
These 18 local delicacies in Leizhou amazed me

author:I don't know north and south

Leizhou dog meat stew

The dog meat pot is fragrant, the meat is tender and delicious, and the sauce is rich and mouth-watering. The dog meat pot is not only delicious and delicious, but also replenishes the qi and warms the body in winter.

These 18 local delicacies in Leizhou amazed me

Pull the intestines

La sausage is one of the favorite breakfasts of Leizhou people, the rice skin is snow white and smooth, plus the special sauce, the fresh flavor is incomparable, making people's appetite greatly increased.

These 18 local delicacies in Leizhou amazed me

Pork offal soup powder

Pork offal soup powder is also a relatively common snack in Leizhou, which seems simple, but the taste is extremely delicious, and the nutrition is rich, and the soup is endlessly evocative.

These 18 local delicacies in Leizhou amazed me

Clam basket dumplings

Clam basket dumplings are made of plant clam basket leaves cut into fine pieces, fried with oil, and then added glutinous rice, spices, and marinated pork belly together to make rice dumplings, the taste is unique, let people taste evocative.

These 18 local delicacies in Leizhou amazed me

Leaf cake

Leaf cake is made of glutinous rice as the skin, peanuts, coconut, sesame seeds, winter melon sugar as the filling, on the lid pineapple leaves steamed, sweet and delicious, soft sticky lingering, refreshing fragrance.

These 18 local delicacies in Leizhou amazed me

Potato flour

Potato flour is the most common snack in Leizhou summer, sweet and refreshing, cold and appetizing, very cool and thirst-quenching.

These 18 local delicacies in Leizhou amazed me

Sheep porridge

Lamb porridge is made of thick mutton soup and rice, with egg shreds and fungus, the color and flavor are complete, the porridge soup is fragrant and full of umami.

These 18 local delicacies in Leizhou amazed me

White cut dog

White cut dog is the whole processed dog meat in a pot cooked with water, when eaten into small pieces, plus seasoning, the taste is amazing, can not get tired.

These 18 local delicacies in Leizhou amazed me

Pork sausage cake

The pork intestine cake is snow-white in color, the skin is thin and tender, and it is sprinkled with sesame oil and crushed peanuts when eating, which is simple and delicious, and the taste is very refreshing.

These 18 local delicacies in Leizhou amazed me

Spicy snake cup

Spicy snake cup is a special snack in Leizhou, the spicy snake cup that has just come out of the pot has a crispy outer skin, a lubricated and full filling, a rich taste, and a delicious flavor, which is an authentic food that makes people addicted to eating.

These 18 local delicacies in Leizhou amazed me

Leizhou white

Leizhou white is made of glutinous rice flour as the skin, coconut shredded white sugar as the filling, the taste is soft and sticky, the taste is sweet and smooth, making people endlessly evocative.

Shrimp cake

The shrimp cake is golden in color, rich in burnt flavor, and the shrimp taste delicious and delicious, making it a very popular street snack. When eating, it is dipped in chili salt for more flavor.

These 18 local delicacies in Leizhou amazed me

Quicksand fish

The quicksand fish is tender and sweet, and the soup is milky and mellow. Quicksand fish not only has a great taste, but also has a very rich nutritional content, making it a delicacy for all ages.

These 18 local delicacies in Leizhou amazed me

Yingli roast pig

Yingli roast pork is a famous dish with a long history, bright color, rich aroma, crisp and tender skin, which makes people feel endlessly evocative.

These 18 local delicacies in Leizhou amazed me

Leizhou white cut chicken

The white cut chicken skin is crisp and tender, the taste is sweet and refreshing, and the original taste of the chicken is retained. When eaten with soy sauce, sand ginger, minced garlic, etc., the taste is rich and unique, making people's lips and teeth fragrant, and they will never forget.

These 18 local delicacies in Leizhou amazed me

Pork piglets

Pork cubs are steamed at high temperatures, cut into small pieces when eaten, and accompanied by a special vinegar sauce, which can well neutralize the fatness of the pork and add a little flavor.

These 18 local delicacies in Leizhou amazed me


The nuts are very rich in flavor, and the broth made of beef and beef bones, with white radish and kohlrabi, sprinkled with green onions, pepper and other condiments, is extremely delicious and delicious.

These 18 local delicacies in Leizhou amazed me

Stir-fry bite wall

It is fried sea bean sprouts, salty with spicy, fresh and fragrant in the mouth, appetizing and digesting, simply addictive to it.

These 18 local delicacies in Leizhou amazed me

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