
Female Writer Goes to Work as a Nanny – The Sad Man (36)

author:Su Laosan

About author:Su Laosan is a Chinese writer. In 2021, the thrift plan will be implemented, "ten yuan a day" will be spent on the diet, and the pension of 1280 yuan per month will be used to live a fun and frugal life. In June, I went to work as a nanny and experienced the vicissitudes of life.

Female Writer Goes to Work as a Nanny – The Sad Man (36)

I work as a nanny at the Xu family.

I went to the hospital to get medicine for the old lady, and by the way, I did what Mr. Xu told me: I went to talk to Miss Chen and wanted to know why she didn't go to the Xu family to be a nanny.

Aunt Chen told me that she wanted to earn money on her own and did not want to take advantage of the sympathy of others, so that in the Xu family, she would live uncomfortably and under pressure.

Aunt Chen also said that there is a reason, working as a nurse in the hospital, although it is hard, but she earns a lot more than the nanny. She needs money. So no matter what aspect, she will not come to the Xu family as a nanny.

I remembered seeing Mrs. Xu talking to Miss Chen at the door of the nursing station, and what Mrs. Xu said seemed to be very severe, and I remember that after Mrs. Xu left, Miss Chen cried helplessly against the wall.

I hesitated for a moment, wanting to ask Aunt Chen, but I felt that I was a little too gossipy, and I was worried that Aunt Chen would not be happy that I inquired about people's privacy.

Female Writer Goes to Work as a Nanny – The Sad Man (36)

Aunt Chen has been a nurse for many years and is good at observing the color, and she immediately captured the subtle changes in my face. Just ask me, "Are you still in trouble?" ”

Since she asked, I boldly asked my question: "Are you really not going to work as a nanny at xu's house because of these things?" ”

Miss Chen groaned and did not speak. Her amber eyes looked at me, and didn't seem to look at me, but through my face, at the parking square behind me, and even at the tall, green Mongolian yellow elms behind the parking square.

In the distance, I don't know where to drift a melodious piano sound. Is it the sound of a violin or a piano? Because it was too far away, and because the breeze and rain had pulled the piano sound intermittently and ethereally, my ears could not distinguish it.

In order to alleviate the embarrassment, I listened to it with my ear, smiled and said to Aunt Chen: "What is this piano sound, so good?" ”

There was an expression on Miss Chen's face, and that expression was enjoyment, fascination, and seemed to be a memory. Shao Qing, she smiled faintly and said, "It is the phoenix piano, and the playing is "Little River Flowing Water"."

Female Writer Goes to Work as a Nanny – The Sad Man (36)

I remembered that a friend once taught me to play the phoenix piano. My friend is actually good at flute, and his favorite is "Little River Flowing Water". He said that flute and Shaw were the best pieces of music to play "Little River Flowing Water".

I couldn't help but ask Aunt Chen, "How do you know?" ”

Aunt Chen said: "When I was a child, I studied guzheng for a few years, and then my family didn't have money to learn it, and my musical dream was broken——"

In the breeze, the intermittent sound of the piano drifted again.

Aunt Chen sighed softly and said, "When I grew up, I earned money myself, so I bought many musical instruments, and when I was idle and tired, I would play the guzheng twice, or play the phoenix piano for a while, which was very relaxed." ”

When she spoke, her head was slightly sideways, as if she was playing the piano in front of the case, but there was an unspeakable loneliness and sadness.

Female Writer Goes to Work as a Nanny – The Sad Man (36)

I couldn't help it, tentatively asking: "Listen to what you just said, Madame Xu asked the head nurse to find you some patients with good family conditions to do nursing work, she is still good to you, right?" But I was at the door of the caregiver's station that day, and I saw the two of you talking, and you cried afterwards—"

Miss Chen winced slightly.

