
140,000 people were disarmed, and not a single one was a man! The culture of the Five Dynasties period, poetry and painting are excellent

author:Read history
140,000 people were disarmed, and not a single one was a man! The culture of the Five Dynasties period, poetry and painting are excellent

This is an intensive reading of Chinese history serial 232, "Five Dynasties History" serial 12 (click to view the previous part), welcome to watch. (The five-generation history series ends, take a break, and the two Song Dynasties continue after the Spring Festival!) )

Although the five generations are chaotic, the development of culture still has considerable points. There are several reasons for this.

First, there was a great imbalance in the economic development of various regions during the five generations. The two regions of Jiangnan (Wu, Southern Tang, Wuyue) and Bashu (former and later Shu) were rich and stable, which was very beneficial to the development of culture. The Central Plains is the region with the deepest cultural tradition, and although it has suffered many funerals, there is no shortage of short-term well-off times, so it will not be completely eclipsed culturally.

Second, the ties between the regions during the five generations were not completely broken. Not only are there often political ties between the separatist regimes in various localities and the central plains regimes, but also in various localities. Although the north-south traffic was affected by the interruption of the canal, the land traffic through Jingzhou has been smooth. Therefore, the cultural ties between the regions have not been severed, and they can still influence each other, thus promoting cultural development.

Third, many literati and scholars at the end of the Tang Dynasty either retreated into the valley or went into exile in a more stable place at the time of mourning. They preserved and spread the seeds of culture and continued to engage in creative activity. In an era of tyrants and warlords, these people did not lose confidence and persisted in their work.

Fourth, we should also affirm the five generations of some of the rulers who contributed to the development of culture. They either protected and appointed a number of literati, or they had a deep interest in literature and art, and enthusiastically advocated cultural activities, such as Wu Yue Qian, and the latter such as the Southern Tang Dynasty And Later Lords.

The fifth and fifth generations were a period of complete collapse of the remnants of the old shi clan gate valves. This has freed cultural development from the shackles of some old traditions, which is also a favorable factor.

Of course, we cannot deny the obstructive effect of the war and division on cultural development, which is also an objective fact.

140,000 people were disarmed, and not a single one was a man! The culture of the Five Dynasties period, poetry and painting are excellent

01, the prevalence of engraving and printing books

At the end of the Tang Dynasty, engraving and printing books had already made initial developments. According to records at the time, at least in Shuzhong there were already printed books for sale. Most of these books are Buddhist scriptures, almanacs, calligraphy books, and books such as ZhanMeng and Xiangzhai that are widely circulated by the people.

In the fifth generation, the cause of printing books continued to develop, and the printing of books in Jiangnan and Bashu was the most prominent.

This trend began in the folk and gradually affected the upper echelons of society. Folk bookstores begin with Buddhist scriptures and daily books. Intellectuals who read Confucian scriptures mainly have to be copied by themselves or by inviting others. This situation is very detrimental to the circulation of culture and the preservation of books.

Five generations later, that changed. The official tumbler Feng Dao and the Later Shu chancellor Wu Zhao both contributed to the cause of printing scriptures.

Three years after Tang Changxing (932), Feng Dao requested that according to the Tang Dynasty stone carvings of the Nine Classics (Tang called the Nine Classics in the tang Dynasty with the "Three Rites", "Three Transmissions", "Yi", "Books", and "Poems" together, and the stone classics completed in the first year of the kaicheng (836), there were actually twelve classics, in addition to the Nine Classics, there were also "Filial Piety Classics", "Analects", and "Erya", which were only one less "Mencius" than the "Thirteen Classics" later mentioned). In the third year of the Later Zhou Dynasty (953), the whole book was engraved, and because the Guozijian was responsible for engraving and printing, it was later called "Jianben".

It seems too slow to complete this matter in more than 20 years, but if we think about how many major military disasters and changes of several regimes have occurred in the past 20 years, we can not only forgive the ancients, but also praise them for finally being able to persist in completing this work.

Later Shu Zai Chancellor Wu Zhao carved more books than Feng Dao, and used private financial resources, and his merits were naturally greater than Feng Dao's.

