
The management of fruit expansion is not good, and it is easy to appear hollow fruit, how to manage it specifically?

author:Kaijin Technology

For tomatoes and strawberries, if the management is not proper, it is easy to have a hollow fruit situation, there is no pulp in the middle or the flesh is separated from the skin, so how do we prevent the hollow condition of the fruit? The following Kaijin teacher and everyone briefly talked about:

The management of fruit expansion is not good, and it is easy to appear hollow fruit, how to manage it specifically?

The common reasons for fruit hollowing are: improper use or excessive use of fruit setting medicine, insufficient nutrition, excessive nitrogen fertilizer and other factors may lead to fruit hollowing, what should we do?

1. For hormones or regulators, try not to overdose or reduce the use, and at the same time of use, cooperate with foliar spraying of boron calcium organic acid foliar fertilizer, supplement the boron calcium element required for fruit growth and fruit setting, and reduce the occurrence of hollow fruit.

2, fruit hollow fruit is generally easy to occur in the fruit expansion stage, this time must pay attention to the application of supplementation, it is recommended to medium nitrogen and high potassium organic matter liquid water-soluble fertilizer, so that you can supplement the required organic and inorganic nutrition at the same time, and will not be caused by nitrogen excess, promote fruit tight growth.

The management of fruit expansion is not good, and it is easy to appear hollow fruit, how to manage it specifically?

3, from the fruit to sit on the fruit after the use of compound fertilizer as little as possible, generally with a large number of quick-acting elements water-soluble fertilizer is better.

4, pay attention to root maintenance, because high temperature if the root system is not good, easy to lead to nutrients can not be normally absorbed and utilized, in addition to taking cooling, organic and inorganic nutrition supplements and beneficial bacteria supplement is very important.

For the fruit hollow fruit, Kaijin teacher suggested that as far as possible to choose fertilizer nutrition to manage, so that our fruit quality up, in order to have a better income, welcome to praise and attention, Kaijin technology to take you to learn more agricultural knowledge!

The management of fruit expansion is not good, and it is easy to appear hollow fruit, how to manage it specifically?

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