I hurriedly said, "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I was going to bring you food." The eldest lady heard that you would eat a dry bread at noon, and let me bring you food, and overheard it-"

Aunt Chen raised a pair of watery eyes and looked at me for a long time before she said, "You are really good to me, I eat dry bread, it must be what you told the eldest lady -"

Aunt Chen took my hand and gently held it. Her hands were soft, warm, and powerful.

Female Writer Goes to Work as a Nanny – The Sad Man (36)

Aunt Chen said: "Dr. Xu, that is, the second sister-in-law, is also very good to me, she advised me to change my career that day, let me find a more relaxed job, and take advantage of the fact that I am still young to find a better object -- she advised me to send my parents to a nursing home, but I always felt that I could carry it, and I could take care of them -"

I gently rubbed Aunt Chen's thin shoulder and said, "Going to a nursing home is not a desperate decision, it is a rational decision, you must also have your own life, and they are in a nursing home, you can often visit them ——""

I didn't say the following words. Pension is a complicated problem!

Only to hear Aunt Chen whisper, "My second sister-in-law is so good to me, I can't go to her house anymore." ”

It's really a strange girl, the Xu family is good to you, isn't it a better reason for you to go to the Xu family? I think That Mr. Xu will definitely be generous to Aunt Chen in terms of money. Besides, there are some things where money is not the only reason.

Female Writer Goes to Work as a Nanny – The Sad Man (36)

Aunt Chen and I broke up at the entrance of the hospital, and she walked toward the crowded hall of the hospital, walking firmly. The back, though soft and thin, gave me a sense of strength. The fragile back was actually carrying two mountains.

That fragile back is actually a big mountain, a big mountain that parents can rely on.

I walked outside the crowded hospital.

The bus stop stands quietly in the light rain on the road opposite.

I didn't take the car and walked slowly in the light rain. In a person's life, it is not a kind of happiness to be able to firmly run towards the goal?

Sometimes there are too many goals, too many choices, but lose the sense of direction, feel at a loss, that kind of panic, why not a pain?

Female Writer Goes to Work as a Nanny – The Sad Man (36)

I have been working as a nanny in the Xu family for more than a month, and I originally planned to challenge the 30-day nanny life, but on the way from the hospital to the Xu family, I made a decision, and I decided to continue to be a nanny for a month.


Because the Xu family respected me, because the old lady was kind to me.

The old lady always made me cook and always did more. She used a plastic cup to scoop rice, and she always asked me to scoop more rice, and I said, "Big lady, we can't eat so much, there are always leftovers, and your daughter-in-law always eats leftovers when she comes back at night. ”

The old lady said, "If you have less food to cook, you should not dare to eat it." ”

Cooking is also more cooking, the old lady is afraid that I see less dishes on the plate, I dare not eat more.

At the Xu family, I didn't see what was spread on the Internet about the nanny not having enough to eat at the employer's house and not daring to eat meat dishes. There are cases, but individually, not all employers do that without taking a nanny as a person.

Female Writer Goes to Work as a Nanny – The Sad Man (36)

The old lady and I were at home alone, so we made a dish, a stew with beans and melons. When eating, the old lady used chopsticks to measure the meat on the plate and said, "I eat the meat on my side, and you are responsible for eating the meat on your side." If I can't eat it, I'll throw it away, lest you say that I always let my daughter-in-law eat leftovers. ”

Mrs. Xu's patient's family once sent live fish to Mrs. Xu, and the old lady accepted it, and Mrs. Xu did not dare to blame the old lady when she went home. The old lady ran away from home and had to let her son look for her before returning. The old lady later told me that she did not mean to toss her son, but to let her son and daughter-in-law know that the nanny was here to take care of their mother and should be respected, not angry.

I was dropped by Nana's chopsticks, and the old lady asked Mrs. Xu to take Nana away. The next day I gave me a red envelope and comforted me not to think about it.

My son got married, the old lady was hospitalized in the hospital, and she also told Mr. Xu to go to the wedding scene to give me a gift to add a sense of joy.

