
A playwright who can catch pirates

author:Vincent looks at the world

Historical events must have been a flat mirror image at the time of occurrence, but later, how to see how to see how to see how to be a haha mirror. In 1279 AD, at the cliff gate of the Tan River estuary of Xinhui in Yangjiang, Guangdong, in this trumpet-shaped bay, a naval battle in what may have been the largest in ancient history took place. As a result, Lu Xiufu, a loyal minister of the Southern Song Dynasty, committed suicide on the back of the little emperor Zhao Fu, who was only 8 years old, and completely drew a full end and an exclamation point for the Dynasty of the Zhao and Song families. More than three hundred years later, the islands outside the cliff gate were full of pirate ships. At this time, it was already the Ming Dynasty, and a beautiful middle-aged man with the Ming army was haunted here, making the pirates unable to sleep and eat well, and finally the pirates obediently obeyed. This middle-aged man is the local Zhixian Ye Xianzu, and his name is remembered in history, mainly not because he had a good son-in-law Huang Zongxi, but because of his position in the history of late Ming opera: whether it is legendary or miscellaneous drama, he has a wealth of creative works, and many works have been preserved to this day, unlike some people who have lost their works in the inheritance, the author has only become a legend recorded in the literature. Here's an ad for pirates. In the Ariake Dynasty, the family style of the imperial court liked to build walls and close doors to eat and drink spicy life, and it seemed that they were a little cold or even afraid of the ocean. From the perspective of the imperial court, these people who fished in the sea, moved around, and killed and killed every day in the wind and waves were pirates, of course, including those who came from the small state of Qiuer. Unfortunately, the elite mainstream at that time did not ask the pirates what they thought.

A playwright who can catch pirates

Of those pirates, with the exception of a few for political or criminal asylum, most of them were motivated by trade and the desire to break new ground, and had similar great ideals to Ferdinand Magellan and Christopher Columbus on the front and back feet. Moreover, it was they who first encountered the foreigners who jumped on their straight legs - the Portuguese. For example, Wang Zhi, a famous pirate in the Jiajing period, was busy with trade most of the time, so that the Japanese regarded him as a guest of honor, and the Japanese knew firearms and guns because of him. The famous pirate leader Wang Zhi was later recruited like Song Jiang, who was living in the lake, and the ending was very similar to any consistent version, the imperial court "originally" kept its promise, but was "mistakenly killed" by low-level officials. The leadership of the imperial court is not responsible, but I think any "manslaughter" must be in line with the demands of the imperial court. Wang did not admit to being a pirate until his death, and considered his actions patriotic. Because for a while, famous and unknown yellow-haired pirates had appeared in the telescope from time to time, and a gust of south wind could blow them to the mainland of the motherland.

A playwright who can catch pirates

According to the research of shipwreck salvagers in recent years, China's shipbuilding technology, which originated during the Three Kingdoms Sun Quan period, has become one of the most ocean-going countries in the world after the glory of the Southern Song Dynasty, otherwise another eunuch, Zheng He, would not have been able to reach the coast of West Africa. It turns out that the expansion pursuit of Wang Zhi and his pirates has even prompted one of the three large-scale population migrations in modern Chinese history: going to the South China Sea. However, by the end of the Qing Dynasty, the people in the south had missed hundreds of years of good opportunities, so they had to go to other people's colonies to plant sugar cane. This spirit of wandering has actually been inherited, such as those who broke out in the early days of the country, and their ancestors were also inextricably linked to the pirates of the past. At that time, the world was fashionable to expand colonies, but Daming eliminated the civilian navy that could resist foreign colonial forces, the pirates, exposed their bottoms, lost their barriers and lost their opportunities, and the Jurchens who took over continued to close the country for 276 years. It was not until the end, when the European pirates opened the naked Daqing with a cannon, that the dream woke up, and they fell into a deep inferiority complex.

