
Don't stars have a little cultural heritage and patriotic feelings?

author:Baby's mountain

Regarding Zhang Zhehan, a Japanese ghost worship star, didn't they study history in elementary school? The history of the Japanese invasion of China is Chinese hatred that should be engraved in the DNA, the Nanjing Massacre, the Black Sun 731 experiment, the colonization of Dalian, and so on, are all indelible hatred. The happy life of my generation is the flesh and blood and indomitable will of the ancestors, and it took nearly a hundred years to exchange it, and it is not easy for an apology such as Er to forgive. Appealing to Chinese should correctly follow the stars, only grandpa Yuan and other pillars of the country can be counted as China's stars. Under the epidemic, China is the safest, the United States is looking at the tiger, India is rubbing its fists, Japan is eager to try, my generation should be self-reliant, my generation should be vigilant, entertainment stars can not save the country and can not be strong, love me China from the correct values, resist low-quality, non-Chinese Nationality Chinese come to China to make money, the people's money should benefit the country, the country, the people should wake up, the strong country, the glory of the country to sacrifice the spirit of the ancestors in heaven.

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