
The second member congress of Qingdao Licang District Young Calligraphers Association was held

author:China Shandong Net

China Shandong Network - Perception Of Shandong, June 23, 2016 Recently, the second member congress of the Licang District Young Calligraphers Association was held at the District Science and Technology Museum, at which the work since the first congress of the Licang District Young Calligraphers Association was seriously summarized, and the council and presidium of the second Young Calligraphers Association of Licang District were elected.

The second member congress of Qingdao Licang District Young Calligraphers Association was held

Qingdao Young Calligraphers Association, Licang District Calligraphers Association and other fraternal associations sent congratulatory letters and telegrams to express warm congratulations on the convening of the conference. It is expected that the presidium of the new Youth Book Association in Licang District will unite and cooperate, exert efforts to govern, and lead the vast number of young calligraphers and calligraphy workers to open up a new situation, create a new atmosphere, and write a new chapter.

The second member congress of Qingdao Licang District Young Calligraphers Association was held

The conference deliberated and adopted the "Work Report of the First Council of the Licang District Young Calligraphers Association" and the "Election Measures of the Licang District Young Calligraphers Association (Draft)", and elected the members of the second council of the Licang District Young Calligraphers Association. Yu Shengde was elected chairman of the second council of the Licang District Young Calligraphers Association, Wang Weijian, Fang Jianlei, Zhu Liang, Qiu Zilong, Zhang Sheng, Pang Shu, Gao Zhuan, Qi Shengchao, Xiong Gang, etc. were elected as vice chairmen, Liu Chunyan, Zhang Haitao, Zang Yuhe, etc. were elected as members of the presidium, Fang Jianlei was elected as secretary general, and Wang Jiang and others were elected as members of the second council of the Licang District Young Calligraphers Association.

The second member congress of Qingdao Licang District Young Calligraphers Association was held

At the first meeting of the second presidium of the District Young Calligraphers Association, Li Huibin, Liu Dexian, Sun Yunsi, etc. were elected as the honorary chairman of the second council of the Licang District Young Calligraphers Association; Yuan Benmin, Zhang Zhigang, Ren Zhitao, Zhu Nianchao, Wang Haiming, Sun Shuang, Fang Tao, etc. were appointed as advisors to the second council of the Licang District Young Calligraphers Association; Yu Xue, Deng Yixuan, Zhang Yanxu, Zheng Dunyuan, Qin Xiaoyan, Xue Yancheng, etc. were hired as deputy secretaries-general of the second council of the Licang District Young Calligraphers Association.

The second member congress of Qingdao Licang District Young Calligraphers Association was held

In his statement, yu Shengde, the newly elected chairman, said that first, we must grasp the political direction, second, we must adhere to the integrity and innovation, based on the national youth aesthetic education project, and steadily promote the development of calligraphy and aesthetic education in colleges, middle schools, and primary schools; third, we must adhere to the self-cultivation of Mingde and write the artistic life of virtue and art with heart. Unite the new presidium and all colleagues of the council, and continue to push forward the work of the association on the good foundation laid by the previous presidiums of the association.

The second member congress of Qingdao Licang District Young Calligraphers Association was held

Liu Dexian, vice chairman and secretary general of the Qingdao Young Calligraphers Association, delivered a speech on behalf of the Municipal Youth Calligraphy Association, hoping that the new presidium and the council would strengthen ideological and political guidance, firmly grasp the correct direction of the development of the association, consciously write lyrical lyrics for the people, carry forward the fine traditions, perform their duties, prosper calligraphy creation, promote more fine products and talents, and jointly pay tribute to the prosperity and development of LiCang's cultural undertakings. With an open mind, long-term vision, and sincere service, we will fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of the vast number of calligraphy workers, and better unite and unite the vast number of calligraphy workers to promote the new and greater development of the calligraphy and painting industry in Licang District. I firmly believe that under the leadership of Qingdao Young Calligraphers Association, the Licang District Youth Book Association will work with one heart and one mind, carry forward the past and open up the future, and constantly write a new chapter in the cause of Licang calligraphy, and contribute to the power of art to create an innovative garden-style central urban area that is suitable for work and livability.

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