
Spiced dried beans stir-fried meat, the taste is very good

author:Line no more

Spiced dried beans stir-fried meat, the taste is very good.

Spiced dried tofu is made by smoking dried tofu. There was a scent of incense on the surface, like the smell of smoked duck.

The dish as a whole is also smoky. It was delicious.

Spiced dried beans stir-fried meat, the taste is very good

Let's talk about how this dried tofu stir-fry is made.

Prepare the ingredients first. Pork belly, red pepper, green pepper, shallot, garlic, spiced dried beans.

Spiced dried beans stir-fried meat, the taste is very good

Start by cutting the pork belly. Put it in water and blanch the blood.

Spiced dried beans stir-fried meat, the taste is very good

Then fish it out and cut into small pieces. Cut open to see that the inside is not yet cooked.

Spiced dried beans stir-fried meat, the taste is very good

Go back to the pot again. Put some more oil in the pan and fry the pork again, all the way through.

Spiced dried beans stir-fried meat, the taste is very good

Cut the dried tofu into small strips.

Spiced dried beans stir-fried meat, the taste is very good

Put the chopped dried tofu in the pan and sauté it, so that the dried tofu will be more fragrant.

Spiced dried beans stir-fried meat, the taste is very good

Stir-fry green and red peppers, garlic and green onions to create a fragrant aroma.

Spiced dried beans stir-fried meat, the taste is very good

Then put the sautéed dried beans and pork belly in, add some soy sauce, Pixian bean paste, stir-fry the aroma, so that the delicious dried tofu fried meat is completed.

Delicious dried tofu stir-fried meat is ready, this dish is not salted, because soy sauce and bean paste are put in, so there is no need to put salt.

Spiced dried beans stir-fried meat, the taste is very good

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