
No matter how bitter yesterday is, we must use today's smile to chant it into a happy memory, good morning

author:Hearts in one piece

1, life is like this, the more you want to get things, often until you don't chase it until it is late. You have to know that life is like a school. The dilemma will always pass and it will not be a big deal. Just like math class, there is always a time to leave. But everything you learn will stay with you for the rest of your life. Good morning! More wonderful emotions, philosophies, beautiful texts; please pay attention to the WeChat public account: heart into one

No matter how bitter yesterday is, we must use today's smile to chant it into a happy memory, good morning

2. Every time has meaning. For the sake of the goal, the tension and fulfillment allow us to get a full sense of value; slowing down to enjoy the scenery and enjoying the moments of life can also bring us a different kind of understanding. Keep a good rhythm and keep moving forward, and we will not fail to live up to this once-in-a-lifetime. Good morning on the first day of work!

3, life is a journey, every person, every thing and every scenery encountered during the journey may become an unforgettable scenery in a lifetime. Our pace of progress can never stop, because time does not allow us to stay anywhere, we can only learn to choose, learn to appreciate, learn to feel life ~ dear, good morning!

No matter how bitter yesterday is, we must use today's smile to chant it into a happy memory, good morning

4. Good morning, baby! You gave me love and dreams as well as hope! With you along the way, you are the most beautiful scenery! I stand under the sky, deeply infatuated with you, embrace your heart, kiss your face, suck your fragrance, put you in a dream, and then admire you and praise you, write poems and paintings for you, tell you love words, love you day after day!

No matter how bitter yesterday is, we must use today's smile to chant it into a happy memory, good morning

5) Anything we do is insignificant within the grand historical and spatial scope of mankind. But it is these countless tiny beliefs in goodness that enable the seeds of humanity to be preserved even in the most sinister environments, and to radiate the most dazzling brilliance at some time and in a certain world in the future. Good morning!

No matter how bitter yesterday is, we must use today's smile to chant it into a happy memory, good morning

6, the gap between people and people, many times lie in the silent efforts behind those. Time is fair, it gives everyone who strives the reward he deserves, and it also gives every vain person the punishment he deserves. From today on, find the right way forward, invest in your knowledge and ability, learn to plan time, know how to take care of yourself... A better future is waiting for you! Good morning.

7. We must keep running to find the original dream, sort out the layers of worries, and lock the direction of the outlook, in order to solve the puzzle and pour out the fog, and finally have a satisfactory home. Flowing water, limited time, take advantage of the early morning of the sun, bright as fresh, we are still in the best period of life, the true love of facing their own beautiful future, steadfast performance of firm footprints, will not waste this life, bloom brilliant brilliance. Good morning!

No matter how bitter yesterday is, we must use today's smile to chant it into a happy memory, good morning

8. Dreams still have to be had, what if they are realized? Friends still have to be made, what if they become good friends? Honey, when your footsteps come to my Weibo, please leave your footprints okay? Don't skimp on your comments, don't skimp on your praise for raising your hand, even if it's a simple smiley face, a good morning and a good night, it will be like the sunshine in winter, the cool breeze in summer, I will never forget!

No matter how bitter yesterday is, we must use today's smile to chant it into a happy memory, good morning

9, sit-ups make my body a pain, turn over is painful, but this pain is very good, it can distract a little attention. It's dawn, a new day, and I still think it will be difficult. I will bear with my emotions more and more day by day, and I will no longer let you see me that makes you hate. I will keep my expectations of you in my heart, and I will still believe in waiting. Good morning... Good morning... Hope you sleep well, hope you can still laugh happily, hope you don't have headaches...

No matter how bitter yesterday is, we must use today's smile to chant it into a happy memory, good morning

10. No matter how bitter yesterday is, we must use today's smile to chant it into a happy memory; once tired, we must use the forgetting of the moment to cross the red dust of ten thousand roads and let the heart wave not be alarmed. The greatest glory of life is not that you never fall, but that you can get up after every fall. Memories are tiring, like when you have insomnia, it's not right to lie down. Sometimes it is not until I leave, in my memories, that I can know how much I like a city. Good morning, folks!

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