
There are countless bad anime films that cross the theme, but the anti-crossing is almost a fine product


You might think that for people in other worlds, those Who were transported by truck to Japanese high school students are also "crossers." But this is a preconceived notion, and the core of this misconception is that you tacitly accept that no one in the other world has crossed over to other worlds.

In fact, if you think about it in a different position, you can find the truth, such as people from other worlds crossing backwards into our "real world", so what will we call each other? That, of course, is the anti-crosser.

Of course, you could also argue that the anti-crosser is also a preconceived misunderstanding, and this misconception is based on my tacit acknowledgment that there are crossers in the "real world." Otherwise, if the other party is a person who unilaterally realizes the crossing, then the "anti-crossing" theory is not valid.

This is obviously a nesting doll problem, so it is better to discuss this issue and limit the level to the scope of creation, after all, the brains of people looking for a sense of reality in fictional works may have problems.

There are countless bad anime films that cross the theme, but the anti-crossing is almost a fine product

So in terms of definition, the characters who come from the other world to the "real world" as we know it are collectively called anti-crossers, and the fashionable concept of anti-crossing has actually appeared for a long time.

If nothing else, in the classic manga "InuYasha" serialized by Rumiko Takahashi since 1996, there is an anti-crossing bridge section, in which the heroine Nichiren Govi is a crosser, but the male protagonist Inuyasha also has the experience of crossing to modern Japan, so he is also an anti-crosser.

At that time, this plot in "InuYasha" must have made many manga readers and animation viewers feel very fresh.

There are countless bad anime films that cross the theme, but the anti-crossing is almost a fine product

Time has passed a little back, and in the "Ryogu Haruhi" series, which led a generation of light animation booms, Asahina Shiki Kuroya, who is set as a future person, also belongs to a kind of anti-crosser, but she crosses not the world but time.

This is also related to the setting of "other worlds", perhaps the animation audience has been poisoned too much by a large number of toilet paper animations in recent years, and now there is not only a stress reaction to the word otherworld, but also the most royal and old-fashioned setting of medieval Europe and sword and magic for the first time.

But in essence, the scope of the word Different World is quite broad, and everything that is different from the real world can be called another world, even if only time is different.

Even in some special cases, an isolated place in the same world, at the same time, can be considered a "nother world", and the Island of Greed in Full-Time Hunter is a good example.

There are countless bad anime films that cross the theme, but the anti-crossing is almost a fine product

But the most famous and largest anti-crossing event in the two-dimensional culture is undoubtedly the gas explosion in Winterwood City – the Holy Grail War.

Tomoki is an elevated city in the Fate series of Shizuki, based on Kobe City in the Kansai region of Japan. Winterwood city is the main stage for many works in the Fate series, and whenever the "secretly conducted" Holy Grail War makes some big move, the news of Winterwood City will report a gas explosion accident. This is also the source of "the Holy Grail War is known to be carried out in secret" and "Winterwood City is another day of nuclear peace".

In terms of setting, the Grail War is to summon seven spirits from the past or future to the present world through the Holy Grail and holy relics, and compete for the ultimate ownership of the Holy Grail in a mutual fight.

In other words, this IP, which originated in 2004, has been marked with the triple label of "magic + anti-crossing + eating chicken" more than a decade ago, which can be described as a fashion value, and it is no wonder that it can be fired until now.

As for the scale of anti-crossing, the Fate series can say that there are as many heroic spirits as there are anti-crossing events.

There are countless bad anime films that cross the theme, but the anti-crossing is almost a fine product

"The gas in Dongmu City has exploded again"

Although otherworldly travel is popular nowadays, in some comics, there are still creators who use anti-crossing themes.

For example, a book is named "日本へようこそエルフさん。 The direct translation is "Welcome to Japan, Miss Genie." The manga tells the story of a Japanese youth who can always travel to another world whenever he sleeps, and return to reality when he dies.

At first, he thought it was just a dream, until one day he and his elf friend in the dream were hit by the spit of the magic dragon, and at the last moment the two hugged each other, but the elf was taken to modern Japan, and he found that the other world was not a "dream", and the story of anti-crossing and crossing began.

However, compared with the other world that most readers have long been tired of seeing, the description of Miss Elf in the manga after coming to modern society is the biggest attraction of this manga.

By the way, the folk translation of the comic in China is "The Spirit of the Coming Day", and the translation team probably understands the essence of the HKG subtitle group.

There are countless bad anime films that cross the theme, but the anti-crossing is almost a fine product
There are countless bad anime films that cross the theme, but the anti-crossing is almost a fine product

In addition to the works mentioned above, there are actually many examples of anti-crossing in the two-dimensional works.

For example, last year, there was a final storm, and this year announced the production of the second issue of the animation after seven years of "Part-time Work! Lord Demon King", which is an earlier anti-crossing work. However, at that time, the cross-world crossing had not yet emerged, although everyone could see the selling point of this work, but not many viewers would deliberately emphasize the element of "anti-crossing".

The other is TROYCA's original TV animation Re:CREATORS released in April 2017, which is a mixture of elements, from the creators of contemporary two-dimensional culture to the audience, from online violence to various social issues, as well as knights, mages, magical girls, giant robots, superpowers and so on from many of its overhead works. In this colorful setting, the anti-crossing of this basic element is somewhat overwhelmed.

There are countless bad anime films that cross the theme, but the anti-crossing is almost a fine product

From the above examples, you can also see a common point, those really excellent crossing and anti-crossing works, but do not need to use these two elements as a selling point to promote, perhaps this is the current flood of other worlds through the work makes people feel the same.

As for why it is crossing rather than anti-crossing that floods up, it is probably because the overhead world can let itself fly and let the mind soar at will, and then blame all those bullshit logics as "other worlds".

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