
Write a green legend with sweat - a documentary of 60 years of arduous afforestation in The Gongjing Forest Farm in Beishan County, Yuzhong County

author:Lanzhou News Network
Write a green legend with sweat - a documentary of 60 years of arduous afforestation in The Gongjing Forest Farm in Beishan County, Yuzhong County

A stone stele inscribed with the inscription of Song Ping

Write a green legend with sweat - a documentary of 60 years of arduous afforestation in The Gongjing Forest Farm in Beishan County, Yuzhong County

Prune trees

Write a green legend with sweat - a documentary of 60 years of arduous afforestation in The Gongjing Forest Farm in Beishan County, Yuzhong County

A loess ditch slope covered with various trees

Write a green legend with sweat - a documentary of 60 years of arduous afforestation in The Gongjing Forest Farm in Beishan County, Yuzhong County

The gate of the North Mountain Forest Farm base

Lanzhou Daily all-media reporter Wang Wenwen Ma Jin Shuai wen / picture

Nowadays, when people once again look at the Yuzhong North Mountain, which was once known as the "bitter barren armor in the world", they will find that the desolation here is gradually receding, the green is getting thicker, and the ravines and ravines are full of vitality.

At about 9:00 a.m. on November 15, the reporter's car departed from Lanzhou and headed directly to the Gongjing Forest Farm in Yuzhong Beishan. Cars driving on the winding mountain beam highway, bend after bend, I can't remember how many turns, the road is lined with a bush that catches the reporter's eyes, a cluster of dazzling lemon strips, cypress trees, red willows, mountain apricots, elms... In the early winter of Yuzhong Beishan Gongjing Forest Farm, sudden and resolute, straight to the sky, in the blue sky and white clouds, bright sunshine to support a domain of extraordinary heaven and earth. The shocking life force grows straight upward in front of the reporter's eyes, and the appearance of miracles is also dreamy, what kind of people have created this green hope? After nearly three hours of travel, at noon, the reporter came to the Gongjing Forest Farm.

Three generations, 60 years.

Gongjing Forest Farm uses the earth as paper, green pine as pen, and sweat as ink, and one by one firmly nails the trees into the barren soil, and afforestation of 129,000 mu in the northern mountainous area of Yuzhong County.

Gongjing Forest Farm has unremittingly afforested in Longzhong Mountainous Area, unswervingly adhered to dedication, and built an eternal green monument with a strong sense of mission and responsibility, perseverance in the spirit of nails and nails, and indomitable fighting spirit.

Hard work has made a green legend

In Lanzhou, the geometric center of China, at the western end of the vast Loess Plateau, there are eye-catching ribbon-like green mountains on Google Maps, that is, Mada Mountain, Xinglong Mountain, and Yuzhong in Gansu. The south pillow longzhong roof ridge MaDa Mountain, the north of the Yellow River Graben, since ancient times as the gateway of Gansu Province, the ancient Silk Road to Tianjin.

Yuzhong County has a total area of 3294.7 square kilometers, a population of 423,600 people, drought and little rainfall, fragile ecology, and harsh natural conditions. In 1975, there were only 29,580 hectares of natural secondary forests in Mada Mountain and Xinglong Mountain, and the rest were almost all barren mountains and bald ridges, with a forest coverage rate of only 6.89%. Through 40 years of construction, the forest coverage rate rose from 7.23% at the end of the first period of the construction of the Three North ShelterBelts to 15.27% in 2017, and the forest area reached 50,310 hectares, and the total area of forest land was 119,793.7 hectares, accounting for 36.4% of the total land area. Among them, the northern mountainous area, which accounts for two-thirds of the area of Yuzhong County, involves 13 townships and 77 villages out of 20 townships in the county, with an altitude of more than 2200 meters, which is far from Xinglong Mountain, the "first mountain of Longyou" in the south of the county.

Historically, the area around Yuzhong North Mountain was as beautiful as Xinglong Mountain, with many grasses and trees, birds and animals.

