
Rotten Tomatoes, Cherry Red, Chopper Male, The Secret of Middle Class Color Naming


On the twelfth day of boredom at home, I found 120 ways to pass away boredom. These include, but are not limited to, delivering oranges, hospital overseers, full-time debunking rumors for family groups, and cutting memes for nostalgic dramas...

And when I once again spent 2 hours on makeup and 5 minutes to remove makeup, I began to study the strange color naming method of the makeup plate.

What is Aunt Red?

What is the color of the decapitated man?

Is the bean sand color milk tea color?

What is the difference between cherry red and cherry red?

What is the real color of the deep sea shimmer, Provence?

Watching the earth orange red transform into a net red pumpkin color, it was suddenly sought after as a white pop, a must-have in autumn and winter, and lipstick, scarves, sweaters, and coats all sold well.

The deep rose red has been transformed into a cherry color, and in the beauty circle, it is a crazy grass planting, and it is affixed with salty and sweet, bright and moving, yellow-skinned friendly flags.

In fact, not only the beauty circle, all kinds of brands, do not take a high-pressure color name, as if they are embarrassed to be on the shelves.

What is the secret to making ordinary colors look good, sought after by thousands of people, and turning decay into magic? This issue of "High-pressure Grid Color Naming Guide", for you to pick the skin to present, baojiao baohui!


"High-pressure color naming guide"

Tip one: Add food associations

Caramel, Rotten Tomatoes, Grapefruit, Berry Red, Taro Purple... Some netizens complained that buying lipstick color number now is comparable to visiting a vegetable market. Drink lipstick in the middle of the night, can you see if you are hungry?

Rotten Tomatoes, Cherry Red, Chopper Male, The Secret of Middle Class Color Naming

▲Source: Weibo

Adding food associations to colors is not only a weapon for creating new colors, but also the secret of color style upgrades. For food choices, the key is to be "middle-class".

What is the "middle class"? If you can use "cherry red", you don't need "cherry red"; if you can use "avocado green", you don't need "grass green".

What is the style of "middle class"? It is the same melon, "pumpkin color" is always more advanced than "watermelon color"; it is the same as the mix, "cinnamon caramel color" is always more expensive than "carrot earth orange".

In the territory of the food association naming method, everything can be plated, and in a small book, even the hair color can take out the name:

Rotten Tomatoes, Cherry Red, Chopper Male, The Secret of Middle Class Color Naming

▲ The name given to the hair color on the small book

In the middle food, the berry color and cherry color have been C debuted, I am afraid that the next second can see the salted egg yolk and purple cabbage, but if you want to get the name fast and good, you have to see what the middle class food has. Come to the free make-up class channel to you: "The Evolutionary History of Middle-Class Fruits" and "Middle-Class Snacking Guide to Getting Up"

Are you middle-class in color today?

Secret two: the blessing of literary and artistic atmosphere

The food is precious, and the price of literature and art is higher. If a color cannot be associated with food, it is also a good choice to be blessed by the literary atmosphere. The specific operation is to add literary and artistic vocabulary to the text and scenes to meet the self-identity of consumer fathers who are "aesthetically unique".

However, it is not easy to get on the literary track, and there are usually two extremes: beginners and players.

Beginners, generally "simple and rough literature", such as the "deep sea shimmer" of the Redmi K30, the "Provence" of Huawei nova6, the former adds literary and artistic words to the text, and the latter borrows well-known locations to create a sense of literature and art. At first glance, it looks quite literary, but when it is weighed, it is difficult to grasp.

Rotten Tomatoes, Cherry Red, Chopper Male, The Secret of Middle Class Color Naming

▲ The color of "Provence", did you guess it?

And the player, usually "literary and artistic", the best in this regard, but also count the Japanese Fenlixi dream's 500 color color pencils, together to taste other people's color names:

Rotten Tomatoes, Cherry Red, Chopper Male, The Secret of Middle Class Color Naming

The roe deer in the shade of the rocks, the frescoes of Lascox, the valley of monuments, the miscanthus illuminated by the full moon, the plum wine warmed with hot water, the sword lake of King Arthur, the tea picking of the eighty-eight nights, the Atta Sea, the wild lupines...

Rotten Tomatoes, Cherry Red, Chopper Male, The Secret of Middle Class Color Naming

▲ 500 color lead

Even the colors are so literary, do you still use colored lead? That's "miscanthus illuminated by a full moon"!

Tip Three: Endorsement of World Landmarks

Use the world landmark to endorse the color, and what is created must be the "female classmate with a story" in the color.

First of all, it is best to have a little-known vertical culture behind the place name, so as to reveal the high style of the consumer. For example, Audi's body color: Sepang blue, Misano red, Suzuka gray, Ascari blue.

Rotten Tomatoes, Cherry Red, Chopper Male, The Secret of Middle Class Color Naming

▲ Misano red

For these names, the layman can't see a reason, only insiders know that these colors come from the shoulder colors of the world's most famous tracks. Hidden without revealing, only the most middle-class, in the low-key, occasionally a little high-pitched.

Secondly, the stranger the place name, the better, in addition to the Prussian blue, which is widely known as a pigment, there are many forgotten and excellent players in the toponymic industry - Brunswick green and Bremen green from Germany; Magenta red from Italy; Schömbrunn yellow from Vienna... No matter which one, in the minds of the middle class, it is more than a little higher than the "Northeast Silver" sound. (Is "Northeast Silver" really a color?) Please don't fight)

Remember, defamiliarization and undertoning are both the first choice for promoting the forced grid and the love of the middle class.