According to legend, the young people of Wuzhao descent were poor, and they borrowed the "Anthology" and "Beginner's Record" from people, and the faces of the people were difficult. He sighed and said, "If he can manifest in his old age, he would like to stereotype these two books for the sake of students." Later, he made Shu Xiang, and sure enough, he did not forget his early wishes, funded the employment of craftsmen, carved into two books, and continued to engrave books such as the Nine Classics.

He also presided over the work of carving the Shu Stone Classic, according to the Tang Kaicheng Stone Classic, ordered Zhang Dezhao to write, Sun Fengji and Ju Zhongzheng corrected, and carved into ten parts ("Filial Piety", "Analects", "Erya", "Zhou Yi", "Shangshu", "Zhou Li", "Mao Shi", "Li Ji", "Ritual Rites", "Zuo Chuan"), which were placed in the Chengdu Xuegong.

He can be said to be fully committed to engraving books, and he is a man of ambition. It is said that when he carved books, many people laughed at him for doing stupid things. Later, the Song people destroyed Shu, found out that the book board was carved by Wu Shi's private person, recognized his family's property rights, and his descendants lived a very rich life by printing books to sell money. From this point of view, the number of printed lines should not be small.

Wu and Feng are both advocates of engraving books, and the real engravers are nameless craftsmen. The engravings in the Five Dynasties of Shu still survive today. We look at the handwriting of these ancestors for more than a thousand years, and think about how they carved a large number of classics on the wooden boards one by one, and no one can fail to admire and admire them.

When the book is always booked, there are naturally more than these two things. Later Jin Zai chancellor, great poet and Ning once carved hundreds of copies of their own collections and gave them to people. The former Shu monk Guan Xiu, who was famous for his poetry and paintings, also had engravings in his poetry collection Zen Yue Ji.

02, gunpowder appears on the battlefield

Lu Zhen's Chronicle of the Nine Kingdoms, Volume II, has a passage: "Tianyou (three years)... From the attack on Yuzhang, (Zheng) Fan fired his planes, burned the Dragon Shamen, and led the brave soldiers to enter the city first. ”

This is the earliest record of the use of artillery in the world. The third year of Tianyou corresponds to 906 AD, during the reign of Emperor Zhaoxuan of Tang, the year before Zhu Wen usurped the throne. The gun was not a cannon with a barrel, or a stone-throwing machine that used leverage to project heavy objects (usually stones), but this time it fired incendiary materials with gunpowder. It is the germ of artillery.

Oil can burn, as recorded in the "Shangjun Gaonu County" article of the Book of Han and Geography. Gaonu was near present-day Yan'an, Shaanxi, and the Han Dynasty had already discovered oil in northern Shaanxi. Its military application began in five generations.

In the third year of Later Liang Zhenming (917), Wu Yue's emissaries sailed to the Khitan and sent fierce fire oil to Abaoji, saying that when attacking the city, this oil was used to burn the louqiao, and if the enemy used water to pour, the more it was poured, the more it burned. Ah Baoji was overjoyed, and immediately prepared to send troops to attack Youzhou, wanting to try this treasure.

Apaoji's wife Shu Luhou was a very insightful figure, and she criticized Apaoji, saying: "Where is the reason for starting a war for the sake of testing oil?" "Apaoji was thus suspended.

Later, the Government of the Northern Song Dynasty had an institution of "fierce fire oil", which shows that people at that time attached great importance to the use of oil in war. It's just that where the Wuyue people got the fierce fire oil, there is no record, it is a question.

The Song and Yuan dynasties were an important stage in the history of the invention of firearms in China, and the Five Dynasties can be said to be the pioneering stage of the great development period.

140,000 people were disarmed, and not a single one was a man! The culture of the Five Dynasties period, poetry and painting are excellent

03, a literati who has experienced vicissitudes

During the mourning of the five dynasties at the end of the Tang Dynasty, many literati and scholars scattered in search of a place to live.

The war in the Central Plains is the fiercest, but in the valley, there is no place for talented people to live. Zhongtiao Shan Wangguan Valley (in the southeast of Yu Township, east of present-day Yongji, Shanxi) was such a place. It is the reclusive place of the famous poet Sikong Tu (837-908).

Sikong Tu, the character table sage, was a Tang Dynasty Zhizhi zhen and Zhongshu Sheren, he was originally a Yuxiang person, saw the chaos in the world, lived in seclusion in the mountains, and called himself a Zhifeizi and an insulting resident. These two nicknames seem to be full of negative and evasive atmosphere, but in essence they are resentful. He refused to be called up and refused to cooperate with Zhu Wen. It is not easy for a student who has no fist and no courage to do this. Later, when he heard that Emperor Ai of Tang had been killed by Zhu Wen, he went on a hunger strike and vomited blood and died.

