
Blossoms on the other side: indomitable, Hayato will never be a slave (Part 2)

author:Heavy boat

It is still too late to melt the spring, and the frost is hard and the snow is bitter.

This feeling was closed by the East Wind, and the branch of Jiangnan Plum was broken.

——This is the "New Orthodox Slogan" by Takeda Shingen

Frost full of military camp autumn atmosphere, several lines through the goose moon three more.

Crossing the mountains and getting the scenery of the state, obscuring the hometown memories of the expedition.

——This is "The Thirteenth Night of September" by Kenshin Uesugi

On the day of the return of the march of the sea, the iron sleeves are wrapped in fragrant buds.

After thousands of years of wind and currents, a few years old idle to see exotic flowers.

- This is a poem written by Date Masamune when he returned to China.

The warriors of the Japanese Warring States were influenced by sinology, multi-skilled in poetry, boys and children all over the world, and established articles in the industry. Putting on the horse to the knife to settle the world, getting off the horse to write the Spring and Autumn, this is a good man in ancient and modern times. Nowadays, the popular kind of cute little fresh meat that is sticky to people is to be ridiculed to death in the past, and even if you can gather tens of millions of fans to sing peach leaves in unison.

If you don't say that the Japanese are perverted, writing poetry also pays attention to writing a poem of death. Especially when the abdomen is cut and diarrhea, and the bloody people are almost dead, we must sing a sentence to feel life, so that it is called elegance. In fact, this is also an old practice passed down from China, and the death poem of Yuan Highway in the Eastern Han Dynasty is very famous: "Honey comes to honey, and even hu." ”

What I admire most in the Japanese death poem is the sentence of Takanobu Hizen-kuma-Ryūzōji: A little snow on the top of the red furnace.

When I first heard this sentence, I thought of the Tang people's short sentence for no reason: "Green ant new wine, red clay small stove." Late to the day want snow, can drink a cup of nothing. "The Dragon Temple seems to be facing not an enemy who invites death, but an old friend who has been waiting for a long time, and can make people taste a little warmth."

After reading more books, I learned that this sentence is actually a book, derived from the public case of the Zen monks of the Song Dynasty, the original text is "willing to give a little snow in the red furnace, but it is the Yellow River June ice." Zen Buddhism likes to point directly to the human heart and see the nature to become a Buddha. I don't like to break with people to understand, what I mean by what I say require the listener to figure out the epiphany himself.

So I still think that when the Dragon Temple recited this sentence, there were thousands of waves and waves in my heart, in fact, as soon as I opened my mouth, I said only one sentence: "Here comes the old brother!" ”

In the sixth year of Tenshō (1578), the light of Christ, Ōtomo Munetomo, was defeated by Shimazu in hyuga-ulkawa, and has been weakening for a day ever since. Hizen Ryuzoji Temple seized the opportunity to seize the power of the north Kyushu, attacked the city strategically, and became the Taishou of the Five Prefectures and Two Islands, and the prestige of the Ryuzōji Temple overwhelmed the Western Sea.

However, Ryuzoji Takanobu was cruel and murderous, and the Puchi clan, who had the favor of the clan, killed the hostages of the Akasho clan for no reason, and the cold-blooded measures made all the vassals of the family cold, and the lords of various places deviated from morality and defected one after another. Nabeshima Naoshige bitterly persuades Takanobu, who thinks he is noisy and finds a reason to send Nabeshima to Higo Yanagikawa to squat in the corner.

In the twelfth year of Tenshō (1584), Arima Harunobu of Hizen Shimabara betrayed Ryuzoji Temple and defected to the Shimazu clan of Minami Kyushu. Ryuzoji Takanobu ordered the concubine Masamune to attack Arima, but the Masamune refused to contribute because his wife came from the Arima family. Ryuzoji Takanobu was furious and personally raised 30,000 troops to the Shimabara Peninsula, whether you have a horse or not, all the churches and so on are all down.

Nabeshima Naomo heard that Ryuzoji Takanobu had sent troops, and Pegasus came to dissuade him, but Ryuzoji did not listen. Nabeshima also proposed to replace Ryuzoji as the general, but was rejected. Nabeshima Naoshige knew that there was no way to the mountain, and he could only have the heart of death and helplessly followed the army.