Secret 4: Empowerment of historical allusions

If the previous raiders are not enough for you to name, I will yang Yang China, and there are historical allusions to save the emergency. Da Yu Zhi Shui, Yu Gong moved the mountain, Hou Yi shot the sun, Nuwa made up the sky, Wu Gang cut down trees... Five thousand years of history, if you can't find a historical and cultural origin and allusion suitable for naming, count... Count me in.

Rotten Tomatoes, Cherry Red, Chopper Male, The Secret of Middle Class Color Naming

▲ The color number of the "Dragon Girl" lipstick

In addition to the historical and cultural IP giant Forbidden City, the recent outstanding players also count the "Dragon Girl" lipstick jointly named by Mao Geping, borrowing the name of the nine sons of Longsheng - "Jing Wei, Fox, Negative Tu, Mantis Kiss"... Without seeing the color, just looking at the name, I have already felt the proper national charm.

After all, relying on the thousand-year-old history and culture, as the descendants of Yanhuang and the descendants of Huaxia, who is not the existence of the buff with its own historical allusions?

Tip Five: Banishment of Natural Objects

What if the name can't keep up with the fashion trend? It is better to simply return to the basics and self-exile among natural objects.

First of all, keep in mind that the road is simple, and the simpler and more clumsy the color name is, the more "feeling" it is often. At this point, ink is the absolute leader of the natural wind and material school, and the color ink of brands such as Shule, Baile, catfish, etc., is the trend of the faction, such as:

Rotten Tomatoes, Cherry Red, Chopper Male, The Secret of Middle Class Color Naming

Baile Color Shizuku: Mountain Chestnut, Truffle, Winter General, Autumn Cherry, Moon Night, Sunset Burn

Writing music four seasons of color: LiXiu tea, viola, mid-autumn, rain, heaven

Rotten Tomatoes, Cherry Red, Chopper Male, The Secret of Middle Class Color Naming

▲ Baile color shizuku ink

Secondly, when associating color with natural objects, the naming style of the natural banish faction is mostly two or three words, which can be outlined in short words, never described in detail, and the emphasis is on poetic blankness.

Tip Six: Bring your own scene fantasy

The previous secret was how to borrow existing things to name colors, and now what you have to teach is the advanced method - to create a name for the color, which not only has its own sense of scene, but also has a fantasy color.

What is Fantasy Colors? It is the middle-class imagination of life, the pusher that makes the color shrouded in a layer of secrets and strings, and it is a plus problem that can be done when the name is desperate.

Let's taste the excellent representatives, a four-color eyeshadow plate with the color number "pillow talk", translated into Chinese name is "pillow whisper", close your eyes, imagine the dim and warm light on the pillow, the distant phonograph comes from the sound line clean medieval folk songs, soft feather quilts, lovers' comforting words, long nights... Gentle and tight, with an inner flavor! All girls! Buy it for me!

Rotten Tomatoes, Cherry Red, Chopper Male, The Secret of Middle Class Color Naming

▲Tell me where you can experience the "pillow whisper"!

The point of creating a scene fantasy is that the hint hints and then hints, the words are scenes, the effect is to imagine, as long as the name has a "feeling", the witch color can also have spring!

Tip Seven: Make it up

If you really can't get a name, can the color still be saved? It's okay, it's done! As long as no one can understand it, it is advanced!

On the color name of the student, a treasure is definitely the first. Today's hard currency masks alone, the color name is very ghostly - filter lead ash, royal shell powder, snow royal white, oath black, bit blue.

Rotten Tomatoes, Cherry Red, Chopper Male, The Secret of Middle Class Color Naming

▲ What are these colors?

More example, Samsung GALAXY A8s, "Berry what", "a little mang", this is really sure that it is the color of the phone, not what is a random name of the fruit fishing?

Rotten Tomatoes, Cherry Red, Chopper Male, The Secret of Middle Class Color Naming

▲It's a bit of a manglong like this

How to make it up? At this point, there is really not much know-how, "Difficult Character Library Of Strange Characters" to a copy, I wish the students a good mood every day!


Confused color names, why is it popular?

Speaking of which, the color is named Dafa 7788, some are confused and colorful, and some have clear brains, which can be called ghost talents. At first glance, there is no law, but a closer look reveals that there are only two underlying logics hidden behind it.

All you want is to feel, you know?

Students, I reviewed it. From low talk to truffles, from San Marino red to jingwei, from hot water warm plum wine to cinnamon caramel color, what is the pursuit? It's "feeling"!

What is the "feeling"? It is "sense of premium"!

Foreign is higher than domestic, scarce is higher than the general, historical is higher than modern, and what cannot be understood is higher than that understood... No sense of seniority, not middle class, with a sense of high class, all circle the large and middle class.

All you want is to "feel", now you know?

Rotten Tomatoes, Cherry Red, Chopper Male, The Secret of Middle Class Color Naming

It has nothing to do with feelings, just hunting

If you don't want to take the right path of the "feeling" system, you can also take the side door of the hunting system.

At first glance, the incredible aunt red, straight male chop, the name made up but unexpectedly good sales of royal shellfish powder, oath black, have been proved with strength, the requirements of the hunt is not high, as long as the name has not been heard, a meal of packaging plus speculation, can also be warmly sought after by the market.

Rotten Tomatoes, Cherry Red, Chopper Male, The Secret of Middle Class Color Naming

Well, having talked so much, have you learned today's advanced color naming class?

Rotten Tomatoes, Cherry Red, Chopper Male, The Secret of Middle Class Color Naming
Rotten Tomatoes, Cherry Red, Chopper Male, The Secret of Middle Class Color Naming
Rotten Tomatoes, Cherry Red, Chopper Male, The Secret of Middle Class Color Naming
Rotten Tomatoes, Cherry Red, Chopper Male, The Secret of Middle Class Color Naming

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