
A dish of kang potatoes, which are fragrant and soft! It turned out to be because of the use of...

author:100 flavor spoons

If I had to say what the most favorite food in the world is, I would definitely vote for potatoes!! How can there be such delicious food as potatoes? Frying, frying, stewing, boiling, sautéing... Delicious no matter how you do it!

A dish of kang potatoes, which are fragrant and soft! It turned out to be because of the use of...

The image comes from the Internet

And potatoes are rich in vitamin B1, B2, B6 pantothenic acid and other B vitamins. A large amount of high-quality cellulose also contains nutrients such as trace elements, amino acids, proteins, fats and high-quality starches.

A dish of kang potatoes, which are fragrant and soft! It turned out to be because of the use of...

Potatoes are carbohydrates, but its calories consist of only about 1/4 of the same weight of rice.

Studies have shown that the starch in potatoes is a resistant starch that has the effect of shrinking fat cells. At the same time, it is also a very good high potassium and low sodium food, which is very suitable for edematous obese people. In addition, potatoes are rich in potassium, which is almost the highest among vegetables, so it also has the effect of slimming legs.

But the big potatoes are tired of eating

I've recently been obsessed with the following

Small potatoes the size of coins!

A dish of kang potatoes, which are fragrant and soft! It turned out to be because of the use of...

Take it to make delicious Kang potatoes, really super delicious, fragrant and soft, delicious can't stop, the method is super simple, I will teach you the formula!

A dish of kang potatoes, which are fragrant and soft! It turned out to be because of the use of...

Ingredients: 350 g small potatoes, green onion, small peppers, rapeseed oil to taste, soy sauce to taste, sugar to taste, 100spoons of seasoning powder:


1. Prepare the ingredients, green onion and red spicy minced.

2. Cook the small potatoes until 7 minutes cooked, remove and cool and peel.

3. Finely chop the green onion and red and spicy, heat the oil for 8 minutes and add.

4. After the aroma is burst, add the peeled potatoes, light soy sauce, a little sugar, and a 100-flavor spoon seasoning (Xinjiang cumin powder, barbecue sauce, spicy incense powder are available, choose according to your taste)

5. Add water, about 0.5 cm high water level.

6. Cover and adjust the lid to reduce the heat, simmer slowly until the burnt aroma wafts out.

A dish of kang potatoes, which are fragrant and soft! It turned out to be because of the use of...

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