Defy nature, go against the law, and nature's revenge strikes like a flood beast.

By the time of the founding of New China, the annual precipitation in the mountainous areas of northern Yuzhong was only 280 mm, but the evaporation was as high as 1560 mm or more, and in some places it was even as high as 2000 mm.

Due to the destruction of the ecology, the magpies flying in the sky and the pheasants running in the ground have disappeared.

People who have come here have sighed: Beishan is really poor, really bitter, really desolate!

Ecology deteriorates, alarm bells suddenly ring! Afforestation is imperative!

After the founding of New China, the party and the state attached great importance to the greening of the land. In 1959, during the difficult period of national economic difficulties, the state still gritted its teeth and built a state-owned Gongjing Forest Farm at the junction of the four townships of Gongjing Town, Xiaguanying Town, Qingshuiyi Township and Weiying Township in Yuzhong County to restore the vegetation of Beishan Mountain.

At that time, the Gongjing Forest Farm was uninhabited within a radius of ten kilometers, nor was there a single tree, only some sparse artemisia grass.

The harsh natural conditions could not stop the builders' arrogance.

On National Day, the first construction army from the townships of Beishan in Yuzhong County sounded the rallying cry, gathered in the area of Jiguanliang near the forest farm, and began to build a water platform and dig up a tree pit.

I heard that my hometown was going to turn green, and the enthusiasm of the surrounding masses was particularly high, and nearly 300 people signed up at once. Zeng Guiheng, a 76-year-old veteran of the first generation of forest farms, clearly remembers that there were more than 100 people in Weiying Township at that time.

In the autumn of 1959, the sparsely populated Lujiagou boiled, the Xiangyagou Bay Brain was built out one after another, and the pine, almond and elm saplings at the foot of Xinglong Mountain 50 kilometers away, accompanied by the songs of the drivers and the jingling of horse bells, the starry night and the journey came into the mountain, and one small seedling after another took root in the Xiangyagou Bay Brain, which only had artemisia grass, planting the hope of a generation of people to green the North Mountain.

Comrade Hu Yaobang, then general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, inspected Gansu in 1983 and put forward the strategic principle of "planting grass and planting trees, developing animal husbandry, transforming mountains and rivers, and curing the poor and the rich." The afforestation of the Second Phase of the Three Norths Project became the second climax of tree planting since the "Great Leap Forward." The spring of Xingshu Bay came, the second generation of foresters came, the cadres and workers of the whole county mobilized together, and by 2003, the Three North Project afforested 31278 hectares, of which 1704 hectares were Gongjing Forest Farm, and the forest coverage rate rose to 9.55%.

However, at the beginning of the establishment of the farm, the living conditions of the forest farm were very poor. There are no houses to live in, so dig a few holes. There was no bed to rest, so I spread a handful of wheatgrass on the ground. There is no electricity, and the lighting is made of horse lamps. There is no running water, and it depends on the cellar water that collects when it rains. Food shortages are even worse, and there is little grain produced in the north mountains, and a large number of people gather together, often having to dig up wild vegetables to fill their hunger. Baking a few potatoes and drinking some batter is a rare delicacy.

It is almost the New Year, and the migrant workers have withdrawn. There are only 18 young cadres and workers left in the forest farm, including Zeng Guiheng.

Fearless of hardships, reclaim the land and plant trees. They "first ruled the slope, then put the nest, first produced, then lived", and began to write a moving legend on this barren mountain and bald ridge with youth and blood.

From the afforestation period from early March to the end of October, to the fire prevention period from early November to the end of May of the following year, they watched the mountain forest almost all year round. Every morning at four or five o'clock, they get up. Carry a pot of boiling water on your back, bring some dry food, and grope up the mountain when the sky is still numb, and dry it all day.

Although they have a job, it is difficult for them to marry a daughter-in-law when they hear that they are "tree planters" who eat and live in the mountains all year round. Those who have already started a family are also unable to take care of their homes for many years, and they are complained by their families that they only have trees and no home in their hearts.