Ye Xianzu is just a small wave in this anti-piracy tide, not enough to spend ink. After the Xinhui pirates were dealt with, Ye Xianzu was promoted to work in the capital, where a famous eunuch Wei Zhongxian was waiting for him. Ye Xianzu later became Huang Zongxi's elder brother-in-law, and the deep affection between the two families of Ye and Huang was established in the work of jointly opposing Wei Zhongxian. Because Huang Zongxi's father, who was an official in the same dynasty as Ye Xianzu, also refused to preside over the construction of Wei Zhongxian's ancestral hall, he was still grumbling behind his back. The two were arrested and imprisoned by Wei Zhongxian's men, Huang was persecuted to death, and Ye Xianzu was dismissed from his post. Unlike the eunuch Liu Jin who served Zhu Houzhao, the tenth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, this Wei Zhongxian seemed to have failed to find that he had done a thing beneficial to mankind, whether subjectively or unintentionally, and this legendary one-headed garlic that was not exhausted had become the standard template for eunuchs to do harm. Wei Zhongxian used a forbidden book of the Ming and Qing dynasties, "The Essential Codes of the Three Dynasties", to collectively identify with Zhao Gao's advanced deeds of referring to deer as horses, and to enter the canonical history. He snared the opponents of the Donglin Party, using the assassins in the courtyard of the imperial palace, the emperor to eat the wrong red pills, and whether the empress should live in another place, and sorted out the Ming Dynasty system into two factions, and you fought in groups.

A playwright who can catch pirates

Wei Zhongxian

The eunuch Wei Zhongxian introduced a leather bag, and with a rope noun, his flesh artificially completed the metabolic process. However, serious people who are addicted to fighting with hooligans have accidentally contracted the rogue virus, and it is not easy to quit for a while, so the soul of the eunuch Wei Zhongxian cannot be dissipated for a long time, and may have broken through the physiological boundaries and invaded the brains of some people. Since Emperor Mingxi Zhu You could not wean his milk when he reached the age of twenty, and his wet nurse Keshi was Wei Zhongxian's old master of food, Ye Xianzu's resistance was pale and weak. Fortunately, he was able to save his life, returned to his hometown to give lectures, and began a large number of creations. In fact, in the late Ming Dynasty, the trend of miscellaneous dramas was in decline, thanks to the large number of miscellaneous drama creations carried out by Baiye Xianzu, he was the writer with the most miscellaneous drama creations.

Ye Xianzu is a strange man who is good at both legends and miscellaneous dramas, which is not easy. The difference between legend and miscellaneous drama can be simply understood as one originating in the south, one influenced by the various palace tones developed in the north, especially the Shanxi folk songs, of course, there are other important differences, because we can't see these performances, so we don't worry about them. At that time, the legendary drama did not pay attention to suspense, and the storyline was well known to women and children, but it was known for its words and was very beautiful. Unlike today's TV series, not only do they pursue the effect of "and listen to the next decomposition" at the key points, but also divide into three small climaxes in one episode to attract attention, which is actually the need of the patrons of interstitial advertising. Each play of the legend is not short in length, and some can be staged for several days and nights

In the late Ming Dynasty, elite masters also popularized their own cultivation troupe. In "Dream of the Red Chamber", Jia Fu raised his own drama team, and Jia Mu said that Xue Baochao's family originally had a drama team, which was already an indispensable status symbol for the rich family at the end of the Ming Dynasty. Even some rich people have cultivated actors from a young age, and the owners themselves participate in the creation and directing, which is really a super big ticket friend. Ye Xianzu may have lived to be 75 years old, and he created 24 kinds of miscellaneous dramas and 7 kinds of legends in his lifetime. The length of the miscellaneous drama is still short, generally a drama can be performed in half a day; the length of the legend is not good, and the preliminary estimate is that if you want to see the whole drama he wrote continuously, how can it not be less than half a month. For example, in his "Four Yan Records", four pairs of men and women talked about their own love, and it is estimated that the time is not short. Now it seems that it is better to have a famous son-in-law than not, and from time to time he is remembered because of his son-in-law. In fact, Ye Xianzu was not only Huang Zongxi's father-in-law, but also equivalent to Huang Zongxi's righteous father. At that time, Ye Xianzu resisted great pressure and insisted on marrying his daughter to Huang Zongxi, who was just 16 years old. Soon after, Father Huang was killed. In the days that followed, the Huang family had been taken care of by the Ye family. When Ye Xianzu died, Huang Zongxi, when writing the epitaph of zhangren, juxtaposed him with Guan Hanqing and Wang Shifu, which shows how deep the love is.

A playwright who can catch pirates

Speaking of Huang Zongxi, I also want to gossip about it. I won't talk about anything else here, but about Huang Zongxi's insistence on naked burial. He said that he wanted to be able to bury himself naked after death, but quarreled with his sons for a while. He thought he could spread his long hair when he died himself and put a sheet on his naked body. He had already proposed this idea more than 2,000 years ago, but that person had proposed it not to his own son but to his own disciple, and for this reason you and I argued back and forth, leaving a long text and writing it in a book. This person is Zhuang Zhou, a native of Shangqiu, Henan, and the book is Zhuangzi.

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