surrounding the teeth that can cause damage to the periodontal supporting tissues, eventually causing loosening and loss of teeth.

If you suffer from periodontal disease in youth and middle age, and you can't treat it in time and seriously, in old age, your teeth will naturally loosen and fall out. If caries is not treated in time, it will eventually be extracted, resulting in missing teeth.

Experts: "Old teeth" are very harmful!

The "Nine Deadly Sins" affect health

Decreased chewing function: when individual teeth are missing or dentition is missing, chewing efficiency is reduced or lost, saliva secretion is reduced, gastrointestinal peristalsis is slowed down, un chewed food enters the gastrointestinal tract, and the burden on the gastrointestinal system increases, resulting in gastrointestinal dysfunction, affecting the body's absorption of nutrients, and in severe cases, the body can have digestive system diseases.

It will cause temporomandibular joint disorder: the integrity of the dentition is destroyed, and when there are more teeth missing, the remaining teeth are tilted, displaced or elongated to the opposite side, making the occlusal relationship disordered. Over time, muscle fatigue, joint disc edema, joint area will feel uncomfortable, and even symptoms such as pain, inability to open, and joint bounce.

Alveolar bone atrophy: the physiological stimulation of the normal jaw force on the alveolar bone after tooth loss no longer exists, and the alveolar bone will have different degrees of waste atrophy, and will bring great difficulties to the repair of dentures in the later stage and the maintenance of the balance and stability of the oral and maxillofacial area.

Large burden on remaining teeth: The loss of teeth causes excessive pressure load on remaining teeth, resulting in trauma and periodontal edema, gum recession, alveolar bone resorption, loose teeth and other periodontal hidden dangers. After the neighboring teeth move, there will be gaps between the teeth and teeth, which is easy to embed food into the gap between the teeth, causing bad breath, caries, periodontal disease and so on.

Causing the adjacent teeth to fall out: Because the teeth on the left and right sides of the missing teeth cannot obtain the support pressure they normally have, they will become inclinated in the gums, causing the teeth to gradually loosen and even cause more teeth to fall out.

Affect pronunciation: Tooth defects can make people's pronunciation become non-standard, causing different degrees of pronunciation disorders, affecting people's communicative activities.

Accelerated aging: prolonged defects of unilateral teeth can also develop the habit of partial chewing, which may cause temporomandibular joint lesions, resulting in facial asymmetries and joint symptoms. It will cause deformation of facial muscles, asymmetrical face shape, and easy aging.

Memory decline: the loss of teeth will make people chewing strength, frequency decline, chewing ability decline leads to the weakening of related brain cells, indirectly make people memory loss, induce dementia, stroke and other elderly diseases.

Induced cardiovascular disease: excessive tooth deficiency can cause or aggravate heart disease, stomach disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and joint disease and complications in middle-aged and elderly people. Foreign studies have shown that people with less than 10 teeth have a 7 times higher risk of dying from coronary artery disease than people of the same age and gender who have more than 25 teeth.

How many old people still have good teeth?

The data is not optimistic

At present, the degree of tooth loss in the elderly population in China is more severe.

According to the National Health and Nutrition Survey of the United States, the average number of teeth in the elderly aged 65 and over has 18.9 teeth, while the average number of teeth in the elderly of the corresponding age in China is only 9.5 teeth, and the number of teeth in the elderly over 75 years old is slightly less (19.3 in the 65-74 age group and 18.4 in the 75-year-old group), but the average number of teeth in the elderly in each age group is much higher than that of the Elderly in China.

According to the results of the 2010 Beijing Oral Health Epidemiology Sampling Survey, the caries rate of middle-aged people in Beijing reached 65.9%, the prevalence of gingivitis reached 58.7%, and the detection rate of dental calculus reached 80.3%. At present, there are more than 200 million elderly people over 60 years old in China, and the prevalence of toothlessness in the elderly is more than 90%, and many elderly people are in a state of toothlessness or even toothlessness for a long time.

Most of the elderly who lack teeth are not aware of a problem, they think that the lack of one tooth and two teeth is no big deal, do not carry out any treatment or simply set a tooth, slowly will find that the more teeth are lacking, until the serious impact on the quality of life, eat what is not good, only to start medical treatment, many middle-aged and elderly people prematurely lose chewing function, but also for the cause or aggravation of heart disease, stomach disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and joint disease and complications lay hidden dangers.

Experts summarize the ten criteria for a good mouth

What makes a healthy mouthful of good teeth

Survey studies have shown that according to the results of the Beijing Oral Health Epidemiology Sampling Survey conducted in 2010, the incidence of caries in middle-aged people in Beijing reached 65.9%, the prevalence of gingivitis reached 58.7%, and the detection rate of dental calculus reached 80.3%.

Liu Lanzhong, director of the Department of Stomatology of the General Hospital of the Lanzhou Military Region of the former Chinese People's Liberation Army, said that a good tooth has several basic elements: "Functional teeth maintain a certain number, no caries, normal chewing, normal bite, no loosening, no sensitivity, bleeding gums symptoms, so that basically can be regarded as a good tooth."

Director Liu Xiyun, a member of the Geriatric Stomatology Professional Committee of the Chinese Stomatological Association, said a few points more simply: "Basically, the dental tissue is complete, the periodontal periodontium is healthy, the teeth are neatly arranged or basically neat, it can be said that it is a good tooth, because the most important thing for teeth is to exercise the basic function of chewing."

Experts have different understandings and cognitions of decades of clinical experience, but what is the standard of a good tooth? After summarizing the clinical experience of experts, collecting and collating data, and conducting a large number of surveys and samples, the ten standards for a good mouth of teeth have basically been established.

"Ten criteria for a good tooth"

1) Dentition is neat; 2) The bite relationship of the teeth is normal; 3) The tooth adjacency relationship is normal; 4) Teeth clean, no stones, no soft scale; 5) No caries (or caries has been perfectly filled); 6) No pain; 7 ) Normal gum color without bleeding; 8) No loose teeth; 9) No pain, bounce, or locking of the temporomandibular joint; 10 ) The teeth are not sensitive.


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