No matter how difficult it is, the trees have to be planted one by one. In the area of the North Mountain, there are nine droughts in ten years. There is no way to water, so plant trees and wait for the spring and autumn rains to be planted.

Not afraid of difficulties, the more frustrated the more courageous. In Yuzhong North Mountain, generations of foresters have tenaciously taken root, planted seedlings one after another, and planted the ideal and belief of restoring green water and green mountains.

With extraordinary perseverance and will, by 2008, Gongjing Forest Farm had planted 32,600 mu.

Planting trees in the North Mountains is harder than raising a child

In 2008, the area under the jurisdiction of 2173.3 hectares of Gongjing Forest Farm was basically planted. This means that the forest farm is only left with the task of forest protection. Do you manage your "one acre and three points of land", or go out and continue the war to the north mountain wasteland? Li Xuerong, then the director of the Gongjing Forest Farm, was thinking.

Li Xuerong chose the latter. Combined with the loess plateau comprehensive treatment forestry demonstration construction project, the "three north" shelter forest project, etc., Gongjing Forest Farm began to jump out of its own "one acre and three points of land", so that the green extends to the entire North Mountain area.

In practice, the afforestation technology of Gongjing Forest Farm has been continuously improved.

For a long time, the survival rate of seedlings planted in Gongjing Forest Farm was less than half that year.

In the spring of 1960, the first generation of passionate foresters, without any experience in afforestation, planted 2,000 acres of almond trees, walnut trees, oil pines and other seedlings as soon as they got on the horse.

The reality is harsh. In the autumn of that year, they were poured with a scoop of cold water: the Loess Plateau in the North Mountain of Yuzhong, chopping open a piece of soil, both halves crying thirst, plus the soil could not contain nutrients, and more than half of the seedlings they had painstakingly planted died of drought. Like the more than 300 acres of oil pine planted that year, to this day, only 43 trees are left; 2,000 walnut trees, only two are left.

In many places, planting trees is about digging a pit and planting seedlings, which is very easy.

But planting trees in the North Mountain, too difficult, too bitter! Planting a tree is harder than raising a child!

How to improve the survival rate of seedlings? Analyzing and finding the causes, a new generation of foresters realized that the biggest constraint to afforestation in the North Mountain area was water scarcity. For a long time, the trees planted by the forest farm workers were always too dense.

At the end of the 1970s, Gongjing Forest Farm planted a sea buckthorn forest covering an area of 70 to 80 acres, with about 300 to 500 plants per acre.

Sea buckthorn, drought tolerant, should grow well according to theory. But after growing for more than ten years, big trees and small trees competed for "drinking water", and as a result, no one's nutrition could catch up, and the forest that was hard to grow up was gone.

Years of hard work, ruined. The heavy loss has made a new generation of forest farm workers realize that planting trees, no matter how anxious, "can't eat a fat man in one bite".

Learning from the lessons learned, the forest farm has created a new model of "minimally invasive" afforestation.

Previously, one acre of land, 222 fish scale pits were dug during afforestation of forest farms. Although there are many trees planted, the pits are small, each pit is 50 cm long, 30 cm wide and 30 cm deep, and it cannot hold water.

In recent years, the foresters have reduced the fish scale pits of one acre of land by half, only dug 110, and all of them have been converted into large pits, each 1.2 meters long, 70 centimeters wide and 30 centimeters deep. In this way, a fish scale pit can hold 100 pounds of water, and an acre of land can hold 10,000 pounds of water.

It seems that there are fewer trees planted, but as long as it rains, it can retain water and soil, and the moisture of the seedlings is sufficiently guaranteed.

The selection of seedlings has also improved. In the early 1980s, the forest farm introduced a number of beautiful Henan yellow elm seedlings and planted 200 acres. After 3 years, the trees grew to the thickness of a shovel, but they all died.

The foreign seedlings are not satisfied with the soil and water, and the drought resistance is too weak. To succeed in planting trees in the North Hills, it is necessary to use seedlings that are adapted to the local soil and environment. Drought-tolerant native trees such as Hebei poplar, elm tree and sassafras pine have become the choice of foresters.

