
Pan-fried denim bones

author:21 seconds to remember

Ingredients: 1/2 onion, 1 kg of denim bone, appropriate amount of black pepper, appropriate amount of ginger slices, appropriate amount of cooking wine, a small amount of corn starch, a moderate amount of salt, an appropriate amount of oil consumption, and a small amount of green onions.

Mix well with cooking wine, ginger, black pepper, salt, oil, and corn starch.

Pan-fried denim bones

Marinate for about 30 minutes.

Pan-fried denim bones

Slice the onion.

Pan-fried denim bones

Stir-fry the onion in hot oil, add the cowboy bone when the onion becomes half-cooked, and stir-fry evenly.

Pan-fried denim bones

Stir-fry until the cowboy bones are ripe and there is no blood color, then you can come out of the pot and garnish with green onions!

Pan-fried denim bones