
Many places in Shanxi have been hit by torrential rains, why is there so much rain in the north this year?

author:Hello Kopp

Just as people are celebrating the National Day, there is a place that is battling the weather. Since October 3, Shanxi has been hit by torrential rains, the land of the Three Jins has been flooded with torrential rains, floods, landslides, waterlogging and other natural disasters have been staged in turn, Taiyuan, Yangquan, Linfen, Yuncheng and other places have broken records of rainfall, and torrential rains have caused tens of thousands of people to stay away from their homes on this National Day and forced to move to other regions.

Many places in Shanxi have been hit by torrential rains, why is there so much rain in the north this year?

Heavy rain in Shanxi

To know that Shanxi is located in the north of China, it is reasonable to say that the north should have less rain, why is the place where heavy rain and flooding occur this year is Shanxi? Moreover, this is not the first province in the north to suffer heavy rains this year. In July this year, China's Henan Province also suffered a once-in-a-millennium rainstorm, resulting in the destruction of countless urban facilities.

Many places in Shanxi have been hit by torrential rains, why is there so much rain in the north this year?

Heavy rain in Henan

Why is there so much rain in the north this year, and is it that the "curse" of more rain in the south and less rain in the north in our country must be broken?

Heavy rains in Shanxi hit and many places were flooded

Over the past few days, china's northern region has been hit by heavy rainfall, especially in Shanxi, north China, where the land of the Three Jins, which was once generous and tragic and majestic, is now devastated by torrential rains. In the past, such rainy weather was something that people in the north were happy to see, but such a torrential rain fell for several days in a row, and it was impossible for the gods to come and not be able to bear it. The erosion of rain has caused the rainfall in Taiyuan, Linfen, Yuncheng and other cities to exceed 100 mm, bringing a series of adverse consequences, including floods, urban waterlogging, landslides and other disasters.

Many places in Shanxi have been hit by torrential rains, why is there so much rain in the north this year?

The ancient city of Pingyao was affected

Torrential rains caused loose soil and triggered landslides, including landslides in a village in Puxian County that buried five people, four of whom were killed and one survived, but also suffered many injuries. It is reported that the victims of the disaster are all traffic police on duty, and these respectable servants of the people have forever sacrificed themselves in this land for which they fought, becoming one star after another. In addition to the accidents caused by landslides, heavy rains in Lüliang, Shanxi Province, destroyed 153 houses and washed away 33 roads, including one person.

Many places in Shanxi have been hit by torrential rains, why is there so much rain in the north this year?


The flood caused by the torrential rain not only washed away the houses and roads, but also washed away the railway bridge, and the rails on it became light poles, suspended on the bridge, and were torn by the storm and swayed left and right, which was very dangerous. This section of the railway track is the railway track of the Tongpu Line in the southwest of Shanxi, and whether there are many trains passing through it every day, and the suspension of the tracks causes many trains to stop. At present, more than 800 maintenance personnel of the Taiyuan Bureau Group of Railways are rushing to the site of the incident for emergency repairs.

Many places in Shanxi have been hit by torrential rains, why is there so much rain in the north this year?

The bridge was destroyed

The rising water caused by the torrential rain has caused the water level of the rivers in various parts of the territory to rise indefinitely, and the water in the Fenhe River and Xianyang Reservoir has flooded out, and the water that once existed on the edge of Hangzhou has flooded jinshan, but now it is reproduced in the vast northern land, and it has to be said that the world is confusing. Due to the rise of the river, Qingxu County in Shanxi has moved 8 villages, about 15,000 people, and Shanxi Yuncheng has also evacuated 5 villages, more than 8,000 people, in total, the number of people evacuated due to heavy rains in Shanxi is probably tens of thousands. In the torrential rain, countless people fled their homes and watched as familiar homes were ruthlessly destroyed by the rain and torn into debris.

Many places in Shanxi have been hit by torrential rains, why is there so much rain in the north this year?

Homes are flooded

What should have been a family reunion and a happy holiday was a day, but the people of Shanxi were hit by natural disasters and hid left and right in the heavy rain. And such a disaster also appeared in Henan.