Blossoms on the other side: indomitable, Hayato will never be a slave (Part 2)

Battle of Okita

Arima Harunobu had only three thousand infantry, and apparently could not do the dragon temple, so he hurried to Shimazu for help. The Shimazu generals also hesitated, Hizen was not a sphere of influence, and he rushed to the expedition, and the heavens and places were not dominant. However, Shimazu Yoshihisa said: "It is incumbent upon the poor to vote." "People are desperate and come to us for help, and if they sit idly by, it is not the morality of a samurai." Therefore, with Shimazu Iehisa as the general, he led 3,000 troops to aid Shimabara.

On March 24, about 18,000 men led by Ryuzoji Takanobu landed by sea in the northern part of the Shimabara Peninsula and approached Moritashiro Castle. The combined forces of Shimazu and Arima numbered about 6,000 men to line up on the outskirts of Moritake Castle to meet an enemy three times stronger than themselves.

Ryuzoji's military strength was superior, and it was geographically advantageous, and it did not look at the weak team on the other side, thinking that it only needed the whole army to rush up, and it would be easy to teach Shimazu to be a man with a chaotic fist. I didn't expect that it looked sloppy in front of me, but it turned out to be a fishing team sent by Shimazu Tora to catch Nobu.

The so-called Nobuyuki is a tactic used by the Shimazu family, using decoy troops to lure the enemy army in pursuit, and then laying ambushes in selected battlefields. When the enemy lost its strict formation in the process of pursuit, fell into a trap, and the wild ambush troops rose on all sides, laying the victory in one fell swoop. This tactic is simple to say, in fact, it has high requirements for the morale and organization of the troops, and the peasant and soldier teams responsible for the fishing team will really become braised meat delivered to the door if they accidentally fake it.

Okita Uwahara, chosen by Shimazu, is a trail in the wetland, and when the Ryuzoji army chased after it, it found that the terrain was narrow, and the large number of people was crowded together, and it was impossible to unfold. The Shimazu army, with iron cannons as its main force, was surrounded on all sides, and the bullets rained down. After several rounds of shooting, the Ryuzo-jishi, who had nowhere to hide, fell into chaos and was on the verge of collapse.

In the afternoon, ShimazuKata's Kawakami Tadatoshi burst into the Ryuzoji Honjin and rushed straight to Takanobu. Kawakami strangled the warhorse and shouted, "How is it a Buddha?" ”

Ryuzoji Takanobu smiled, "There's a little snow on top of the red furnace." "It's as cold as ice, the knife cuts the spring wind, and the cherry blossoms fall all over the ground."

Takanobu was given the head, and Nabeshima Naoshige was greatly stimulated, and now planned to be martyred on the battlefield, but was desperately stopped by the left and right. Nabeshima Naoshige ordered the Ryūzoji Temple to be guarded by the Four Heavenly Kings, which led the remaining defeated army to escape from the siege. The Ryūzō-ji family was known as the Four Heavenly Kings, including Eduguchi Nobunaga, Hyakutake Kenkan, Seimatsu Nobunaka, and Genjoji Nobuyoshi, who were killed in battle.

The Battle of Okita was the end of the battle between Otomo Kyushu, Ryuzoji, and Shimazu. The battle of the three strong powers began with the Battle of Imayama as the prelude, the Battle of Ogawa as the climax, and the Battle of Okita as the end. Otomo and Ryuzoji retreated, and Shimazu became the only king, and the six and eight wildernesses were the only ones.

It is said that Nabeshima Naomo fled back to the territorial country with the remnants of his soldiers, and immediately ordered that no matter whether north or south, people, old or young, all had the responsibility of defending the land and resisting the enemy. We hope for peace, do not seek peace, are ready for war, and will never seek war. Although Chu is eight hundred, the death of Qin will be Chu. From this day forward, the enemy has not gone abroad but has spoken peace.

Shimazu intends to return the body of Ryuzoji Takanobu to Hizen as a gesture of goodwill, but Nabeshima flatly refuses. Its iron bones are strong, and it is rather unyielding, and even the enemy admires it. However, only half a year later, the politician of the Ryūzōji Temple sold Hizen Higo to Shimazu and completely surrendered... Served... finish......

