
Marriage Returns to the Countryside to Do the "Red Shore Practice" of Changing Customs and Customs

author:Zhejiang Daily
Marriage Returns to the Countryside to Do the "Red Shore Practice" of Changing Customs and Customs

The collective wedding of the elderly held in Yaduan Village attracted the attention of young people.

One by one, newly built and reconstructed rural cultural auditoriums have sprung up into people's lives. Chi'an Town takes the cultural auditoriums as the civilized practice sites, actively works hard to expand the functions, optimizes the construction of the cultural auditorium, improves the supporting services such as catering and festive supplies, so that the people can use the most economical cost to hold a decent banquet, and it has become a fashion to do a happy event in the cultural auditorium———

With the improvement of people's living conditions, the phenomenon of rural people holding banquets in the cities is quite common. But in the chi'an countryside, people have turned their attention to the rural cultural halls, and set up the wine banquet at their doorstep, not only for convenience and cost savings, but also for taste, dignity, and livelier, and personalized wedding ceremonies can also be fully publicized here.

Let the "marriage matter return to the countryside to do", this is an important part of the Chi'an Town in the new era of civilization practice to promote, because of the popularity of the people, grounded, and now it has risen to the pilot of the city.

New Rural Fashion Cultural auditoriums have gradually become the first choice for festive activities

"One worships heaven and earth, two worship high churches, husband and wife worship..." Recently, in the Cultural Auditorium of Shangyang Village in Chi'an Town, lanterns are hung high and red carpets are paved, and a traditional Chinese wedding is being staged here. Under the concerted blessings and witnesses of hundreds of villagers, a couple married and entered the marriage hall with a traditional worship ceremony.

Compared with the romance of modern weddings, traditional Chinese weddings are more solemn in etiquette, worshiping heaven and earth, respecting tea and other customs, integrating the festive and lively and strong local atmosphere of traditional weddings, coupled with the quaint on-site environment of the cultural auditorium, overflowing with a strong local atmosphere.

Every cultural auditorium is a new landmark of rural culture and spirit; every cultural auditorium is the main front for the practice of civilization in the new era. In Chi'an Town, the cultural auditoriums of each village are the main battlefield for changing customs and customs.

"Chi'an Town has continuously enriched its functions and contents by making full use of the living cultural auditorium, and carried out missionary education, ceremonial activities, the most beautiful selection, and volunteer service in the practice of civilization in the new era, making it a station for grass-roots morality, culture, public welfare, theory, and civilization." According to Liu Hongqiang, secretary of the party committee of Chi'an Town, since the beginning of this year, chi'an town has carried out pilot work on changing customs and customs, organized and carried out activities such as the rural wedding expo and the family banquet and kitchen god competition, and held more than 100 banquets of various kinds in the cultural auditorium, making the cultural auditorium the main front for changing customs and customs into the "last kilometer" of ordinary people's homes.

Recently, the cultural auditoriums of chi'an villages have been very lively, and the villages of Shanbon, Xue Qiao, and Shangyang have been full of happy events, and they have been very distinctive. Chen Xinmin, secretary of the Xueqiao Village Branch, said of the activities of the village cultural auditorium, which is even more confident: "Since the beginning of this year, the activities of the two large cultural venues in our village have been continuous for many years, and the activities of important festivals such as the Farmers' Harvest Festival, the Qingming Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the Chongyang Festival have been held here, and other enlightenment ceremonies, grand ceremonies, and respect for the elderly have also been performed. Going to the village cultural hall to set up a family banquet has become an unwritten rule in the village, and more than 10 banquets of various types have been held in half a year. ”

"It costs tens of thousands of yuan to get married in the city and set up a stage, and in the village cultural hall, these are ready-made, and there is no need for buses to welcome the elderly and children." The point is that the countryside is a vast world, with professional chefs taking care of you, performing teams to help, and any personalized ceremony that can be displayed by you. Holding a wedding banquet at the door of your home, isn't it this hilarity?" Zhu Anding, secretary of the party branch of Shanbon Village, said.

"Since the beginning of this year, in combination with the actual conditions in the countryside, we have taken 'returning to the countryside to do weddings' as a breakthrough point, built the cultural auditorium into the main position of the masses to 'move the old style and change the ugly customs', and guided the villagers to change from the bad habit of 'stressing pomp and pageantry' to the new trend of 'comparing culture and family style', so that the flower of civilization can bloom." At present, the 31 cultural auditoriums that have been built in Chi'an Town can provide banquets and stage performances for rural red and white celebrations, of which 11 cultural auditoriums even have more than 2 venues for villagers to use, and the attraction of cultural auditoriums in the town is increasing day by day. Wang Hehui, mayor of Chi'an Town, said that it is expected that about 50 wedding banquets will be held in the cultural auditoriums of Chi'an villages in 2020, and there will be 200 other banquets.

Implement the monthly examination system to create an upgraded version of the rural spiritual home

The key to making wedding banquets in the countryside is to have a place where banquets can be placed. To this end, since the beginning of this year, Chi'an Town has further increased the construction of cultural auditoriums, and this year has built and upgraded 17 cultural auditoriums, so that cultural auditoriums have gradually become the main front for the construction of rural style civilization.