Since 2013, the forest farm has introduced container seedling planting technology. Combined with the characteristics of the North Mountain, they pulled the container seedlings to the forest farm one month in advance to "refine the seedlings" to adapt to the local climatic conditions.

At the beginning of the establishment of the farm, the forest farm people did not like to plant shrubs. I always feel that trees can grow into wood, but the survival rate of trees is too low. Beginning in 1975, they changed the tree species from a tree-based tree to a drought-tolerant shrub such as lemon strips, red willow, sea buckthorn, and mountain apricot. In order to further improve the survival rate, the forest farm has now chosen Qiao irrigation and mixed planting. In this way, the drought tolerance of drought-tolerant tree species can not only be improved, but also less susceptible to diseases and insect pests.

With the improvement of seedling planting technology, the drought-resistant and barren tree species of cypress has also settled in Beishan.

In the early years, the Gongjing forest farm also planted cypress, but it would be naked root planting, and the bare root seedlings could not absorb water, and the survival rate was very low.

Now, with the introduction of the technology of soil balls, cypress trees can be planted one by one, one tree can be planted alive, and a forest can be created in a year.

A series of technological innovations have increased the survival rate of seedlings in Gongjing Forest Farm to more than 90%.

The creation of this forest farm has now been promoted on a large scale.

For tree planting, many people think of planting in spring and autumn, but in this barren mountainous and bald ridge in the northern mountains of Yuzhong, Gongjing Forest Farm is now "three seasons of tree planting".

The northern mountains are drought-stricken, and if the traditional spring afforestation is followed, the survival rate is too low.

A few years ago, when the Gongjing Forest Farm planted lemon strips, it explored a method of grabbing the mound for afforestation. Continuing to practice, a new generation of foresters have found that even in July and August, as long as the next rain, the next day to quickly plant trees, not only save time and effort, but also greatly improve the survival rate.

Planted for a week, the moisture is gone. The foresters continued to dig up the tree nests, waiting for the next rain to come.

In this way, now, in the North Mountain of Yuzhong, the planting of trees can be planted until the winter freezes.

Many slopes of the North Mountain are steep, and the slope around the White Tiger Mountain is even above 60 degrees, and people cannot stand steadily when they go up, such a place, before the forest farm people could only look at the mountain and sigh.

A new generation of foresters has found that as long as it rains and the ground is wet, people can climb up and dig out the tree pit with two hands with a shovel.

Three generations, how much sweat bathing, how much hard work, achieved a green full of hope, the mountains are green, like a dragon dancing between the mountains, improving the surrounding 20 km range of local microclimate, becoming the banner and model of the comprehensive management of the Loess Plateau. Generations of fathers and villagers living here are indispensable, Yuzhong County Gongjing Forest Farm unremitting afforestation, do not forget the original sense of mission and responsibility, perseverance of the nail spirit, indomitable fighting spirit, known as "Longshang Saihan Dam", then forest farm director Li Xuerong was awarded the National Afforestation Outstanding Contribution Award and Greening Advanced Worker in 2016.

The dreams of the people who first tree and then the north mountain people are green

Time passes silently. Green is always the eternal pursuit of Gongjing forest people.

In the long river of life, there are many things that can be done. But in Zhang Chengbao's life, he only did one thing: planting green and protecting green.

In 1970, Zhang Chengbao went to the Beishan Forest Farm to start afforestation, and this work has been 49 years this year. He spilled more than 40 years of sweat on the ravines of yuzhong north mountain.

Zhang Chengbao was born in 1951, his father died when he was 2 years old, and then his mother remarried, it was his uncles, uncles and villagers who pulled him up, and the poor growth experience created his resolute and unyielding character.

"In my childhood memories, apart from the bare mountains, it was loess blown by the wind. The first time I saw adults planting trees, I was more than 7 years old, adults used livestock to drive pine, almond, elm and other seedlings, starry night and journey into our inaccessible north mountain planting, watching a tree in the desolate yellow land swaying in the wind, I felt very lonely, it is difficult to imagine that it can grow up alive. Zhang Chengbao recalled.