He was a literary critic who wrote 24 four-character poems illustrating the realm of 24 kinds of poetry, collectively known as "Poetry". The first four sentences of the first song of "Implicit" say: "Without a word, do your best." Words do not involve oneself, if it is not worrying. ”

The commentator pays more attention to the first two sentences, in fact, the third and fourth sentences reveal the true feelings of the author, don't be confused by the idyllic and ethereal surface, his heart is really painful! After the death of Liang Chen in the Southern Dynasty, his "Southern and Northern History Encounters" said with great emotion: "How can a traitor be ashamed of the country, and the emptiness makes Huaigu even more wandering." "It also reveals this mood.

Luo Yin's (833-909) five-seven-word poems, especially the seven-word poems, were relatively excellent in the five generations.

Luo Yin (羅隐), courtesy name Zhaozhi, was a native of Yuhang (present-day Linping Town, West and East of Hangzhou, Zhejiang), who served as a judge of jiedushi under Qian Wei and gave him a job. He was also not called by Zhu Wen, and also advised Qian To please Zhu, but Qian Was limited to strength and did not listen, but respected him.

Lu Xun praised his Book of Rumors, which was "almost all protest and indignant talk" (The Crisis of the Southern Cavity and the Northern Collection of Essays).

When we open his poetry collection "A and B Collection", we can see many works of emotional wounds, such as the middle two couplets of "Chipping Pen Yi", "When the heavens and the earth are all working together, the heroes are not free." The Thousand Li Mountains and Rivers are light and the two dynasties crown swords hate the Zhou Dynasty", which refers to the hatred of the Three Kingdoms Shu Han Dynasty, which actually refers to the Tang Dynasty.

Another example is the sentence in "After the Fire of Ganlu Temple", "The victory of the Six Dynasties has been dusted, and there are idle people who are looking forward to coming", Ganlu Temple is in Zhenjiang, which reflects the situation after Sun Ru's bandit army burned and plundered.

As for the "Ten Thousand Miles of Mountains and Rivers and Tang Land, Thousand Years of Soul and Jin Hero" of "Dengxia Zhou City Tower", it is bold and majestic, and artistically quite desirable, and the author's strong and nostalgic feelings for the unification of the Tang Dynasty are overflowing with words.

Du Xunhe (846-907), who was equally famous as Luo Yin at the same time, was different from Luo Yin.

He was a native of Jiuhuashan, Chizhou (chizhou shidai) (present-day northwest of Taiping, Anhui). He was originally an aide to Yang Xing's secret general Tian Fu, serving in Xuanzhou, and because he was sent to Daliang, he became a Hanlin scholar of Houliang, and according to legend, he died after serving as an official for 5 days. His poems are also famous for their popular language, including the Tang Feng Collection.

Among the literary people who sheltered from chaos in a foreign land, Sun Guangxian was a very commendable one.

Sun Guangxian (c. 900–968), courtesy name Mengwen, was a native of Guiping (present-day northeast of Renshou, Sichuan). He took refuge in Jingnan, where he served as The Third Emperor of the Gao clan, and finally persuaded Gao Jichong to return to song. He called himself BaoGuangzi, which was obviously the meaning of not showing too much sharpness in the chaotic world, similar to the intention of Sikong Tu's other name.

He collected a large number of books, proofread and copied, and did not stop until he was old; he also collected anecdotes and social customs of the scholar and doctor, and wrote a book called "Northern Dream Trivia", and the words he composed were of high and far-reaching meaning, most of which were found in the "Collection of Flowers".

Throughout his life, he supported reunification politically and worked tirelessly throughout his life in culture, both of which were prominent.

At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the largest number of people exiled from Guanzhong to Shu, such as the Taoist priest Du Guangting (850-933), the character Shengbin, whose place of origin is questionable, one said to be from Chang'an (present-day Xi'an), and the other said to be from Jinyun (present-day Zhejiang). But it is not a problem that he avoided chaos from Guanzhong.

