
Guizhou Yipin Dabao Yipin Dabao is one of the local traditional snacks in Guiyang City. Because of its good quality, the taste is ranked first among the buns in Guiyang City, so it is called "a big bag". The bun is characterized by a thin skin and a large filling, and the taste is sweet and salty. There are many varieties of heart filling, not only pork, but also washed sand, sugar, sweet potato or water chestnut, xianggu, magnolia slices, etc., so the taste is very delicious.

author:Lamb Society

<h1>A big bag </h1>

<h1> Yipin Dabao is one of the local traditional snacks in Guiyang City. Because of its good quality, the taste is ranked first among the buns in Guiyang City, so it is called "a big bag". The bun is characterized by a thin skin and a large filling, and the taste is sweet and salty. There are many varieties of heart filling, not only pork, but also washed sand, sugar, sweet potato or water chestnut, xianggu, magnolia slices, etc., so the taste is very delicious. </h1>

Yipin Dabao was the first of the "old no matter" restaurant on Zhonghua South Road, and in 1984, it was rated as "Excellent Flavor Snack" in Guiyang City.

Guizhou Yipin Dabao Yipin Dabao is one of the local traditional snacks in Guiyang City. Because of its good quality, the taste is ranked first among the buns in Guiyang City, so it is called "a big bag". The bun is characterized by a thin skin and a large filling, and the taste is sweet and salty. There are many varieties of heart filling, not only pork, but also washed sand, sugar, sweet potato or water chestnut, xianggu, magnolia slices, etc., so the taste is very delicious.

Main ingredients

Fine flour


Delicious and pleasant


Cooked lard, sugar, soy sauce

Main features

The color is white and crystalline, the texture is soft and tender, the filling is delicious, and the loose bubbles are elastic.

1. Production materials

4000 grams of refined flour, 2500 grams of pork shank meat, 150 grams of sweet noodle sauce, 150 grams of cooked lard, 300 grams of sugar, 650 grams of soy sauce, 10 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of refined salt, 50 grams of starch, 25 grams of minced ginger, 100 grams of yeast noodles, and an appropriate amount of alkali.

Second, the production steps

1. Wash the pork defascia, cut into 10 cm long and 13.5 cm wide strips, put it in a bowl, put in sugar (150 g), marinate in soy sauce for 30 minutes, then put it in the brine pot and cook until it is seven ripe, fish it out and cool, cut into 3 mm square cubes. Put the wok on high heat, add a little cooked lard to heat, then add pork and ginger and sauté to make the aroma, fry until the pork oil juice is leached, then add sweet noodle sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, and a little water and sauté until the juice gradually dries, dilute with starch, and fry well into the filling.

2. Put the fermented noodles into a pot, add warm water (2000 grams) to form a batter, add flour, cooked lard (125 grams), sugar (150 grams) and mix well, knead until strong, cover with clean gauze and rest. Leave 1000 grams of the dough, put the rest on the board, add the alkali to knead, knead well, knead smoothly, roll the strips, roll into a dough of 75 grams each, shoot into a round skin, wrap into the meat filling, knead along the edge of the skin into a jacquard pattern, put it into the oven, and let it sit for a while until a film is formed on the surface of the bun.

3. Bring water to a boil in the pot, put the dumplings into the cage, steam for 10 minutes on high heat and take it out.

Third, the production essentials

1. The meat filling should be stir-fried evenly;

2. The flour should be mixed with yeast noodles and cooked lard, so that the finished product will be loose and elastic.

Guizhou Yipin Dabao Yipin Dabao is one of the local traditional snacks in Guiyang City. Because of its good quality, the taste is ranked first among the buns in Guiyang City, so it is called "a big bag". The bun is characterized by a thin skin and a large filling, and the taste is sweet and salty. There are many varieties of heart filling, not only pork, but also washed sand, sugar, sweet potato or water chestnut, xianggu, magnolia slices, etc., so the taste is very delicious.

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