"As an important people's livelihood project, at the beginning of the year, we included the construction of cultural auditoriums in the military orders of the two village committees of 19 villages, organized 12 visits, studies, and trainings for the village secretaries, directors, and administrators of each newly built auditorium, and took the initiative to invite experts from the Propaganda Department, the Bureau of Culture and Tourism, the Federation of Literature and Literature, and the Municipal Volunteer Office and other experts and representatives of township sages to review the design plan of each village cultural auditorium." Wang Hehui said.

"The vigorous development of the cultural auditorium is inseparable from a good mechanism." Fu Fengli, member of the party committee of Chi'an Town, said: On the one hand, Chi'an Town has simplified the examination and approval process for the construction of cultural auditoriums, and has actively introduced excellent design units to deal with difficulties and problems encountered in the construction of cultural auditoriums once a week; on the other hand, the town government should interview villages that lag behind in the construction progress every month, implement differentiated awards and compensation for the rural cultural auditoriums in the town, and set up competition lists for each village, highlighting the appreciation of well-managed auditoriums, and spurring weak auditoriums to organize weak activities to improve the efficiency and quality of the construction of cultural auditoriums. Promote the benign development of the construction of the town's cultural auditorium.

"The construction of cultural auditoriums should not only increase the number, but also improve quality and efficiency, and strive to form characteristics in the architectural style, display content, activity style, model mechanism and other aspects of the cultural auditorium." Liu Hongqiang said that the town government strictly checks the construction threshold, strictly supervises the construction progress, and strictly enforces the standards in inspection and acceptance, in order to make each cultural auditorium a new cultural landmark that "is grounded, gathers popularity, and promotes righteousness".

"The quality of the cultural halls in Chi'an Town is not low, and most of them are built according to the standard of three stars or above!" Fu Fengli said with some pride, "Chi'an's economic foundation is not strong, but its charm is unlimited, on the one hand, thanks to the town government, which has taken out a large amount of funds to subsidize and support the construction of cultural auditoriums in various villages, on the other hand, it is inseparable from the strength of the township sages." For example, the Qiaoting Village Sage Association donated more than 500,000 yuan for the construction and management of the cultural hall. ”

While building a rural cultural auditorium with high standards, Chi'an Town has also made great efforts in how to manage it well. Since the beginning of this year, Chi'an Town has taken the lead in introducing the "Cultural Auditorium Operation Management Assessment System (Trial)", implementing the regular work meeting held every half month, implementing the "Red and Yellow Flag" monthly examination system of the Cultural Auditorium, arranging the supply and demand menus of each station every week, carrying out order-based services, and implementing the last-place elimination system for the administrators of the Cultural Auditorium, thus exploring a long-term management system for rural cultural auditoriums, and forming a good atmosphere of catching up with and helping each other in various cultural auditoriums.

According to Liu Hongqiang, at present, 31 cultural auditoriums have been built in the town, and another 3 villages have entered the construction site. It is planned that by the end of 2020, the 43 administrative villages (communities) in the town will basically achieve full coverage of cultural auditoriums and full coverage of managers of new era civilization practice stations.

Supporting one-stop market-oriented operation to meet the diversified needs of villagers

Let the red and white happy events such as marriage and funeral bereavement be brought back to the countryside, and it is not enough to improve the hardware. In order to solidly promote the work of changing customs and customs and to make the cultural auditorium a new position for setting up banquets, Chi'an Town has formulated the "Work Plan for Promoting the Transfer of Customs and Customs," issued the "Instruction Manual for Red and White Celebrations in Rural Areas of Chi'an Town," the "Guide for Red and White Wedding Services in The Cultural Auditoriums of Chi'an Town," and the "Guide for Merchants of Village Family Banquets," and other materials, and has specially set up a red and white celebration council composed of village party secretaries, party members, villagers' representatives, and village sages. Through the improvement of the ledger registration, the town held a meeting to promote the change of customs and customs, and signed a letter of commitment with party members and cadres, etc., the work of changing customs and customs was standardized.

In terms of catering services, wedding services, volunteer services, etc., Chi'an Town has made useful explorations. In addition to improving the venues of each village, it also promotes one-stop supporting services such as wedding celebrations, photography, wedding dresses, and festive supplies for the rural market. In June this year, Chi'an Town held the province's first rural wedding expo in Shangyang, and opened more than 50 wedding celebration supplies, Chi'an special cuisine and intangible cultural products in Shangyang Old Street, all of which are free for merchants to use. At the same time, more than 20 wedding exhibitors were recruited. The event lasted for ten days, and more than ten couples reached a willingness to cooperate with the merchants at the wedding expo, welcoming a total of 100,000 tourists and a turnover of more than 600,000 yuan.

Chi'an Town has also strengthened the management of family banquet chefs and wedding service companies, specially held a rural family banquet kitchen god competition, dozens of rural family banquet chefs in the town also signed a letter of commitment to change customs, requiring that under the premise of ensuring the formal purchase channels and ensuring food safety, the chefs will recommend that households host banquets using no more than 300 yuan of mountain treasures and seafood according to the number of tables set by guests, and actively advocate the disc action. According to the local chef, now the operation of the red and white celebration, each table of the banquet dishes and supplies rental costs are generally added together in the range of 800 yuan ~ 1200 yuan, if the banquet 20 ~ 30 tables, compared with the wedding banquet in the hotel, the couple can save 80,000 ~ 200,000 yuan cost.

(The original title is "The Practice of Changing Customs and Customs on the Red Bank", the original author Gong Xianming.) Edited by Fili Lou)

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