
The beauty of harmony between man and nature

author:People's Daily News

Source: People's Daily - People's Daily

"Where did the elephants go?" A few days ago, a group of wild Asian elephants moved all the way north from Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve, attracting widespread attention. The online documentary "All the Way to Elephant North" closely follows the dynamics, using drones, infrared thermal imaging and other technologies to delicately present the migration process of elephant herds. The video style of the real-life recording is not only grounded, but also immersive, allowing people to experience this wonderful journey up close. The guardians along the way fed food in time, mobilized heavy trucks to guide the route, and the story of the friendly interaction between man and elephant was felt really under the live camera and personalized narration. "Like a pedestrian walking, like stopping people to stay." Because the guardians do not give up the true love of day and night, there is a safety of the elephant herd. Through the lens, the audience can truly feel the hard-won "peace of man and elephant" and feel the ecological beauty of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

(Mo Ying)

People's Daily ( 2021-09-03 20th edition)

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