He served as an official in Former Shu, received the titles of Mr. Guangcheng and Fax Tianshi, and later lived in seclusion on Chuncheng Mountain. He wrote many Taoist books and wrote a legendary novel, "The Biography of the Bearded Guest". The famous story of the "Three Heroes of Wind and Dust" (Li Jing, Hongfu, and Qiu Keke) is derived from this legend.

The story goes that in the early Tang Dynasty, the military master Li Jing met Yang Su, a powerful minister of the Sui Dynasty, and the Yang family's maid Hongfu saw that he was a hero, eloped with him, and met a chivalrous and a bearded guest. Originally thinking of the soldiers seizing the Sui Dynasty, he saw Li Shimin and believed that "the Mandate of Heaven has a genus", but he gave it to Li Jing and his wife, and he went overseas to establish a new country.

The legend preaches that Li Shimin is the true son of heaven, and there seems to be nothing to be desired, but the intention of writing such a work in the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty is obviously to remember the strong and unified Tang Dynasty, which has its own positive significance.

At the end of the Tang Dynasty, there were many literati who were exiled in all directions and experienced vicissitudes, and as mentioned above, only a few of the more famous people who achieved more famous achievements in poetry were just a few.

140,000 people were disarmed, and not a single one was a man! The culture of the Five Dynasties period, poetry and painting are excellent

04. The Development of Words and the Collection of Flowers

The five generations are an important period of development of the word. Poets bai juyi and Liu Yuxi in the middle of the Tang Dynasty have begun to write lyrics, but at best they can only be regarded as "side business". In the late Tang Dynasty, Wen Tingjun was good at poetry, which was a very isolated situation. In the fifth generation, the writers of words appeared one after another, and words could compete with ancient and near-body poetry.

Words were originally called song words, and they have long existed in the folk. A number of folk works found in Dunhuang called "Cloud Ballad Collection miscellaneous songs" are the best proof. The language of these works is simple and the feelings are sincere, but unfortunately there is no shortage of vulgar things in the middle. The lyrics of the song were originally intended for the chanting of singers and prostitutes, and the content was flawed and mutually exclusive, which was a matter of course.

At the same time, the folk miscellaneous songs that were discovered also include "Sigh Five More" and "Meng Jiang Nu", which are still circulated in some rural areas. There is no diametrically different originally between the word and the folk song.

The development of the commodity economy and the prosperity of the city have made the singers and prostitutes more and more active. Feudal bureaucrats also often had singing prostitutes and maids, who were ordered to sing songs for fun. In this way, the creation of song lyrics gradually flourished, and the literati began by writing and playing, and later regarded it as a new literary genre.

The poets of the Central Plains can cite an emperor and a prime minister. The emperor was Emperor Zhuangzong of Later Tang. As we all know, he loves to sing and act, and the lyrics of the songs he made were very popular in the Hedong area at that time, and most of his works have been lost, but from the remnants of one or two songs, such as "Long remember the time of Farewell, and tears go out to send." Like a dream, like a dream, the moon is heavy with flowers and smoke" ("Like a Dream Order"), written in a clean and pleasant way, is a very good work.

The prime minister is hejing. I mentioned earlier that he carved a collection to give away. He carved a collection of poems.

He Ning (898-955), a native of Xuchang ,郓州, in modern Dongping, Shandong), served as a high official in the Tang, Jin, Han, and Zhou dynasties. He self-printed poems in as many as 100 volumes, which have not been circulated in later generations. The lyrics of the song were written when he was young and were widely circulated. After he became the prime minister, he was collected and burned, but it was widely circulated, and the Shu people compiled the "Collection of Flowers", and for the Zhongyuan poets, only he was taken alone, and 20 songs were collected, which have been passed down to this day; the Khitan people entered Kaifeng, and also knew his fame, calling him "Quzi Xianggong".

What does the story of Hening illustrate?

I see two. First, the traditional view of the Central Plains, which has a prejudice against writing words, regards words as works that do not ascend to elegance, and seems to be a lyricist, so he wants to collect and burn the works of his youth. Second, the popular lyrics of the song were widely circulated, and the works of the Central Plains would spread to the Khitan and Bashu.

The so-called traditional view is actually the view of the old scholars and the conservative scholars. This view still had an impact in the Central Plains, and the people of Jiangnan and Bashu ignored it. These two regions are where the Five Generations appear in large numbers.

