
Net thing |" Michelle Ice City"Divine Comedy is popular all over the network, how far can brainwashed advertising and marketing go?

author:Purple Cow News

In the past month, when it comes to Mi Xue Ice City, the most popular thing is not "you love me I love you", but the 2.0 version of the Brainwashing Divine Comedy. The little snowman shook the cone in his hand and shouted passionately in front of the green screen: "There is a sundae, there is a milkshake, and the price of Honey Snow Ice City is low." Ice cream, melt quickly, it is better to come to a great sundae. "Relying on the huge traffic brought by the Divine Comedy, Michelle Ice City frequently marketed out of the circle, triggering heated discussions on the Internet and offline. Song Qinghui, a well-known economist, believes that in this era of information explosion, it is still an unbreakable truth that those who get traffic win the world, but brainwashing advertising may be difficult to go far. Yangzi Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Xu Jing

How is Michelle Ice City popular on the whole network?

The matter goes back to June 3, the official number of the Honey Snow Ice City brand uploaded the theme song MV "You Love Me, I Love You, Honey Snow Ice City Sweet Honey" on the B station, and then uploaded the Chinese and English bilingual version, the magic melody and simple lyrics, so that the theme song MV received more than 12.82 million plays and 650,000 likes. On Douyin, the theme song of Michelle Ice City received 1.58 billion plays.

The UP owners of Station B have carried out secondary creations, and brought a wave of traffic to The Honey Snow Ice City. For a time, this theme song appeared in different language versions such as English, Russian, Japanese, Thai, and even Dialect versions such as Sichuanese, Cantonese, Guangxi, and Northeast Chinese, which were widely disseminated on social media platforms such as Weibo, Douyin, and Kuaishou.

According to the investigation, Mi xue ice city is a beverage chain brand based on fresh, ice cream tea under Zhengzhou Cross-Strait Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., which was established in 2008 with a registered capital of 360 million. Adhere to the principle of "high quality and parity", focus on the sinking market, and the target users are young consumer groups represented by college students. After the theme song was popular in the circle, it was also spread that the offline store of Mi Xue Ice City could sing the theme song to be free of a single message, and many netizens went to the Mi Xue Ice City store to "punch in and sing". Taking advantage of this opportunity, Michelle Ice City earned enough heat, gained a number of hot searches such as #No Wonder Michelle Ice City songs are so familiar#, and the number of related Weibo topics read exceeded 1 billion.

Net thing |" Michelle Ice City"Divine Comedy is popular all over the network, how far can brainwashed advertising and marketing go?
Net thing |" Michelle Ice City"Divine Comedy is popular all over the network, how far can brainwashed advertising and marketing go?

The theme song of the magic brain comes from the folk song "Oh, Susanna", a country ballad written by Stephen Foster in 1847, and the theme song of Michelle Ice City uses one of the passages, simple adaptations and repetitions.

Subsequently, the Divine Comedy continued to ferment, and under the interpretation of netizens, it gradually went outrageous. For example, the water that Ronaldo recommended at the European Cup was p into a honey snow ice city - after pushing away a well-known beverage brand product in front of him, he held up a cup of poplar manna with a small snowman printed on it. In "The Biography of Zhen Huan", "Shilang", who works for the harem every day, also grasps the true meaning of love in the brainwashed lyrics, holding Huan Huan in one hand and Su Peisheng in the other hand: "You love him, I love you, we three sweet honey." ”

Although in the eyes of some people, this song, especially the lyrics, is too straightforward and plain, this style just fits the brand tone of Michelle Ice City. The main feature of Michelle Ice City is that it is low-cost and close to the people, and it also tries to avoid commercial centers with high rents when opening stores in first- and second-tier cities. The small profit and high sales characteristics have allowed it to expand all the way, and in June 2020, it has exceeded 10,000 stores.

Take stock of the brainwashing advertising routines of these years

In fact, the brainwashing divine comedy marketing strategy of Michelle Ice City is not the first. On the originator of brainwashing advertising, the brain platinum many years ago impressed netizens, "This year's New Year does not receive gifts, and only brain platinum is accepted." "At that time, the brain platinum advertisement actually disgusted many viewers, but it may be because this form was still fresh at the time, so the promotion of brain platinum sales by advertising was also a good effect."

"Heng Yuanxiang, sheep and sheep..." Remember this magic advertisement? The advertising words that are repeated 12 times in 1 minute, due to the repetitive and boring content lines, the audience is completely thundered down, and is rated as "the most torturous advertisement" by netizens. Online surveys show that 80% of netizens expressed disgust with this advertisement. However, some consumers said that the advertisement would not affect their choice to buy Hengyuanxiang's products. However, the company responded that according to Baidu statistics, Hengyuanxiang had low media awareness before the launch of the 12 Chinese Zodiac New Year advertisement in 2008, and the media awareness jumped to the second place after broadcasting.

The recent more successful brainwashing advertising divine comedy may come from Pinduoduo. "Pinduoduo, Pinduoduo, Pinduoduo, fight more, save more..." This magical advertising song, many netizens will casually hum. The result of this song is that even if you haven't used the app, you must have helped others cut prices. Divine Comedy brought traffic and users, and as of June 23, Pinduoduo's latest stock price was $121.18 per share, with a total market capitalization of $152.4 billion.

There are also cases of "playing smashed". A wedding photo shooting brand put a very brainwashed rap in the elevator of "shoot where you want to shoot". Netizens believe that the atmosphere of wedding photos should be romantic and beautiful, not to mention the actual level of wedding photos of this brand, let's say that this rap comes out, very destructive atmosphere, not only is not conducive to attracting traffic and increasing customer stickiness, but it is more likely to trigger the resentment of target users and passers-by.

On the other hand, the brainwashing divine comedy of Mi Xue Ice City actually achieved the feeling of "always looking at the new". Netizens believe that "the official has done just enough in brainwashing and playing with terriers, not only maintaining the heat to attract more young netizens to participate, but also knowing how to leave room for everyone not to make brainwashing marketing counterproductive." As a result, the heat of Michelle Ice City has been maintained in a cheerful and friendly atmosphere online and offline until now. ”

Brainwashing advertising may be difficult to go far

From Brain Platinum to Michelle Ice City, how far can brainwashing advertising go? Song Qinghui, a well-known economist, said in an interview with the Yangtze Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter that the recent fire of Mi xue ice city is of great significance in economics, that is, in the existing economic model, if a brand wants to achieve rapid growth, expand the huge sinking market or its only way, "low price, close to the people" is the best strategy to seize the market, but also the secret to win the sinking market.

Song Qinghui pointed out that in this era of information explosion, the traffic to win the world, is still an unbreakable truth, brainwashing divine comedy or brainwashing advertising is the last choice of businesses, may also be the only choice. But, "after all, we are all living in this era of information explosion, and consumers' attention is easily distracted and replaced by other similar brainwashing divine comedies or brainwashing advertisements." However, Song Qinghui believes that this brainwashing Divine Comedy advertising and marketing method is difficult to go far in the future, and it is likely to be counterproductive in the end, if the quality of subsequent products cannot keep up, the large traffic is more likely to make netizens and consumers resist the brand, and even cause strong resentment, thereby accelerating the decline of corporate brands.

Proofread sheng yuanyuan

Source: Purple Cow News