
The love of a mountain is long

author:Haidai culture

A flower blossoms out of the end of the world, which is Mount Hua; a mountain circle points out the earth, which is Jinan.

Born in Si, raised in Si, and after walking through the years of standing, I became unfamiliar with this city. Is it the clear spring that does not flow day and night, and the countless paths that make me confused, whether it is the sad song of the landscape or near or far, which attracts the eyes of the ancients to make me intoxicated, or whether it is the night feast that is colorful and confusing, shaking the blue dream in my heart.

The love of a mountain is long

On the spring day of Wushu, I returned from Mount Hua and washed away the dust of my body and mind, and I suddenly realized: In fact, nothing has changed, Mount Hua where Li Baideng visited, Mount Hua that Ma Guohan overlooked, and Mount Hua that Zhao Mengfu entered the painting are still the same as yesterday; it is just that I am tired of reading poetry books, grinding my feet, and forgetting the old road; slowly looking back, I found that when I returned, I melted into the mountains and shared her sweet fragrance-----

Jinan has many mountains, mostly in Licheng. There are mountains in the city, accompanied by mountains and rivers, like tai chi, making people think and fly, opening up the space of imagination. Mount Hua is the most poetic mountain, the lone peak is interspersed with clouds, and the grace is elegant, people who have not come before will not be interested in it, but anyone who has come once will fall in love with her, along with the Huayang Palace, Lüzu Temple, Huaquan Temple, Zhenwu Temple relics and so on that the mountains are dotted with endless mysteries. Friends who went together said, "I have visited many places, admired mountains of varying heights, Huashan is the easiest to remember, it is far away from the hustle and bustle, a unique scene, climbing to the top of the peak to look at the half of the city, blue waves, washing eyes and washing hearts, too comfortable!" ”

Yes, rediscovering the Huashan around me is like meeting the unknown self again, there is a kind of sudden opening joy, just like the excitement and excitement of my first reading Of Mr. Kong Fu's poem "Flying Snow Overlooking Hua Bu Zhu", "It is lonely / Under the lead-colored sky / Billions of years / Still a bone / Snow falling / Watching it open vigorously." "It seems that I myself have followed suit and become a part of Mount Hua."

The love of a mountain is long

When I was in elementary school, I knew that the poet Li Baideng came to Huashan and left a poem of "He Junxiu of Zishan Mountain, green as a hibiscus"; later, my father took me to Huashan several times on a bicycle, and he said that in Li He's poems, "Looking at Qizhou at nine o'clock smoke, a flood of seawater cups pouring out", "Qi Yan nine o'clock", Huashan is the first of the mountains. At that time, I only met Huashan for the first time, the altitude was only 197 meters, but it was quite difficult to climb up, and I really underestimated her. Many years later, embarking on the road of literary creation, I plunged headlong into the local historical classics, looking at the mountains and seeing the famous people, Qin Qiong's "loyalty and courage and double perfection", Min Ziqian's "whipping reeds", Xin Zhiyi's "picking up the lamp and looking at the sword", and the final army 'willing to be long tasseled' family and national conditions, closing my eyes and still echoing in my ears, I was in awe of this mountain, as if crossing the long river of history, feeling the deep meaning of a mountain.

Spring water is a flower that blooms on the earth, so Mount Hua is a clear lotus blooming above the springs. First look at the birthplace of this little lotus: Licheng. South of Taishan, north of the Yellow River, more than 6500 years ago, here there were ancestors to live, 2100 years ago in the Western Han Dynasty, Licheng set up counties; bucket to star shift, the four seasons change, through the Western Zhou, Warring States, Western Jin, Tang and Song Dynasties, during the Ming Dynasty, here is located in the political center of Shandong Province. During the Republic of China period, Kang Youwei, who was over sixty years old, made a special trip to Visit Hua Bu Zhu and could not help but sigh, "Looking at this mountain from afar, the absolute victory of GaiLixia City, Nanjing Zhongshan Purple Peak, Beijing Cuiwei Mountain, Coal Mountain, Yangzhou's Qili Mountain, Suzhou's Hengshan Mountain, but the beauty of the landscape is not as good as Hua Bu's note." He suggested that "the city should be moved to China without paying attention" and "in less than ten years, the new Jinan will be crowned the capital of China." "What I didn't expect was that this thick and colorful stroke actually laid the groundwork for the blueprint of Licheng, which is also the luck of Jinan."

The floating light of history has witnessed the growth of Huashan. Huashan is her nickname, the big name "Hua Bu Zhu", the "Licheng County Chronicle" records, "Hua Bu Zhu Shan, independent Ping Chu Zhong, Xiu Cut Lonely Qing, Green Wet People's Eyebrows." "Wet people's eyebrows, more enlighteningly ------" Qi's mountains and rivers, Duhua is not the most famous. "She deserves such a name. She walked out of the Book of Poetry, "Chang (棠) 棣之華, 鄂不䎬䎬", "華" and "花", "卾不" or "萼萼跗", referring to the flower peduncle, meaning that this mountain is like a flower thrown into the water. The water, of course, is Quehua Lake, "the water comes out, and the east flows into The Ze." ”