Prachuap Khiri Khan is the earliest and fastest developed region of the word. Zhao Chongzuo, a Shu man, compiled a "Collection of Flowers", which collected 500 poems from 18 families. These 18 families, except for Wen Tingjun and Huang Fusong, the two predecessors, as well as Zhongyuan Hening and Jingnan Sun Guangxian, were all Shu people. This book has a very important place in the history of Chinese literature. It not only enabled the words of the author in Shuzhong to circulate, but also formed a "Huajian school", which had a far-reaching impact.

The "Flower Collection" is headed by the Tang Dynasty Wen Tingjun. Wen's words are mostly written about the scenery of red leaning on the green, leaving sorrow and hatred, the words are confused, and the words are gorgeous. Most of the works of the five generations collected in the collection share this tendency.

Later, the two Song Dynasty poets, such as Liu Yong, Qin Guan, Zhou Bangyan, and even Jiang Kui and Zhang Yan, almost all taught the "Flower Collection", which shows its great influence.

Closelmen often criticize the content of the "Flower Collection" for not being very healthy, which has a negative impact on the style of words. But to be fair, the words in the "Flower Collection" have many artistic characteristics, and the content is not all unhealthy, which is a treasure in the literary heritage.

Of the five generations of lyricists included in the "Flower Collection", Wei Zhuang is the first major writer, which can be called the first in terms of time and literary achievements.

Wei Zhuang (836-910), a native of Duling, Chang'an (present-day southeastern Xi'an), had high achievements in poetry and words, and wrote the "Huanhua Collection". He entered the army in the first year of Emperor Zhaozong of Tang (894) and went to Shuzhong in the first year of Tianfu (901), first as Wang Jian's secretary and later as his chancellor.

Wei Zhuang's words are fresher and clearer than Wen Tingjun's, and his writing is more sincere and profound. Although he lived in Chengdu in his later years, he was constantly homesick, and in the four chapters of "Bodhisattva Man", sentences such as "Before returning to his hometown, he must break his intestines when he returns to his hometown" and "The spring in Luoyang City is good, and Luoyang caizi is old in his hometown", all written are nostalgia.

"Lotus Leaf Cup" is a representative of this type of work, one of which is:

I remember that year the flowers were spent, late at night. When I first met Xie Niang, the curtain on the west side of the water hall was hanging down, and I joined hands in the dark phase.

Sorrowful Xiao Ying remnant moon, parting. Since then, the sound insulation dust, now they are foreigners, and there is no reason to see each other.

According to legend, one of his talented and good-looking attendants was taken away by Wang Jian on the pretext of teaching the palace. Words such as "Lotus Leaf Cup" were written for Himejin. This legend is probably not a fact, or someone else.

Written by the famous poets of Five-Seven Words in China, love poems are a weak link. The rise of words just fills this link, and Wei Zhuang's work is extremely outstanding, and the commentator says that he can "form a difficult scene, reach the difficult feeling, and all of them are natural, written in a deep and simple way." This is a very positive comment.

The two Shu Hou lords were very talented. Unfortunately, the "Flower Collection" does not accept the works of the monarch, and after the fall of the country, most of the works of the two are scattered, and there are very few survivors.

Later Shu Mengchang's "Yulou Chun", according to Su Shi heard from an old nun when he was 7 years old, only remembered two sentences, "Ice muscle jade bones are clear without sweat, and the water temple wind comes to dark incense." After middle age, he wrote a "Song of the Cave Immortals", which used these two sentences at the beginning, only changing "no sweat" to "cool and sweatless". Later generations changed the Su word slightly and wrote it into a poem "Yulou Chun", saying that it was Meng Chang's original work, but in fact, the traces were very obvious and could not be concealed.

Among the many talented people in Shu, there are Li Xun, whose ancestors are from Persia, and two Lady Huarui, which are worth mentioning.

Li Xun is called "Li Xiucai" in the "Flower Collection". His sister was Zhaoyi of former Shu Wang Yan, and after the death of Former Shu, Li Xun lived in seclusion, and he was in addition to literature and also knew medicine, and wrote "Sea Medicine Materia Medica". Later, Li Shizhen's Compendium of Materia Medica of the Ming Dynasty was quoted.

The first Lady Huarui was Wang Jian's concubine and Wang Yan's mother, surnamed Xu, who was later killed by Later Tang along with Wang Yan. She wrote a hundred poems of "Palace Words" (mixed with the works of others), writing about the pleasures in the palace.

