
Make egg flower soup, don't rush to pour egg liquid, add "1 thing" to the pot when the water boils, the egg flower is beautiful and delicious

author:Zou Bajie food

Introduction: Make egg flower soup, don't rush to pour egg liquid, add "1 thing" to the pot when the water is boiling, the egg flower is good to look at the soup and delicious

To make egg flower soup, add "1 thing" to the pot when the water is boiling, and the egg flower is beautiful in shape, which is better than pouring the egg liquid directly

Since ancient times Chinese have paid attention to drinking soup, some people drink soup for appetizing before meals, and some people drink soup for detangling after meals, but for whatever reason, drinking soup is definitely excellent, I don't know if you have the habit of eating and drinking soup? There are a variety of soups, including broth, bone broth, vegetable soup, mushroom soup, etc., all very delicious, and the most popular soup is egg flower soup, because it is simple and fast, minute by minute, low cost, delicious and smooth to drink, many families love to make this soup.

Make egg flower soup, don't rush to pour egg liquid, add "1 thing" to the pot when the water boils, the egg flower is beautiful and delicious

Egg flower soup can be paired with different ingredients, the most common are tomato, seaweed, spinach, and egg flower is very compatible, especially tomato egg flower soup is very popular, with a sweet and sour taste, after drinking very appetizing and greasy. But such an ordinary egg flower soup, how to make the best taste?

Some people make egg flower soup is fragrant and delicious, but some people make clear soup and little water, just like white water with a little seasoning, there is no soup feeling at all, if you often do it badly, it is mostly the wrong way.

Make egg flower soup, don't rush to pour egg liquid, add "1 thing" to the pot when the water boils, the egg flower is beautiful and delicious

Once watched people around them make egg flower soup, they always have to rush to pour egg liquid when the water is boiling, the result is ugly and ugly, so there are also tricks to make egg flower soup, do egg flower soup, don't rush to pour egg liquid, add "1 thing" to the pot when the water is boiling, and the egg flower soup is delicious.

Let me share with you the specific method of making egg flower soup, as well as small tips, pay attention to details, and master the egg flower soup that can be made at any time with full color and flavor, please take a look at it.

Make egg flower soup, don't rush to pour egg liquid, add "1 thing" to the pot when the water boils, the egg flower is beautiful and delicious

Steps to prepare egg flower soup:

Usually, my family loves to drink tomato egg flower soup, just take this soup as an example. First wash the tomatoes, divide them into two, remove the hard parts, cut into small pieces, if purely for the sake of drinking soup, it is recommended to cut small pieces, if you still want to eat tomatoes, it is recommended to cut large pieces, flexible adjustment according to their own needs, but the soup color made of small pieces is more beautiful, which is an advantage.

Beat the eggs into a bowl, beat them well with chopsticks and set aside, take an empty bowl, pour a little starch into it, add an appropriate amount of water and stir, make starch water and set aside.

Make egg flower soup, don't rush to pour egg liquid, add "1 thing" to the pot when the water boils, the egg flower is beautiful and delicious

When the oil temperature is 50% hot, add a little minced garlic and stir-fry, then pour in the tomatoes and stir-fry, add a little salt and fry until the juice seeps out.

Bring to a boil over high heat, take a little to taste, and then adjust to the appropriate taste, do not rush to pour the egg liquid when the water boils, but add 1 more thing, it is starch water.

Pour into the pot, stir evenly, then there is no boiling in the pot, take advantage of the egg liquid into the pot now, pour the egg liquid also pay attention to the method, turn the circle to pour in.

Make egg flower soup, don't rush to pour egg liquid, add "1 thing" to the pot when the water boils, the egg flower is beautiful and delicious

And after pouring it all in, don't be in a hurry to stir, wait a few seconds, then gently push a few times, continue to cook for a few seconds and then turn off the heat, add a little chicken essence to stir, and add some green onions, so that the tomato egg flower soup is ready.

Tips for making tomato egg flower soup:

Do not rush to pour egg liquid, to add a thing when the water is boiling - starch water, add starch water and then pour egg liquid, egg liquid will be suspended in the water after solidification, will not sink to the bottom, scattered in every corner, so that the egg flower soup made is smoother and more delicious.

Make egg flower soup, don't rush to pour egg liquid, add "1 thing" to the pot when the water boils, the egg flower is beautiful and delicious

Pay attention to small details:

1) Seize the opportunity to pour egg liquid, someone always pours egg liquid when the water is boiling, this is not good, egg flower formation is not good, but it is best to pour when the water is slightly open, when the water starch is poured in, the water will no longer boil, and it is most appropriate to pour the egg liquid immediately after stirring evenly.

2) When pouring egg liquid, do not pour it into it, but slowly pour it in a circle to form a better-looking egg flower.

3) After the egg liquid is poured in, do not stir in a hurry, wait for a few seconds, the egg liquid slightly solidifies and stirs the egg flower to look good.

Make egg flower soup, don't rush to pour egg liquid, add "1 thing" to the pot when the water boils, the egg flower is beautiful and delicious

The above is the method, technique and small details of making egg flower soup, do you understand? Complicated to say, in fact, it is very simple to do, you may wish to try it for yourself. Sharing is here, like me, please pay attention to me.