Such an old man, I am reluctant to her, I am willing to take care of her a meal, willing to wash her clothes and hair. It's like taking care of a mother who takes care of herself, it's the same.

I like to cook, I like to clean up my room, that gives me a sense of accomplishment, a sense of satisfaction. Also, I also need a part-time job to fill my life and make my days a little more colorful and alive.

This time, I went to the Xu family as a nanny, which had nothing to do with writing.

Female Writer Goes to Work as a Nanny – The Sad Man (36)

Aunt Chen bought a lot of fruit and milk in the hospital supermarket and asked me to bring it to the old lady. I walked back to the Xu family with the fruits and milk, took the food directly to the old lady's room, and said to the old lady, "Big Lady, this is a gift from Aunt Chen to you." ”

I put the medicine I had taken from the hospital on the table again.

The old lady looked at the gifts, very touched, her eyes were red, and said: "How much does it cost?" This old lady of the Chen family is nursing patients in the hospital, how difficult it is to earn some money, and remember to buy gifts for me——"

I said, "Big Lady, if you buy it, you will take it." Your old son also gave her more for nursing. ”

The old lady said: "As soon as the money is spent, we owe people ah, half a night to take care of me, much faster than the nurse Hua sister-in-law, carry water and medicine, than my old son is doing his best - "

The old lady gently pounded her injured leg with her fist and said, "She also found me a home remedy, she can treat my injured leg, that girl has a heart, is a good girl——""

I did not interrupt the old lady and listen to her confide. The old lady sighed in a low voice and said, "This lady is quite affectionate, Red, the next time you go to the hospital to get medicine for me, I will bring her some gifts, and you will carry it." ”

I said yes.

Female Writer Goes to Work as a Nanny – The Sad Man (36)

Coming out of the old lady's room, I suddenly found Mr. Xu sitting on the sofa in the living room, playing a flute.

After Mr. Xu took a nap, he did not go to work. I found that after Mr. Xu's eldest sister came to the house, Mr. Xu was very clingy to his eldest sister, and the time to work was always delayed repeatedly.

However, Mr. Xu sat quietly on the sofa and played the flute, I still felt a little strange.

I've never seen Mr. Xu fiddle with a flute. I was only working as a nanny at the Xu family at noon, and I was not allowed to let my husband come home from work at night to play the flute.

I said hello to Mr. Xu, and when I was about to leave, Mr. Xu on the couch said to me, "Sister, you come and sit down." ”

Although Mr. Xu's voice is light, it has weight and is a bit unquestionable.

I thought that Mr. Xu asked me to go to the hospital to inquire about the reason why Aunt Chen did not come to the house as a nanny, and I estimated that he should have asked me about it, so I walked over and sat on the sofa opposite Mr. Xu, and without waiting for him to ask questions, I said straight to the point: "I just came back from the hospital, retrieved a few medicines for the eldest lady, and also saw Miss Chen." ”

Mr. Xu listened quietly, and the fingers playing the flute also stopped. Seeing that I had been speechless for half a day, he looked up at me, a pair of slender eyes gently skimming my cheeks, as if asking questions silently.

Female Writer Goes to Work as a Nanny – The Sad Man (36)

I had to open my mouth, and I said in a soft voice: "She said, there is no special reason, that is, she decided not to come to your house as a nanny." ”

Mr. Xu's gaze was still fixed on my face and did not move away. I could only raise my eyes to look at him, but after only two seconds of looking at him, I couldn't stand it, and people who lied really couldn't look at people.

Mr. Xu suddenly smiled, and the laughter was very light.

Outside the window, a few swallows broke through the air in the light rain, chirping. The rain is as fine as a gossamer, if there is none, intermittently, like a rain curtain, and like a door through time and space.

The smile on Mr. Xu's face has been hanging, and he said softly: "What did she tell you?" ”

His voice was so soft that he seemed to be afraid of frightening the swallows that flew around.