The news spread and there was an uproar. Nabeshima Naoshige almost vomited blood, and couldn't help but slander: with such a weak person as a politician in power, if the Dragon Temple does not perish in the country, it will be unreasonable. In the future, Nabeshima Hato occupied the magpie's nest and replaced Ryuzoji Temple as the lord of Hizen, and it was at this moment that it became a foregone conclusion.

Ryuzoji Temple fell, and Otomo became the last resister in Kitakyushu. The fight could not be beaten, and the surrender was not willing, so Ōtomo Zonglin gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and personally rushed to slave bay to ask for reinforcements. Otomo Munakata hugged the white and pure thighs of the Mother of Dragons and exchanged, shouting: Hayato invaded the east, the ghosts are coming, and the vast Osaka can no longer put a calm desk.

Hideyoshi, the Mother of Dragons, has just played with her wrist pajamas in Komaki's long hand... Ah, the wrong writing, it was to persuade the enemy of his life, Tokugawa Ieyasu, in a good mood, so he passed the order to the daimyo of China and Shikoku, and his Kyushu came out.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi ordered Ōtomo to make peace with his old enemy Maori and advance and retreat together under toyotomi. Kuroda Takashi was appointed as the inspector to supervise the landing of 20,000 troops of Kohayagawa Takakei and Yoshikawa Motoharu in a joint landing at Toyo, and the 20,000 men of the maori army commander-in-chief Mori Keimoto set out from Hiroshima and landed at the Moji area across the Sekimon Strait, and deployed them in response.

In the Shikoku area, with Sengoku Hidehisa as the overseer, The Elder Emperor and the father and son of the 6,000-nation strong army led by Iyo and landed in Feng by sea, and their sharp edge pointed out, just like the ancient Incheon Normandy.

Blossoms on the other side: indomitable, Hayato will never be a slave (Part 2)

Yoshinori Ochiai's "Taiping Chronicles of Heroism Nagasaki My Imperial Household Shōsuke Genkin"

Toyotomi Hideyoshi sent a document to Toyotomi Yoshitomo, instructing him not to act rashly and to wait for the confluence of the two armies of the Four Kingdoms and China. However, Otomo Yoshitomo disobeyed Toyotomi's orders and left Bungo to send troops to Toyotomi, with the intention of sweeping away the troubles. Hearing of Fenghou's emptiness, Shimazu led his army straight in, threatening the inner castle and besieging Dansheng Island.

Originally a floating island in the sea, The island is about 400 meters long from east to west and about 100 meters long from north to south. The island city is surrounded by the sea on all sides, and the cliffs are difficult to climb, only when the sea falls on the west side at low tide, and there are sandbars connected to the land. After the defeat of Erchuan, Ōtomo Muneyoshi moved to Tansei Island Castle and did not care about the world.

In November of the fourteenth year of Tenshō (1586), Shimazu Ieku attacked Tansei Island with 2,500 men. Shimazu's plan, the Ōtomo army is small and weak, all are old and crippled, although the castle is easy to defend and difficult to attack, with the military courage of the Satsuma Hayabusa, it is not easy.

It's just that Ōtomo Zonglin, who is firmly guarding the dangerous city, has his own magic weapon, that is, the Southern Barbarian Artillery called "National Collapse". The Ōtomo army used artillery to bombard the dense military position of the Shimazu side from a commanding height, and the thunder and thunder gaba, the Shimazu army seemed to have been punished by Christ, and countless casualties were killed or wounded.

For a time, the Shimazu camp, which was as strong as a hayabusa, was shaken and almost disintegrated. The defenders of the city took the opportunity to rush out of the nest and actually repelled the invincible Satsuma's strong soldiers.

Shimazu's attack on Tansei Island Castle was unsuccessful, and instead attacked Ōtomo City, Tsuruga Castle. Tsuruga is the key graben in the upper reaches of the Toji River, and its geographical location is very important. Shimazu Iehisa sent 18,000 troops to besiege the city, and the defending general Rimitsu Munakata did not give in and held the castle to death. The fierce battle was in full swing, Li Guang was killed by an arrow, and the remaining city soldiers continued to resist, while requesting reinforcements from the inner city of fu.