Later Shu Lord Meng Chang also had a Lady Huarui with the surname Xu, and some people said that the surname was Fei. Previous generations often regarded her as the author of the "Palace Words", which is not credible. The Song people record that after Lady Huarui arrived in Kaifeng, she was summoned to the palace, and Meng Chang was killed. It is also said that Emperor Taizong of Song (who was then the King of Jin) disapproved of Taizu's favor of Lady Huarui and shot her to death while hunting.

Legend has it that when she first met Taizu, she was ordered to give Shiyun the death of the country:

The flag was lowered in the king's city, and where did the concubines learn about it in the deep palace?

140,000 people were disarmed, and not a single one was a man!

Some people believe that the author of this poem is Wang Chengzhi of Shuchen. I am afraid that this statement makes sense. As for the legends of posterity about Lady Huarui, the reason is that they are indignant and dissatisfied with the Zhao Kuangyin brothers who deceived people too much.

140,000 people were disarmed, and not a single one was a man! The culture of the Five Dynasties period, poetry and painting are excellent

05. Southern Tang Second Lord and Feng Yanshu and other lyricists

The Southern Tang Dynasty was the two cultural centers of the Five Dynasties period, which went hand in hand with the Western Shu, and from the point of view of the word, the Western Shu had more authors who passed on the names of later generations because of the book "The Collection of Flowers"; no one in the Southern Tang Dynasty did the work of assembling the collection, and fewer authors were known to posterity.

However, from the perspective of specific writers, the achievements of Li Hou lord (Yu) in the Southern Tang Dynasty are really above the contemporary families, and Zhongzhuo (Jing) and Feng Yanshu can also have the same status as Wei Zhuang.

Lord Li Jing (916-961) and Feng Yanwei (903-960) at the same time. Feng Yanshu (Chinese: 冯延巳; pinyin: Fīng Yīng Đồ

There are only 4 poems handed down by the Lord Li Jing, all of which are written in a bitter and sad mood, the language is bright, the artistic conception is broad, and the evaluation of the historians is quite high.

Later, the lord Li Yu was handed down, and there were only more than 30 credible poems. Wang Guowei said: "The word began to be big after Li Hou Lord, and the feeling was deep, so he changed the word of the craftsman into the word of the scholar." ”

We know that the words are originally lyrics for singing, and the author often gives it to the linggong geji to sing as soon as it is written, so the content is mostly based on lovesickness and pleasure. Excellent lyricists gradually increase the lyrical component, and the pattern of words is improved.

Li Hou's words were first-rate lyric poems, and he became one of the most outstanding lyricists in history.

Li Yu (937-978), also known as Zhong Guang, had the nickname Zhong Hermit and other names. When he became an adult, the five generations were nearing the end, and when he was 25 years old and became the lord of the Southern Tang Dynasty, Zhongyuan was already the second year of The Song Taizu Jianlong. He was full of compliance with the Song Dynasty, and in the end he could not escape the fate of being a prisoner of the fallen country.

In the ninth year of Kaibao (976), he went to Beijing. Soon, Song Taizu died, and Emperor Taizong took the throne and changed the Yuan Taiping to rejuvenate the country. On the seventh day of the third year of the Taiping Revival (978), Li Yu was poisoned by Emperor Taizong. His life was very unfortunate, and the words he wrote about sad and painful feelings were precisely the best works.

Li Yu's early works either write about laughter and joy, or write secret secrets, depicting scenes, so that readers seem to be able to witness, and the psychological state of the characters is also portrayed in detail. Later melancholy works may not be completely works after the fall of the Southern Tang Dynasty, and some may be written at a time when the country is in crisis. Now take two poems written after the fall of the country as an example.

"Yu Meiren"

When is the Spring Flower autumn moon? How much do you know about the past. Xiao Lou had another east wind last night, and the homeland could not look back at the middle of the moon.

The carved fence jade should still be there, but Zhu Yan changed. How much sorrow can you have? It is like a river of spring water flowing eastward.

"The Order of the Waves and Sands"

Outside the curtain, the rain is babbling, and the spring is beautiful. Luo Yu was impatient with five more cold. In the dream, I did not know that I was a guest, and I was greedy.

