
In the morning, a bowl of home-cooked sweet potato flour is loved by adults and children

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
In the morning, a bowl of home-cooked sweet potato flour is loved by adults and children

Grandma's sweet potato noodles are just different. Nutritious and tasty.

By Yuan Wei Food Notes


Pork 200g

Sweet potato noodles 200g

6 pickled peppers

Sour shoots 60g

Ginger and minced garlic 5g each

Two scoops each of light soy sauce and oyster sauce

2 coriander

2 green onions

1 scoop of aged vinegar

1 scoop of chicken essence

1 tablespoon oil

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

In the morning, a bowl of home-cooked sweet potato flour is loved by adults and children

1, 1, boil water in the pot into the sweet potato noodles, boil the water and soak for 2 minutes. If the noodles are still hard, you can boil the noodles in boiling water for 30 seconds and cool them again until they are cooked, very soft and transparent. If you cook twice and still harden, you can continue to cook and rinse repeatedly, each time cooking time is better than 30 seconds, overcooking will be the noodles sticky and soft and lose elasticity. Repeatedly boiling and flushing too cold, not only can the noodles be cooked soft tendons, but also remove the fishy smell of the noodles. I can't provide the exact number of times I cook and brew, because the moisture content of the dried noodles themselves is different, and the draught of the noodles is different for different brands, different regions, and different seasons).

In the morning, a bowl of home-cooked sweet potato flour is loved by adults and children

2, 2, lean meat wash and cut thin slices, put in salt, chicken essence, ginger shredded in turn, grasp evenly, then release raw soy sauce, and finally put oil. (Lock the moisture of the meat, stir-fry is not easy to age)

3, 3, sour shoots, pickled pepper washed, pickled pepper cut open.

In the morning, a bowl of home-cooked sweet potato flour is loved by adults and children

4, 4, put oil in the pot to 70%, add pickled pepper, sour shoots and stir-fry. Heat to medium, then add lean meat and sauté dry water.

In the morning, a bowl of home-cooked sweet potato flour is loved by adults and children

5, 5, put in the soy sauce, chicken essence stir-fry evenly and put on the plate.

In the morning, a bowl of home-cooked sweet potato flour is loved by adults and children

6, 6, into the pot into the oil, low heat, add ginger and garlic minced, stir-fry out the aroma, under the chicken soup or broth, no chicken soup can be boiled water.

In the morning, a bowl of home-cooked sweet potato flour is loved by adults and children

7, 7: Bring to a boil over high heat, add 6g of salt and turn off the heat. The soup base is sufficient.

In the morning, a bowl of home-cooked sweet potato flour is loved by adults and children

8, 8, you can add your favorite greens, blanch with boiling water, cool water drain. Place to the bottom of the bowl.

In the morning, a bowl of home-cooked sweet potato flour is loved by adults and children

9, 9: Add the drained sweet potato flour and add the freshly boiled chicken broth or broth to a bowl. Sprinkle with chopped coriander and chopped chives.

In the morning, a bowl of home-cooked sweet potato flour is loved by adults and children

10, 10, appetizer sour and spicy radish peel, (like to eat sour), add the vinegar of the pickled radish peel, the taste level is richer.

In the morning, a bowl of home-cooked sweet potato flour is loved by adults and children

11, 11, there are sour, spicy, meat, appetizers. Authentic taste. Homemade version can be tried.


1, will not be very spicy, suitable for friends who can not eat spicy, but a little spicy to meet the taste. 2, over-boiling will be the noodles sticky and soft and lose elasticity. Repeatedly boiling and flushing too cold, not only can the noodles be cooked soft tendons, but also remove the fishy smell of the noodles. Can not provide accurate number of boiling, brewing, because the water content of the dried vermicelli itself is not the same, different brands, different regions, different seasons, the situation of the noodles draft is not the same)

<h2>Nutritional benefits of pork</h2>

1. Supplement with protein and fatty acids

Pork provides humans with high-quality protein and essential fatty acids. Pork provides heme (organic iron) and cysteine, which promotes iron absorption

Acid, can improve iron deficiency anemia.

