
Pay attention to the exploration of talents to prevent traditional culture from being "green and yellow"

author:China Civilization Network

At 9:00 a.m. on July 10, the memorial service of the late famous director Xie Tieli was held in Beijing, and representatives of Xie Tieli's family, including his wife Wang Xie, daughter Xie Xinhong, and grandson Wang Xiaotong, attended the meeting. On June 19, Xie Tieli passed away, and at three o'clock in the morning on June 20, Xie Fang wrote a memorial prayer for Xie Tieli and recited it in full at the memorial service. Xie Fang included the mild-mannered and humorous Xie Tieli among the Xiao Jianqiu-style intellectuals in "Early Spring and February", and she concluded with the classic line "Jian Qiu, I will come down" with tears in her eyes. (June 10, People's Daily Online)

We've grown up, but you're old. The death of the famous director Xie Tieli, who once grew up with us, has made the literary and art circles lose a fierce general, and in addition to the sadness, we are also worried that in the inheritance of the new and the old, whether the modern young directors can pay equal attention to moral integrity and ability like these veteran artists and create better literary and artistic works.

Correspondingly, there is also a report on the imbalance of talent in the inheritance of opera. According to reports, the cultivation of contemporary opera talents is facing imbalances in trades, roles and categories. Film and television is still a relatively new industry, and in the inheritance of opera, which is the essence of the country, we can see one of the problems in the future development of traditional culture: green and yellow.

The disconnection of traditional culture is terrible. Traditional culture represents the essence of literature and civilization. The inheritance of history is actually the inheritance of culture and civilization. If there is a discontinuity in cultural inheritance, it is equivalent to erasing the previous history in a certain period. Chinese culture has a long history, even if you lose a little, it is a huge loss, not to mention the emergence of cultural discontinuity and deliberate forgetting?

The continuation of traditional culture lies fundamentally in the exploration of talents. Judging from the objective phenomenon of the frequent passing of masters in recent years, the elites who have been highly respected in history are aging. As the integrators and promoters of traditional culture, these masters once embodied the dreams and expectations of a generation, and they were full of thick traditional books. If the master is gone, can there be an heir who can bear the heavy responsibility of cultural inheritance?

In order to avoid the phenomenon of "green and yellow" talents, it is necessary to start from the inheritance of traditional culture and the protection of existing cultural achievements. In the inheritance of traditional culture, we should focus on the cultivation of young people. Generally speaking, most of the apprenticeship system in ancient times began with children; modern children no longer need to learn art at the cost of "apprenticeship", but how to let the younger generation be able to plant the tradition deeply and be willing to carry forward the national essence and carry forward the tradition in this life, which tests the training system of contemporary traditional cultural talents.

In the protection of existing cultural achievements, just oral transmission can no longer meet the needs of cultural inheritance. There are too many traditional Chinese cultures, as many as cattle feathers, innumerable, and many ancient skills, it is difficult to find modern inheritance. Therefore, in order to make the cultural inheritance continue to file, we also need to do a good job in cultural inheritance, while cultivating successors, and strive to condense the achievements that are beneficial to the development of civilization into concrete and feasible books and other multi-style "branding", so that our children and grandchildren can inherit the tradition and have evidence.

The development of culture requires the inheritance of talents; the inheritance of talents depends on the interest of the young generation. Every young person should ask himself, in the face of tradition, do you have a skill? (Su Xiaoman)

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