Alone, no column, unlimited country. It's easy to see when it's hard. Flowing water and flowers go to spring also, heaven and earth.

What are the benefits of this type of work? Mr. Zhan Antai said in the preface to Li Jing Li Yu Ci: "... The resentment against irrational life and the ardent attachment to a better life show that this is a sorrow that arises in a situation of repression." He also said that this is "boldly, sincerely, and unabashedly using a direct expression of the heart to write a work with a strong appeal."

Li Yu's brilliance lies in his ability to make his works infectious.

During the reign of the Two Lords, the Southern Tang Dynasty had a very strong cultural atmosphere.

At the age of 15, Li Jing studied in Lushan and later built the Kaihua Temple at the reading office. In the fourth year of the Liezu Shengyuan (940), the Southern Tang Dynasty built a school hall in Lushan Bailu Cave, called Lushan Guoxue, with Li Shandao as the owner of the cave and teaching apprentices. This is the predecessor of the White Deer Cave Academy, one of the four major academies of the Song Dynasty.

In order to make paper, Shuzhong paper workers were hired to find water of the same nature as Shuzhong in Liuhe (now part of Jiangsu) to create high-quality paper. After the lord used the "Chengxintang paper", the Song Dynasty people regarded it as a treasure. In the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty, Ouyang Xiu once got this kind of paper, which was worth a hundred dollars.

In the Southern Tang Dynasty, there were Yan officials who made Yan, and there were ink officials who made ink. Li Tingjue is a famous ink maker. His original surname was Xi, a native of Yi County (now part of Hebei), who had been making ink for generations. His father Xi Chao moved south to Shezhou, and the Southern Tang Dynasty gave him the surname Li. The ink number made by TingJue is "Tingjue Ink". Shezhou was also the place of origin of Yan, and Li Shaowei was named a Yan official by the Lord of Zhongzhong for making Yan.

The history of the abundant production of stationery paper in southern Anhui began from this.

140,000 people were disarmed, and not a single one was a man! The culture of the Five Dynasties period, poetry and painting are excellent

06. The painting world full of talents

From the end of the Tang Dynasty to the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms to the beginning of the Song Dynasty, it was a period of vitality in the history of painting. The painting academies of the Former Shu and Southern Tang Dynasties were places where masters gathered; some artists who did not seek to be heard of, who concentrated on artistic creation, also had high attainments. In the middle of several decades, many famous artists have appeared in characters, flowers and birds, and landscapes, which have a great influence on future generations.

Let's start with the figure painter.

Guanxiu monk, commonly known as Jiang, zi Deyin, zen master, a native of Lanxi, Wuzhou (now part of Zhejiang), was treated with courtesy by Wang Jian during the reign of Emperor Zhaozong of Tang (901-903) in Shuzhong. He worked on poetry and painting, including the Zen Moon Collection. The sixteen arhats he painted were abrupt and strange, exuding a cynical atmosphere. The extant paper copies, if not the originals, are at least fairly clever facsimiles.

The Southern Tang Painting Academy has the most talents, and the figure painters include Gu Xianzhong and Zhou Wenjie.

Gu Xianzhong's surviving works include "Han Xizai's Night Feast", which is an immortal work.

Han Xizai, as we have already said, was bent on the Central Plains in the north, but he was not adopted by the monarch. The picture scroll "Han Xizai's Night Feast" vividly wrote about his life in his later years of drinking and watching dance music.

At this time, Han Xizai, because the later lord was suspicious of people from the north, hid the ambition of the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains, indulged in emotion, and prepared dozens of people, often drinking with guests for a long night. When the Lord heard of this, he ordered Gu Zhongzhong to go to his house to peek at it and come back to paint this scroll.

The scroll depicts Han himself, the guests, the female slaves, every move, and even the attitude of the gods. The light gauze top hat worn by Han Xizai was the famous "Han Qi Light Grid" at that time. The color and shape of the cups and plates are All Yue kiln celadon porcelain.

Second, let's talk about two flower and bird painters.

Xu Xi was very famous in the Southern Tang Dynasty, he did not become an official, nor did he enter the painting academy, and the flowers, fruits, fish and birds he painted were unique. The Song people revered his paintings as gods, but unfortunately the works were not passed on, and posterity could not see them.