Henan, like Shanxi, belongs to the same northern region, and it is not related to heavy rain all year round, and once it was only looking at the rain in the south, and the eyes were hungry, and drought occurred here from time to time. But who knows what God thinks this year, in July in Henan rained heavily, as if to make up for the rain that has not been rained in these decades, to Henan brought boundless rainstorms, the average rainfall in the province reached 113.5 mm, the maximum rainfall is 728.0 mm, this is not like rainfall, but like the sky broke a hole, pouring water down.

Many places in Shanxi have been hit by torrential rains, why is there so much rain in the north this year?

Heavy rains in Henan are rare in a thousand years

The July floods in Henan affected 14.814 million people in more than 1,000 counties and cities across the province, of whom more than 300 died and 50 were missing. In addition to casualties, a large number of houses, roads, and urban infrastructure were destroyed, causing hundreds of billions of yuan in losses, which is a once-in-a-millennium rainstorm disaster and the strongest flood in Henan since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Many places in Shanxi have been hit by torrential rains, why is there so much rain in the north this year?

The city was flooded

After the disaster in Henan in July, Shanxi ushered in heavy rain in October, why are the northern cities that have suffered heavy rain this year, and why is the rain so severe?

Why is the rain in the north serious this year?

From Henan to Shanxi, this year China's northern provinces took over from the south, and successively because of torrential rain disasters on the hot search, why is there so much rain in the north this year? According to relevant data, Beijing received 72 rains during the flood season this year, an increase of 90% compared with previous years. In terms of daily rainfall, the daily precipitation of 79 national meteorological stations in eight provinces and cities, including Henan, Hebei and Shaanxi, in September this year exceeded the extreme value of precipitation in September in previous years. During the National Day period, Liaoning and other places saw the largest rainfall in the same period of history, and in the "7.20 Henan extraordinarily heavy rainfall" event, Henan's daily precipitation and rainfall intensity exceeded the historical extremes.

Many places in Shanxi have been hit by torrential rains, why is there so much rain in the north this year?

Flooded cars

So why is there a surge in rainfall during the rainy season in North China this year? What causes the rainy season to occur incessantly? One word is the cause of the rainy season, and that is the subtropical high pressure.

Subtropical high pressure, is a meteorological term, mainly refers to the distribution of about 30 ° north and south latitude, a warm air mass with an uncertain position, it is related to tropical cyclones that affect the climate. The subtropical high pressure that affects the rainy season in the northern region is located in the northwest direction, and the main body is strong and stable, so the water vapor from the Pacific Ocean is continuously transported to the northern region, coupled with the blessing of activities such as the North China Cold Vortex in North China, resulting in a short-term phenomenon of heavy rainfall in North China.

Many places in Shanxi have been hit by torrential rains, why is there so much rain in the north this year?

Vice high position this year

However, the so-called subtropical high pressure is still only a superficial cause of the rainy season in North China, and the black hand behind the heavy rain disasters in Henan and Shanxi is the climate warming.

The climate crisis has triggered multiple consequences

As early as the beginning of this year, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has issued a climate report, which pointed out that global warming will exacerbate global climate change, accelerate the water cycle, and bring more extreme rainstorms, rainstorms that were rare in millennia and centuries will become commonplace, and bring floods accompanied by natural disasters such as drought, typhoons, hail and so on.

Many places in Shanxi have been hit by torrential rains, why is there so much rain in the north this year?

global warming

The July floods in Henan, the floods in Europe and today's heavy rains in Shanxi are all caused by climate change, which is caused by excessive emissions of greenhouse gases. According to the IPCC, if people do not curb carbon emissions within this century and stabilize the rise in global temperatures at 1.5°C, the planet will usher in even greater natural disasters. Rising sea levels, submerged cities, mass deaths of animals, and a sharp loss of biodiversity will all be staged, which can be more terrifying than torrential rain disasters, and will become commonplace over time.

Many places in Shanxi have been hit by torrential rains, why is there so much rain in the north this year?

Common greenhouse gases

Because, in order not to have a rainstorm disaster again, and not to let people leave their homes, we should actively improve the environment, delay the process of climate warming, and put the earth's climate back on track.


In this rainstorm caused by the climate crisis, countless heroes and sons and daughters have stepped forward and stretched out their hands to rescue compatriots in the wind and rain, showing the unity and mutual assistance spirit of the sons and daughters of China. However, there are still people who have sacrificed their lives in the floods, and in order to avoid such tragedies, we should eradicate the crisis from the source, improve the climate and environment, multiply trees, reduce carbon emissions, and get everything back to its original position.

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