
Is "getting old" true? No, do these 3 things well, the teeth are complete when you are old, so people will definitely lose their teeth when they are old? What are some great ways to deal with aging?

author:Family Doctor Famous Doctor Online

Teeth are the hardest organs of our body, although the teeth are quite hard, but with age, teeth will have a variety of problems, there will be tooth decay and periodontitis and other oral disease problems, the elderly, there will be loose teeth and teeth loss phenomenon.

Is "getting old" true? No, do these 3 things well, the teeth are complete when you are old, so people will definitely lose their teeth when they are old? What are some great ways to deal with aging?

<h1>So when people get old, they will definitely lose their teeth? </h1>

In fact, tooth loss in our age, there is no inevitable relationship, our teeth loss is not completely old, or affected by the disease and the emergence of loss. There are only two causes of tooth loss, namely tooth decay and periodontal disease.

As long as you pay attention to oral health and hygiene in peacetime, effective house tooth decay and periodontal disease, then you can prolong the time of tooth loss, and even avoid the phenomenon of tooth loss. In the usual time to adhere to long-term effective oral hygiene maintenance, and regularly to the hospital for oral examination, so that can do disease-free prevention, and can be timely detection of problems for timely treatment, teeth can be completely healthy preservation, then people will not necessarily lose teeth when they are old.

Is "getting old" true? No, do these 3 things well, the teeth are complete when you are old, so people will definitely lose their teeth when they are old? What are some great ways to deal with aging?

<h1>What are some great ways to deal with aging? </h1>

1. Develop good oral hygiene habits

Most elderly people do not have the habit of rinsing their mouths after meals, and they feel that there is no need to brush their teeth before going to bed, and if they feel tooth plugs after eating, they will choose a toothpick and not get used to flossing.

There are also many elderly people like to smoke and drink, these bad habits, will lead to the elderly teeth on the stay on a considerable amount of residue, then it will cause bacterial virus, continuous breeding and reproduction, it is easy to lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease, the condition is getting worse and worse will lead to tooth loss phenomenon.

Therefore, the elderly should get rid of these bad living habits, keep the mouth healthy and clean, and quit smoking and alcohol, brush their teeth morning and evening, rinse their mouths in time after meals, and use fluoride toothpaste.

Is "getting old" true? No, do these 3 things well, the teeth are complete when you are old, so people will definitely lose their teeth when they are old? What are some great ways to deal with aging?

2. Prevention of dental diseases

Many young people will also have periodontal disease, and the disease will occur repeatedly, which will lead to worse and worse oral environment, and when they are old, there will naturally be a phenomenon of tooth loss, so middle-aged people should develop a good habit of regular teeth washing, if periodontitis is found, periodontal treatment should be carried out in time, which can reduce the probability of tooth loss.

3. Seek medical treatment in time

Many elderly people feel that it is normal for them to be old and lack teeth, and they don't need to toss anyway when they are old. In fact, when the elderly have toothache, it is quite painful, at this time, it is always necessary to take the correct treatment measures in time, which can relieve the toothache in time and avoid tooth loss.

Therefore, the elderly should take better care of their teeth, if there is toothache and inflammation and tooth loss, they should go to the hospital in time, and can get healthy teeth through the help of a dentist.

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