Huang Xiao is a native of Chengdu and is waiting for the edict in the painting academy. Legend has it that Meng Chang ordered him to paint 6 cranes on the wall of the side hall, and the live cranes saw that they were real and wanted to stand with them. He drew pheasants on the wall again, and when the falcon saw it, it was also regarded as a living creature and wanted to fly up. He went to Beijing after the death of Shu and died shortly thereafter. His painting style had a great influence on the Song Dynasty Painting Academy, which lasted for more than 100 years.

The achievements of landscape painting are greater than those of figures, flowers and birds, and the influence on the painting style of the Song Dynasty is also the most prominent.

Landscape painting did not get rid of the vassal status until the flourishing Tang Dynasty, and General Da Li and General Xiao Li were representative figures at that time. In the five dynasties of the late Tang Dynasty, Jing Hao, Guan Tong, Dong Yuan, Ju Ran, Li Cheng and other famous artists appeared one after another, which was a key stage in the history of landscape painting, and the Painters of the Song Dynasty all followed their footsteps.

Jing Hao was a native of the late Tang Dynasty and Later Liang Dynasty, the character Haoran, a native of Qinshui (present-day Shanxi), who lived in seclusion in the Honggu Valley of The Taihang Mountains. It is said that he has written tens of thousands of copies, which shows that the work is extremely deep.

He believes that painting cannot be satisfied with "similarity", that is, similarity in form, but must pursue "truth", that is, form and god are ready.

He also has views on "pen" and "ink", the so-called "pen" refers to line outline, and the so-called "ink" refers to light and shade. Painting landscapes must be combined with both in order to paint good works. These are all insights that have not been discussed before.

Guan Tong was his student, "Tong" and "Tong", a Chang'an native, who forgot to eat and sleep when he studied painting. He has an equal status with his teacher in the history of painting.

Jing and Guan are both northerners, and they paint and teach the nature of the Yellow River Basin.

Dong Yuan and Ju Ran are different from Jing and Guan, and paint the Jiangnan landscape.

Dong Yuan (一作元), also known as Shuda, was a native of Zhongling (present-day Nanchang, Jiangxi), who served as a deputy envoy to Beiyuan in the Southern Tang Dynasty, known as Dong Beiyuan. He painted the Xiqiao Yupu, surrounded by Zhouzhu, and it can be seen that it is a Jiangnan style object.

Ju Ran was a monk, a native of Jiangning. He taught Dong Yuan, got rid of Dong's rich colors, and went all the way to a bland one. JuRan went to Beijing after the death of the Southern Tang Dynasty and died shortly thereafter.

Southern Tang landscape painters also have works passed down by Zhao Hui. He was a native of Jiangning and a student of the Southern Tang Academy of Painting. His "Picture of the First Snow of the River" depicts fishermen braving the cold in the snowy weather, fishing with nets, which is vividly depicted.

Li Cheng (919-967), also spelled Xianxi, was a Tang Dynasty patriarch who lived in seclusion in Yingqiu, Shandong. He is often considered a painter of the early Song Dynasty, in fact, he has only been in the Song Dynasty for more than 7 years, which should be counted as a five-generation person. The Xuanhe Painting Notation at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty pushed his landscape paintings to be the first in ancient and modern times. Some people say that when they look at his cold forest map in the summer, they will feel a chill on their bodies.

In general, this was a period of great progress in landscape painting. Chinese landscape painting is characterized by thick old age and vivid charm, which was formed during the Five Dynasties period. Landscape painters live in different regions, and the real mountains and rivers they see are different, so the styles are also different, which also began in the fifth generation.

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Classic General History of China (16 volumes) ¥168 purchase

The content of this article is compiled from the "Five Dynasties History" of the Chinese reading book "Classic Chinese General History" jointly created by China International Broadcasting Publishing House and "Reading History".

There are 16 books in the complete set of "Classic Chinese General History", namely: "Xia Shang History", "Western Zhou History", "Spring and Autumn History", "Warring States History", "Qin and Han History (Part I)", "Qin and Han History (Part 2)", "Three Kingdoms History", "Two Jin And Northern And Southern Dynasties History", "Sui and Tang History (Part 1)", "Sui and Tang History (Part 2)", "Five Dynasties History", "Song Dynasty History", "Yuan Dynasty History", "Ming Dynasty History", "Early Qing Dynasty History", "Late Qing History".

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