It seemed that Mr. Xu wanted to know what Miss Chen really thought, so I had to relay Aunt Chen's words to him one by one. He listened, half speechless. Just gently stroke the flute in your hand.

Female Writer Goes to Work as a Nanny – The Sad Man (36)

I remembered that Aunt Xu said that when she was young, she had studied guzheng in the Children's Palace, and later gave up her dream of music because her family had no money, but she had always collected her favorite instruments, and when she was idle, she would play a song and entertain herself.

The flute in Mr. Xu's hand should be old, the sky outside the window is a little dim, lining everything in the room is dark, but only the flute in Mr. Xu's hand seems to be polished by the years, and it is more and more prominent.

Trance felt that many years ago, a young man with a jade tree facing the wind stood by the window, facing the light rain outside the window, facing the lilac-like sad girl in the rain alley, playing a song "Little River Flowing Water", the song was melodious and sad, and it seemed to record a period of sad and inexplicable feelings of the two teenagers.

The flute is the best instrument to play "The Little River". Miss Chen could hear that someone in the light rain played "Little River Flowing Water" with a phoenix piano, was it because she had heard the Xu family play this song with a flute when she was young?

Female Writer Goes to Work as a Nanny – The Sad Man (36)

Mr. Xu seemed to have come back from the past, and the smile on his face was gone, replaced by a sluggish expression. He said, "Sister, didn't she leave me a word?" ”

What's the point? There are some words that You Mr. Xu wants to ask, you can ask Aunt Chen yourself.

But between thoughts, I understood that Mr. Xu would not ask Aunt Chen no matter what. He is also a person with status and status, or a man who understands the rules and has self-control.

I had to say, "She said, thank you, and said thank you to your daughter-in-law, saying that your daughter-in-law told the head nurse of their department to let the patient's family members arrange for Xu Girl to eat and live better." ”

Mr. Xu nodded and said nothing more.

I suddenly remembered The expression on Aunt Chen's face when she said this: "The second sister-in-law is so good to me, I can't go to the Xu family——"

The look on her face at the time was complicated and strange.

I completely understood the real reason why Aunt Chen did not come to the Xu family to be a nanny!

Female Writer Goes to Work as a Nanny – The Sad Man (36)

The door suddenly rang, and it was Madame Xu who came in, both white hands carrying heavy dishes. She put down the dish and beckoned me to take it to the kitchen, and she wouldn't go into the room.

I said, "You're so busy, you still worry about the dishes at home." ”

Mrs. Xu said: "Isn't this the eldest sister coming, besides, my mother also needs to be supplemented, you don't have to care, put the dishes in the kitchen, it's time to leave work, you go home and rest." ”

Turning her head, Mrs. Xu saw Mr. Xu sitting on the sofa, playing the flute, laughing, and said, "Remember your first love?" Have you thought about telling me, who is your first love? ”

I didn't hear what Mr. Xu said. I put the chicken, duck, fish and vegetables brought back by Mrs. Xu in the kitchen, and put the chicken, duck and fish meat in the freshness layer of the refrigerator. Then bundle the vegetables and let them through the air.

When I was ready to leave, I saw a scene in the living room from the gap in the kitchen door, where Mrs. Xu was gently shaking with her hands around Mr. Xu's waist. Mr. Xu's two hands rested on Mrs. Xu's shoulders, and they were also gently shaking. They danced softly as if in the light rain, in a melodious or sentimental song. I couldn't see Mrs. Xu's expression with his back to me, but I could see Mr. Xu's expression because his face was facing the direction of the kitchen.

His look was a little lost.

Madame Xu's appearance seemed to be comforting him, and it also seemed to be indulging him, letting him slowly dissipate and dissipate in the light rain and in the light dance of his secret affairs for many years...

Female Writer Goes to Work as a Nanny – The Sad Man (36)

(I'm a writer, Su Laosan, like my friends please follow me and share all my articles.) Qualified netizens can help me forward it for more friends to see. Thank you for your help! )

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