At this time, Ōtomo Yoshitomo and the generals of the Shikoku heard of the crisis of Theogo and had already returned to the military palace. Receiving Tsuruga's request for help, The Elder Emperor and Ten River Cunbao and others were hesitant to send troops, advocating the cautious use of troops according to the instructions and waiting for the confluence of the Maori army. However, the supervision made Sengoku Hidehisa disagree: "The city is in danger, and if it is ignored, it will be contrary to the grace and righteousness of the Taikoku." The kings can listen to my orders alone. ”

Blossoms on the other side: indomitable, Hayato will never be a slave (Part 2)

Statue of Hidehisa Sengoku

Sengoku Hidehisa narrowed his eyes, and Nagamasa Shōgun shrank his neck and obediently led his soldiers to follow the Sengoku team out of Tojigawa.

Shimazu Iehisa received the shikoku army attack, immediately lifted the siege of Tsuruga, and retreated to Mount Sakahara. Seeing the enemy retreating, Sengoku Ordered a decisive battle across the river.

The elderly Nagamyō Ibu, who was old enough to fight in the battlefield, felt deeply inappropriate and advised Sengoku Hidehisa to stay on the north bank to wait for the opportunity. Sengoku was furious, "You speculators of four or nine years anyway deserve to teach me how to fight this old revolutionary!" Yuan Qin sighed and had to follow him and cross the Huangquan Naihe Bridge.

On December 12, the Battle of Tojikawa began, with Shimazu Ieyaku's entire army of more than 10,000 men and the Shikoku and Otomo alliance of 20,000 men. A total of more than 30,000 ants gathered on the south bank of the Toji River to fight, the skeletons were all pawns of the Great Wall, and the sunset sand field flew into ashes.

Blossoms on the other side: indomitable, Hayato will never be a slave (Part 2)

Battle of Tojikawa

The soldiers of Tosa are the famous Four Kingdoms Division, and if they are defeated and retreat, they are afraid that they will be laughed at by the world, so everyone fights to the death, and everyone is brave, and none of them retreats. Nagamasa's gendai took the lead in breaking the Shimazu vanguard Iji-in team and pounced directly in front of Shimazu Ikuhisa, who was forced to personally participate in the battle. The second Shimazu side of the Shinnaga Tadamoto gathered the remnants of the Iji-in and attacked again, repelling Nagamasa's genjutsu. The third Honjo team attacked the left flank of the Shikoku Army and broke into the camp of Sengoku Hidehisa.

During the fierce battle, Shimazu once again performed the necessary skill of fishing for wild ambushes, mobilized the enemy army in the movement, and then concentrated his superior forces to break it. The first to collapse was Sengoku Hidehisa's Tamada route army, and Hidehisa himself abandoned the generals of the various armies who were fighting on their own, and almost single-handedly escaped from the battlefield, fleeing back to the inner castle of Bungo Province, and then fleeing to Awaji Island without stopping. There, Sendishi Hidehisa receives toyotomi Hideyoshi's thunderous wrath, as well as the excommunication of the kingdom and exile of Koyasan.

Then there was the Tosa Army of Nagamasa's department. Xin Xin, the son of The Patriarch of The Great Ancestor of The Changzong Sect, personally fell under siege, and he slashed down many people with a four-foot-three-inch taitai knife, and then wielded a long blade to fight to the end, and finally lost his life because he was outnumbered, and all of the more than 700 people in his unit were killed, and none of them were spared. Motohito led the remnants of his soldiers from Kyushu Toyo to Shikoku Iyo, and this feeling was like a dog that lost his family.

Then there is the fact that Shikawa Cunbao, who is a descendant of the famous Miyoshi clan, and the entire army of the Sanqi Army led by him are buried in the battlefield, and it is precisely the paper lamp that blows out the wolf smoke and sits in the dream flower.

In the Battle of Tojikawa, Shimazu Iehisa defeated the fallen soldiers with the help of the Kyushu Hayato Takeshi, and its mighty and majestic nature was like that of the gods. It's just that the bells of Gion Jingshe ring, the double trees and flowers of Shuluo lose their color, the winner has a shallow spring dream, and the strong beam is finally defeated. The shadow of the dragon quietly hung over Kyushu, and it did not go away.

