
Zhuge Liang was cultivating in Nanyang, and Zhuge Liang's front and back teacher tables corresponded to each other, which was clear at a glance

author:Little Zhuge oooo

Explanatory Table/Former Exodus Table

Han Dynasty Zhuge Liang

The first emperor did not start a business and the middle road collapsed, today the next three points, Yizhou is tired, this sincere autumn of danger and survival. However, the ministers of the guards are unremitting inside, and the loyal people forget to be outside, and they want to repay His Majesty for the special encounters of the former emperor. It is advisable to open a holy listen, with the legacy of the Guangxian Emperor, to promote the spirit of the heroes, not to be arrogant and thin, to quote the unrighteous, in order to plug the road of loyalty.

In the palace, all are one; it is not appropriate to disagree or disagree with Zang. If there are adulterers and loyalists, it is advisable to pay a reward for his punishment, so that His Majesty's reasoning is clear, and it is not appropriate to be selfish, so that the internal and external laws are also different.

Shi Zhong, Shi Lang Guo Youzhi, Fei Yi, Dong Yun, etc., all of whom were good and honest, and who were loyal and pure in their ambitions, were left behind by the former emperor Jian Bu. Foolishly believing that the things in the palace are no big or small, and that they are consulted and then carried out, they will be able to fill in the gaps and be of great benefit.

The general Xiang Favor, Sexual Behavior Shu Jun, Xiao Chang Military, tried to be used in the past, the former emperor called it Yue Neng, and it was based on the favor of the public opinion as the governor. Foolishness thinks that the affairs of the camp, if they are consulted, will be able to make peace in the line, and the good and the bad will be gained.

Pro-Xianchen, far from the little man, this first Han so Xinglong also; pro-small people, far xianchen, after that Han so the decadence also. When the former emperor was there, whenever he discussed this matter with his subjects, he did not hesitate to sigh and hate Huan and Lingye. Servants, Shangshu, Changshi, and joining the army, the ministers of this Death Festival, may His Majesty's relatives believe in it, then the Han Room can be counted and waited for a day.

The subject is clothed, ploughing in Nanyang, and his whole life is in the chaotic world, and he does not seek to reach the princes. The former emperor did not despise his subjects, and he was self-deprecating, and the three ministers were in the grass, and the counselors were grateful for the affairs of the world, so they allowed the former emperor to drive away. Later, when he was overthrown, he was appointed to the defeated army, and was ordered to be in danger, and he came for twenty years.

The former emperor knew that the subjects were cautious, so he sent his subjects to the collapse of the emperor with great things. Since he was ordained, he has lamented at night, fearing that the entrustment will not be effective, so as to hurt the ming of the former emperor; therefore, in May, he crossed the lu and went deep into the barren. Now the south has been determined, the armor has been sufficient, when the award led the three armies, the north fixed the Central Plains, shu exhausted the blunt, eliminated the traitors, revived the Han room, and returned to the old capital. Therefore, this subject reported to the former emperor and was loyal to His Majesty's office. As for considering the profit and loss and doing the best in the word, it is a matter of concern, a good thing, and a willingness.

May His Majesty entrust his subjects with the effect of reviving the thief, and if it does not work, he will cure the sins of his subjects, so as to tell the spirit of the former emperor. If there is no word of Xingde, it is necessary to blame the slowness of the people, Yi, and Yun, so as to show his guilt; His Majesty should also conspire with himself, to consult the good way, to say that he has spoken, and to pursue the edicts of the former emperor. The subject was grateful.

Now stay away, on the verge of zero, do not know what to say.

Zhuge Liang was cultivating in Nanyang, and Zhuge Liang's front and back teacher tables corresponded to each other, which was clear at a glance

After the division table

The former emperor was deeply worried that Han and thief were not separated, and Wang Ye was not partial to peace, so he asked his subjects to please thieves. With the wisdom of the former emperor, the talent of the subjects, and the knowledge of the thieves, only the weak enemy is strong. However, if the thief is not cut, the king will also die. But sit and wait for death, and cut it down? It is the reason why tossed and doubted. On the day of the subject's appointment, he slept restlessly and did not eat well. Thinking about the Northern Expedition. It is advisable to enter the south first. Therefore, in May, he crossed the lu, went deep into the barren, and eclipsed the sun; the subjects did not pity themselves, and Gu Wangye could not be partial to the Shu capital, so he risked danger to serve the will of the former emperor, and the deliberators said that it was not a plan. Now the thief is tired in the west, and he is working in the east, and the art of war is multiplied, and this is also the time to advance. Sincerely, the matter is as follows: Emperor Gao Ming and the sun and the moon, the plot is deep, but the danger is broken, and the danger is then safe. Now That His Majesty has not reached Emperor Gao, his courtiers are not as good as Liang and Ping, but they want to win with a long strategy and sit in the world. Liu Xuan and Wang Lang each held a prefecture and county, talked about the security of words, moved to attract the saints, the crowd was full of doubts, the crowd was difficult to plug the chest, this year there was no war, next year there was no conquest, so that Sun Ce sat on the throne, so that he merged With Jiangdong, this minister did not solve the second also. Cao Cao's wisdom and strategy were extraordinary to people, and his use of troops, like Sun and Wu, was trapped in Nanyang, dangerous in Wuchao, dangerous in Qilian, forced on Liyang, defeated the Northern Mountains several times, died in Tongguan, and then pretended to be a temporary ear. The subject is weak, and if he wants to be determined by not being in danger, the minister's unsolved three also. Cao Cao's five attacks on Chang hegemony could not be stopped, the four crossings of Chao Lake were unsuccessful, Li Fu was appointed and Li Fu tuzhi was appointed, Xiahou was appointed and Xiahou was defeated, and every time emperor called Cao Neng, he still had this loss, and how could he win under the condition of his subjects? This subject's unsolved four also. From his subjects to Hanzhong, in the middle of the year, Zhao Yun, Yang Qun, Ma Yu, Yan Zhi, Ding Li, Bai Shou, Liu Guo, Deng Tong, and others, as well as More than 70 people from Qu Chang and Tun, and more than 1,000 people from Tu General, Wu Qian, Wu Shu, Qing Qiang, San Riding, and Wu Riding. These are the elites of the four parties that have been entangled in decades, not the ownership of a state; if they are pluralized, they will lose two-thirds of the time, so why should they seek the enemy? This subject has not solved the five also. Now the people are tired of their soldiers, and things cannot be stopped; if things cannot be stopped, they live and work hard. And not as much as the present picture, want to take the land of one state, and the thief endures, and this subject has not solved the six also. Those who are difficult to reconcile, things also. Emperor Xixian defeated Yu Chu, and at this time, Cao Cao took his hand, saying that the world had been decided. Then emperor Xian connected Wu Yue in the east, took Bashu in the west, raised an army to march north, and Xiahou gave him the head, which was a failure, and the Han Dynasty would become Chengye. Then Wu violated the alliance, Guan Yu was defeated, Zi Gui fell, and Cao Pi was proclaimed emperor. As things are, it is difficult to reverse them. The subject bowed down to exhaustion, and died after that. As for the success or failure of the blunt, non-minister's wisdom can reverse it.

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