
The family has a garden, raise a good pomegranate potted plant, good luck naturally comes

author:Raising flowers

There are many flower friends who raise a pot of pomegranates in the yard, and the pomegranate flowers are gorgeous and beautiful, and they can also produce fat pomegranate fruits. When there is a pomegranate tree in the yard of the home, I don't know how much vitality can be added to the yard, not only that, but also the meaning of finding good luck and wangjia.

But there are often flower friends in the background to ask me how to raise pomegranates to flourish, the fruit can be large and fruitful? Now let the flowers explain the maintenance steps in full

The family has a garden, raise a good pomegranate potted plant, good luck naturally comes

1. Soil

There are no too many requirements for the soil of the pomegranate tree, and most plants, choose a soil with fertile and loose soil and good drainage, which can be mixed with humus soil and garden soil, and conditional flower friends can also add a little base fertilizer for configuration.

The family has a garden, raise a good pomegranate potted plant, good luck naturally comes

2. Flower pots

You can choose a mud pot, choose the right size according to the size of the plant you plant, and be sure to ask before buying a plant.

3. Light and temperature

Light and temperature are especially important for pomegranate flowers. Pomegranates like a sunny environment, winter sunshine can give full sunshine conditions, summer at noon to carry out proper shade, as long as given enough light to grow dense and vigorous, otherwise there will be no leafy situation. This is one of the reasons why pomegranate potted plants are more suitable for farming in the yard.

The family has a garden, raise a good pomegranate potted plant, good luck naturally comes

Pomegranate trees have the strongest growth in warm environments, especially in the range of 15 to 25 ° C, so it is more appropriate to control the temperature in winter and summer, especially in the winter of the north, when the sun is not enough, it is more appropriate to move indoors in time. Pomegranate potted plants in winter should do a good job of wintering.

The family has a garden, raise a good pomegranate potted plant, good luck naturally comes

4. Water

Although pomegranate pots are more drought tolerant and prefer a dry environment, they should also be replenished in time, especially in the peak growing season, and should not be short of water, and sufficient water supply should be maintained, otherwise the leaves are easy to yellow. Water the soil when it is about to dry, as long as the soil is kept slightly moist.

At the same time, it should also be noted that pomegranate flowers should avoid touching water, and if they encounter flowering, they should be moved indoors in time when it rains.

The family has a garden, raise a good pomegranate potted plant, good luck naturally comes

5. Fertilize

Pomegranate potted plant is actually a very dependent on fertilizer plants, in its growth period to adhere to the topdressing, before flowering can be appropriately increased phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, for the future flowering results to prepare, but pay attention to not once fertilize too much, thin fertilizer diligent application is the key. Generally, it is enough to chase fertilizer once every half a month during the growth period. After fertilization, proper watering can be carried out, which is conducive to the faster absorption of fertilizer.

The family has a garden, raise a good pomegranate potted plant, good luck naturally comes

6. Control of pests and diseases

Pomegranate in April to May should pay attention to the prevention of insect pests, especially mesenchymal insects and stinging moths, when found, you can use 50% borer pine emulsion 1000 times liquid spray; after fruit set, pay attention to prevent illness, especially leaf blight and gray mold, can be sprayed with 70% methyl tolbucin wettable powder 1000 times liquid.

The family has a garden, raise a good pomegranate potted plant, good luck naturally comes

If the problem of yellow leaves still occurs in frequent watering, then eight achievements are caused by too much watering, at this time to carry out timely drainage, serious soil can be changed; if it is caused by too much fertilization, it should be diluted with water as soon as possible.

7. Trim

The family has a garden, raise a good pomegranate potted plant, good luck naturally comes

Pruning of pomegranate trees should be diligent, not only dry branches, too long also need to be pruned, in addition to cross branches, dense branches and other pruning, to prevent excessive nutrient consumption, but also conducive to the growth of the entire plant, but also can make the ornamental value to the maximum. It is best that the whole pomegranate pot can be well ventilated and lighted, and such a pomegranate tree will also reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases.

If the pomegranate potted plant at home bears fruit, as long as the fruit is cracked, it means ripe, then it proves that you have raised the pomegranate very well Oh ~ pick one and quickly give it to friends and relatives to taste, and the sense of achievement is doubled! Not only that, when the pomegranate pot grows vigorously, it will unconsciously attract neighbors to stop and watch, and the flower friends will definitely be very proud at that time!

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