In 1970, zhang Chengbao was 19 years old, and was recommended by the production team to plant trees in Gongjing Forest Farm, becoming a contract worker in the forest farm, and began his journey of "planting trees". For the first time, he really sighed helplessly in his heart that "it is really difficult to plant a tree", and since then, "it is not easy to plant a tree" has become his deepest understanding of life.

In 1981, Zhang Chengbao, who hoped to stay in the army and become a volunteer, resolutely chose to be demobilized and return to the forest farm, preferring to be a reforestation worker who fought against the loess and drought.

Zhang Chengbao retired 8 years ago, but he was not willing, he said that "there are still many places that have not planted trees", so he applied to come back to continue afforestation. In April 2018, his Haojia Construction Forest Site won the title of "Labor Pioneer" in Gansu Province, and Zhang Chengbao himself has been awarded the honorary titles of "Advanced Worker" and "Excellent Communist Party Member" for many times.

"When a man grows up in a river, he only does one thing: plant trees and protect forests!" Like Zhang Chengbao, he deeply loves the afforestation cause, and li Xuerong, the person in charge of leading Zhang Chengbao and their afforestation for more than ten years, commented on Zhang Chengbao, saying: "Old Zhang Chengbao, as long as there is nothing major at home, whether it is the Spring Festival or the holiday, he will definitely be on duty on the mountain to help, we all admire him, his dedication to afforestation, the belief in the beauty of his hometown makes us moved, but also gives us the confidence of the young generation of foresters!" ”

The trees and grasses in front of him are Zhang Chengbao's "children", "relatives" and "friends", and he hopes to have more "children", "relatives" and "friends". "Now, when I'm older, I can't move, I only dug 200 tree nests a day this year, and I can dig more than 300 a day in the past few years." Zhang Chengbao said leisurely.

Zhang Chengbao said word by word, and the hearts of those who listened were full of respect.

Lonely watch, lonely and persistent - this is the life of the people of Gongjing Forest Farm.

Bai Futang, a 54-year-old villager in Yatouling Village, pulled a cart of side cypresses 11 years ago and was in a car accident when he went from the forest farm to the afforestation site. His daughter-in-law's eyes hurt. As for him, not only did he break his waist and legs, but he also lost his left foot and installed a prosthesis.

But Bai Fu Tang still couldn't put down the trees. After resting for two or three months, he ran to the forest farm again, helping to let the other villagers plant forests.

If you can't plant a tree, you will protect the forest. In 2016, he was hired by the forest farm as a ranger on the lookout. Every day, he walked along the mountain road, on crutches, and walked a mile or two. Along the road, which is conveniently accessible, he also has to ride a motorcycle to see. Bai Futang willingly gave everything for this green.

Bai Fu tang, who has lived in the Kitayama area since childhood, has a deep affection for trees. Hoping that the North Mountain will be green from now on is his dream.

Even if time is difficult to move forward, every forester is a chaser of green dreams. The third generation of Gongjing Forest Farm gave the same resounding answer.

In the spring of 2003, when the 31-year-old Huo Yanjun first went to work at gongjing forest farm, he was dumbfounded on the road.

For Huo Yanjun, whose hometown is in Heping Town, Yuzhong County, and can get to Lanzhou by bicycle for a quarter of an hour, the more the mountain turns, the cooler the heart. Surrounding mountains, almost no green.

When I got to the old farm in Apricot Tree Bay, the green was there. But in a dozen old bungalows, the kraft paper roof was in tatters, and the dirt walls were plastered with newspapers, smoked black. Eat or cellar water.

But he still fell in love with the place and plunged into it.

In order to add a little more green, 10 years ago, Huo Yanjun and the old director of the forest farm tried to plant a side cypress with an earth ball near the field for the first time.

First of all, when pulling seedlings, they were accepted one by one, and the soil balls were less than 30 centimeters, and they were resolutely not.