2. Tonify the kidneys and nourish the yin

Pork is flat and sweet, has the effect of moisturizing the stomach and intestines, raw liquid, tonifying kidney qi, detoxification and poisoning, mainly treating fever and injury, thirst quenching and thinning, kidney weakness, postpartum blood deficiency, dry cough, constipation, deficiency, nourishing yin, moisturizing, nourishing liver and yin, moisturizing the skin, facilitating urination and quenching thirst.

3. Moisturizing

Pork boiled soup can be urgently replenished due to insufficient liquid caused by irritability, dry cough, constipation and dystocia.

<h2>Dietary contraindications for pork</h2>

1. It is not advisable to eat pork that has not been removed from the thyroid gland.

2. When taking antihypertensive drugs and hypolipidemic drugs, it is not advisable to eat more.

3. It is forbidden to eat lard residue.

4. Children should not eat more.

5. It is not advisable to cook after the slaughter.

6. It should not be consumed when the adrenal glands and diseased lymph nodes are not removed.

7, the elderly should not eat more lean meat.

8. It should not be soaked in hot water before eating.

9. Do not add cold water during the cooking process.

10, should not eat more fried bacon.

11. It is not advisable to eat more pork marinated with salt.

12, should not eat more lunch meat.

13, should not eat more fat meat.

14, do not eat with quail, eat together to make people black.

15. Avoid eating with pigeon meat, crucian carp and shrimp, and eating together makes people stagnant.

16. Avoid eating with Ume, Bellflower, Huanglian and Small Buckwheat, which is easy to make people lose their hair.

17, do not eat with diamond horn, soybeans, bracken, platycodon, ume, lily, croton, rhubarb, huanglian, cangshu, turnip, from the perspective of modern nutrition, beans and pork should not be matched, because the phytic acid content in beans is very high, 60% - 80% of the phosphorus is in the form of phytic acid. It often forms a complex with proteins and mineral elements, which affects the availability of both, reduces the utilization efficiency, and also because beans are combined with minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, etc. in lean meat, fish and other meat foods, thereby interfering with and reducing the body's absorption of these elements. Therefore, pork and soybeans should not be matched, and stewed soybeans with pig's trotters are not suitable for combination. Coriander is warm and warm, and the breath is hurt. Pork is greasy and helps damp heat and produce phlegm.

Ancient books record: "Where meat has supplements, only pork has no supplements." One consumes gas, one does not make up, so the two are eaten, there is damage to the body, coriander is also known as coriander, can go fishy, and mutton to eat together. Pork + diamond horn, can cause stomach pain.

18. Do not eat with beef, donkey meat (easy to cause diarrhea), and lamb liver. "Drinking and Eating" points out: "Pork should not be eaten with beef". This is mainly considered from the perspective of Traditional Chinese medicine, one is from the perspective of the medicinal properties of Chinese medicine food, pork is sour and cold, slightly cold, and has the nature of nourishing and cold, while beef has a sweet and warm smell, which can supplement the spleen and stomach, strengthen the waist and feet, and have the ability to benefit Qi. Both are warm and cold, one to supplement the spleen and stomach, and one cold and greasy. Sexual taste is resistant, so it is not advisable to eat together. Chinese medicine cloud: "Pork is fed with lamb liver and food, which is heart-wrenching." This is mainly because the smell of sheep liver is bitter and cold, tonify the liver, blindness, and cure liver wind deficiency and fever. "Pork is greasy, and it is moist and hot in the stomach", from the perspective of food and medicinal properties, it is not suitable for compatibility. Lamb liver has a smell, and when cooked with pork, it is easy to have a strange taste, and from a culinary point of view, it is not suitable.

19. When taking sulfonamide drugs, it is not advisable to eat more.

20. Eating with beans can easily cause flatulence and stagnation.

21. Pork should not be eaten with aquatic diamond horn, which will induce epilepsy.

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