In March of the fifteenth year of Tenshō (1587), toyotomi Katafumi and Maeda Toshinaga swept Akizuki's domain, Nakagawa Hidemasa and Fukushima Masanori defeated Shimazu Tadanaga and Ijiin Tadao, Sashu Shimazu Tadadatsu surrendered, and satsuma power in Kitakyushu was swept away.

Blossoms on the other side: indomitable, Hayato will never be a slave (Part 2)

Toyoshi Utagawa, "The New Taikaku Chronicle, The Conquest of Kyushu"

On the southern Kyushu side, Toyotomi Hideo led an army of 80,000 to land in Hyuga. In April, Yoshihisa Shimazu, Yoshihiro Shimazu, and Toyotomi Hidenaga fought ne-shirasaka. Shimazu tried to use The Nobuki again, only to lose all its usefulness in front of Toyotomi Hidenaga. The Toyotomi military first dug trenches to build slabs and stakes, and prepared to hold firm. Shimazu charged forward, and the Toyotomi army hid behind the fortifications and was entertained with iron cannons and bows and arrows. Shimazu retreated to lure the enemy in pursuit, but Toyotomi Hidenaga was unmoved. The Satsuma Hayabusa were unable to break through the long Maginot Line, Shimazu Tadao and Sarutobi Nobumitsu were killed in battle, and Shimazu Yoshihiro led his army to retreat.

Shimazu Yoshihisa was oppressed by the toyotomi army of the north and the south, and had no way to retreat, but to surrender and disappear, and his younger brother Shimazu Yoshihiro succeeded him as the governor of the family. The Shimazu clan retained parts of satsuma, Osumi, and Hyuga, and the six kingdoms of Kitakyushu were divided among the Toyotomi clan.

The fourth of the four Shimazu brothers, Ieku, is known for being deeply skilled in military tactics and tactics, and is the Hanshin Li Weigong of the Shimazu family. Seeing that the war situation was unfavorable, Shimazu Ieyasu made peace with Toyotomi Hidenaga alone, and soon died mysteriously, rumored that Toyotomi Hidenaga was jealous of his talents, so he poisoned him. Nonsense is not enough.

The third brother, Shimazu, was evaluated as having the wisdom to thoroughly investigate the stakes, and was Zhang Liang Zhuge Liang of the Shimazu family. After the surrender, Shimazu was resentful and angry, and instigated Ume hokukuni to launch Umehoku Kazu, thus angering Toyotomi Hideyoshi and dying as a result.

Shimazu's story does not end here, and there are different chapters in the Battle of Sekigahara and the Battle of Korea.

Regarding Satsuma Shimadzu, it is important to mention its dealings with the Ryukyu Islands. Leaving aside the legend of the Kaiyuan voyage to the South Island, Japan's favorite thing to talk about is the Satsuma saying in the Ryukyu Ryukyu in the first year of The Cargill.

Japanese records claim that in the first year of Cargill (1441), the Muromachi shogun Ashikaga Yoshinori ordered the hunt for his brother Yoshiaki Ōkyuji, who was suspected of rebellion. Yoshiaki fled to Kyushu and asked Shimazu Tadakoku to capture him, for which the shogun Yoshikō ordered Ryukyu to be rewarded to Satsuma. Since then, this instrument has become the earliest record of the Japanese side's claim to be attached to the Ryukyu Islands.

However, this kind of statement is nothing more than Japan's self-amusement, not even "since ancient times". After Cargill, satsuma and Ryukyu exchanged letters that the two sides were completely reciprocal. In the third year of astronomy (1534), Izumimori Miyake Kunihide attempted to send an army against Ryukyu, but Shimazu did not recognize Ryukyu as his domain when he informed the matter. In the 1582 year of Tenshō ( 1582 ) , Musashi Morigami asked Toyotomi Hideyoshi to seal Ryukyu , proving that Ryukyu was not a vassal of Satsuma at the time.

The Ryukyu Kingdom truly belonged to Satsuma until the 14th year of Keicho(1609) when the Sahara army invaded and held the Shō clan hostage by force. The so-called poor is shelved controversy, and since ancient times, there is no support of truth, how to reach it from poverty.

The poverty of the country is not in the noise of propaganda, not in the deliberate creation of a peaceful and prosperous world, only in the word truth.

Only when there is a big country and a people's heart, can the country have the truth in hand——

Rigidity and softness go hand in hand.

(End of Section 70)

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