On the way, I was afraid to break the earthball. When planting, be more careful. After planting the side cypress with soil balls into it, step on it, straighten it, and can't help but water it a few times.

350 acres of land, planted for 15 days.

In the Beishan Forest Farm, among the male employees, there is also a female employee, she is Zou Meiying. "In fact, we have also been fighting on the forestry front for three generations, and my husband is 75 years old and retired from forestry. I used to work in a nursery, and I have been working here for 11 years since I was transferred to Beishan Gongjing Forest Farm in 2008. My son is a junior at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, and his major is also forestry. I have been working in forestry for half a lifetime and have feelings for trees. ”

Jin Jiewu, the son of the first generation of veteran employee Jin Mingjun, replaced his father to work in the Beishan Forest Farm. He worked in the North Mountain Forest Farm for 37 years, and retired home in 2018. "Working at the North Mountain Forest Farm is not just a job, but an attachment and emotion to the tree, and at the same time a responsibility." I love a tree more than a person. ”

Trees cannot be separated from people, and people cannot be separated from trees. For decades, without hesitation and without abandonment, the people of Gongjing Forest Farm have used the tenacity and persistence in their bones to make them and the life of the trees one.

At about 3 p.m. on November 15, 2019, Huo Yanjun held a mountain patrol fire prevention meeting in the pavilion of the forest farm, because it is currently the most critical season for winter fire prevention, and a little carelessness will make the three generations of 60 years of hard work burned and cannot be sloppy.

Keeping the good days of green is getting more and more aggressive

His parents used to be the breeders in the village, and he himself had been herding sheep for more than 40 years, and Han Zhixiong, a poor household in Daping Village, Qingshui YiXiang, Yuzhong County, never thought that one day he would be able to put down the sheep whip.

In 2012, cadres and workers from Gongjing Forest Farm came to the village and repeatedly gave him work, persuading him to sell his sheep and join the army of afforestation and forest protection. Han Zhixiong couldn't turn this corner in his heart.

The livelihood of a family of 5 people has depended on more than 100 sheep raised by Han Zhixiong every year for many years, and he can earn more than 10,000 yuan a year.

Yes, there are hundreds of acres of land, but it is all mountainous in the north mountain area. At the end of the year, from spring to autumn, ploughing the land, sowing seeds... The suffering is not less, the wide planting is thin, and even the seed money cannot be recovered.

If you don't herd sheep anymore, what about life?

"The mountain determines the right, the tree determines the root, and the person fixes the heart." The reform of the collective forest rights system allowed Han Zhixiong to be allocated 700 acres of barren mountains, and the forests built on these barren mountains belonged to him. Truly became the master of the mountain forest, let him have confidence.

More critically, after participating in afforestation, the government also issued special subsidies for ecology.

Are there any benefits to participating in ecological governance? In March of that year, the half-believing Han Zhixiong and his daughter-in-law joined the afforestation team while raising sheep. At 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning, she got up and ran to the afforestation site, and at 9 o'clock, the daughter-in-law rushed back to herd the sheep.

Unexpectedly, that month, the two of them earned 10,000 yuan by digging a tree nest, which is equivalent to the money of selling sheep in a year. Two months later, he took the initiative to contact a sheep dealer and disposed of the sheep with the belt.

Lay down the whip and protect the ecology. Now, Han Zhixiong has changed from a "farmer" to a "forest worker".

Han Zhixiong told reporters: "When I first joined the forest ranger, the villagers on the opposite mountain also raised thousands of sheep. In addition to supervising them, he also persuaded them to give up raising sheep, just like the forest workers did in those years.

Now, Liang Jianfu, Huang Zongshan, Dai Yuxue, Wang Qiuxian and twenty or thirty other former "sheep" around the Gongjing Forest Farm, like Han Zhixiong, have joined the afforestation and forest protection team.

These poor households who have established a file and a card not only have income from afforestation three seasons a year, but also are hired by the county as ecological rangers to participate in the daily forest protection of the forest farm, and each person can earn 8,000 yuan per year. In addition to these, they can also enjoy the relevant subsidies of the new round of policy of returning farmland to forests.

Now, Han Zhixiong and 20 cadres and workers of the forest farm, as well as ordinary people in the Beishan area, have formed a afforestation team of more than 200 people, and since 2013, they have been unremittingly afforesting and protecting forests all year round.

Lu Zaiqing, a ranger in Kangtouling Village, Hujing Town, is a poor household in Lika, and in order to get rid of poverty with everyone, the forest farm hired him as a ranger with a salary of 8,000 yuan a year. The county employs 638 provincial, municipal and county third-level forest rangers from poor households in Lika, and pays an annual forest ranger remuneration of 5.104 million yuan.

The Gongjing Forest Farm Afforestation Professional Team has absorbed poor households from neighboring townships to participate in afforestation. Lu Qi, Yatouling Village, Gongjing Town, husband and wife participated in ecological construction, labor income of about 60,000 yuan for three consecutive years, bought a car, and has paid a down payment for the building in the county. Zhao Weide, employed as a technician by Gongjing Forest Farm, earned 3,000 yuan a month and settled in the Gaoyanshan settlement. In the five years since the implementation of the Loess Plateau Comprehensive Treatment Project alone, a total of 8.205 million yuan in labor remuneration has been paid.

Green water and green mountains bring real money and silver, and the road to green development is getting wider and wider.

"Planting these economic forests is to try to turn ecological advantages into economic advantages and to break out a new way for Beishan farmers to get rid of poverty and get rich." Huo Yanjun said.

On August 20 this year, six wild rock sheep ran on the slopes of BaitiaoWanshe in Haojiawan Village, Xiaguanying Town, Yuzhong County. "Our Baitiao Bay is a shallow mountain area of the North Mountain, and we have never seen flocks of rock sheep come here before, and it is very surprising that they suddenly appear here, and it will not be the leopard that appeared in the Gongjing Forest Farm some time ago." Lao Zhang, who herds sheep in Baitiao Bay, told reporters that now that the ecology is better, there are more rock sheep than before, but flocks have appeared

The hills not far from the village are hardly seen. "More than 10 years ago, there were less than 500 rock sheep here, and according to expert monitoring, the number of rock sheep now exceeds 1,000, which fully shows that our ecological Elm construction has achieved a stage victory."

In April this year, the biodiversity research team of Lanzhou University took an active image of the golden leopard in Yuzhong North Mountain, Lanzhou, Gansu Province. Experts said that this fully shows that the optimization of the ecosystem of Yuzhong North Mountain has played a very good role, especially through afforestation and protection, human interference is small, and a large number of rock sheep activities have sufficient food sources.

Not only rock sheep and golden leopards, but now the biodiversity in the North Mountains of Yuzhong has been gradually restored. The number of natural shrub vegetation such as golden pheasant, camel velvet quinoa, drunken fish grass, and ephedra has increased. Pheasants and magpies reappear and catch people's eyes from time to time.

Huo Yanjun said that in the past 60 years, after three generations of efforts, the afforestation area has expanded to Gongjing, Zhonglianchuan, Qingshui, Xiaguanying, Jinya and other villages, with a total area of 129,000 mu and an afforestation area of 59,000 mu. At present, it has formed an ecological corridor with two wings of Tianchi Gorge Lemon Strip Field and Beishan Water Protection Station, which has become the largest artificial ecological project in Yuzhong County, improving the local climate within 20 kilometers of the surrounding area, and becoming a model for the comprehensive management of the Loess Plateau.

Guarding the green water and green mountains, the Gongjing Forest Farm has created an immeasurable value of Jinshan Yinshan - compared with the early days of the farm, the microclimate of the 20 km area around the forest farm has improved significantly, and the annual precipitation has now reached about 320 mm, an increase of 40 mm.

The bigger green miracle is still on the way – every tree is a dream close to beautiful China.

This is a glorious history written by mankind and nature.