During the Tang and Song dynasties, a large area of water was formed from the north of the city to the south bank of the Qing River, which was then called "Lotus Lake". Poetic name, laying out a Chinese ink painting, reeds, lotus pond rice fragrance, water village fish house, race through Jiangnan, attracting countless celebrities to rush to the boat, at that time became a tourist attraction in Jinan. Li Bai traveled to Da Nong and improvised praise, "The lake is tens of miles wide, and the lake light shakes the Bishan Mountain"; Zeng Gong lingered and forgot to return, "Huya Qianyu Li Wei, Junba Is far away from Jishuinan"; Shi Yanzhang ascended to a high place, "The lonely obstacle of the ridge forced the sky to be sad, and the top looked at the vicissitudes of the sea"; Yuan Hao asked and wrote, "Huashan is bifuruo, the lake is not as good as the light and jade of the lake"; his student Wen Wangyun was even more fond of this, and he observed from the perspective of hydrology, "It is known that the rice is lotus, the fishing house in the water village, and the smoke between the wrongs." ”

Let's talk about the growth history of this little lotus. She had seen the great world, and after the great tribulations, the Battle of Qi Jinjing occurred here during the Warring States period. According to the "Second Year of Zuo Chuan Chenggong", in 592 BC, the envoys of the Four Kingdoms of Jin Lu, Wei and Cao sent envoys to the State of Qi, and Qi and Jin fought against evil, and Qi was defeated by the enemy because of pride, and was chased by the Jin division for three weeks. At the critical juncture, it coincided with the ugly father changing clothes and changing his position, riding on Qi Qinggong's car, so that Qi Qinggong took the opportunity to escape. However, when the ugly father's car ran to the vicinity of Huaquan, it was hung by a branch and missed the fighter, and the Huaquan at the foot of the mountain was where the soldiers were thirsty and took a drink. In fact, I have heard many people talk about this history, most of them are the same, and what really touched me was an elderly man over seventy years old, who lived at the foot of Mount Hua and was familiar with the grass and trees here. He missed the past of the green waves around the mountain, sighed the bleakness of the lake retreating from the silt of Huaquan Spring, and was familiar with the allusions of the Huayang Palace to enshrine the Four Seasons Hall.

"As a Huashan person, die as the soul of Huashan!" He said it like a nag, but I heard it with excitement. I saw him take out from his bag a notebook with yellowed pages, and the handwriting on it was dense, all of which were stone carvings and inscriptions from Mount Hua. "Around 2010, nearby villagers drilled a well and found shells and fish bones in the mud, which is likely to be the bottom of the lake. In the past, the water of Huaquan was so big that it was not inferior to Baotu Spring! "At this point, the wrinkles on his face stretched out, and then he threw down the cigarette roll and slammed the mud on the sole of his shoe from the stone a few times, and his tone showed a different sense of pride." Here's going to be a big change! Huashan Lake has been excavated, Huashan Park is also under construction, the future from the Xiaoqing River by boat to Huashan Lake, I look forward to that day early! "He himself is huashan's living dictionary.

The love of a mountain is long

Hearing this, my mind wandered. "Flowers bloom and lotus appear, flowers fall into lotus", rise and fall, hibiscus in dreams. This Huayang Palace is the spiritual code of the people of Jinan, and this Huashan Lake is a poetic project----- the lake, contemplating the mind; the mountain color, reaching the soul. He said, "Green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains." "The Hua Bu Note at the doorstep of our home is our cornucopia, and it is also "poetry and far away". To guard this mountain is to guard the roots and soul of the city, and to care for the spiritual blood of history and culture with heart.

Today's Huashan Mountain, pine and cypress towering, boulders, rock climbing; "where three breaths can be stepped on its peak", accompanied by breathlessness, ushered in the peak circuit turn, the field of vision is wide, refreshing. Although the mountain road is narrow, tourists go up and down, or nearby residents climb the mountain to exercise, or the family climbs the mountain to chat, or young backpackers go on adventure, or photography enthusiasts have long guns and short guns. When descending the mountain, the sunset is full of sky, turn around and look back, I can't help but add a little awe, remembering the two stones on the top of the mountain, which are engraved with "the independence of heaven and earth", "the coexistence of the sun and the moon": people and mountains, and water, just like this into the slow motion, and the background is the ancient people's song of a hot land, "turtle stone", "snake stone" is silent, Huaquan is still ringing, and the poems of Bian Gong, pay tribute to Ding Baozhen's heroic soul, what a fascinating spiritual home!

At this moment, I think of the "Quehua Autumn Color Map" in the Chaoran Building of Daming Lake New District, in the green shade, two mountains protrude, the mountains are steep, far away, and the beautiful scenery has long been engraved in my heart. The author of this painting is Zhao Mengfu, a calligrapher and painter of the Yuan Dynasty, who is careful to appease his friends. One day, he and his friends got together to drink and write poems, talking about the famous mountains and rivers he had visited, he praised the landscape of Jinan, mentioning the Que and Hua'er Mountains, one round and thick, one towering into the clouds, the two peaks were very different in shape, exhausted the beauty and majesty of the mountains, the people present were fascinated, only carefully bowed their heads and did not say anything, he inquired to learn the inside story. Zhou Mi's ancestral home was Qizhou Licheng, but he had never been to his hometown. With the memory in his mind, Zhao Mengfu completed the "Quehua Autumn Color Map" with his pen, which later became a masterpiece, which was introduced to the imperial court collection in the Qing Dynasty and is now stored in the National Palace Museum in Taipei.

The love of a mountain is long

Since then, I have a new understanding of Mount Hua: it is never a person who goes to the mountain, or conquers a mountain, but Mount Hua comes together from all sides, one petal after another----- not a single petal, but a compound petal, gently and gently lifting me up, holding me into my arms, just into the position of the flower heart. At that moment, I was baptized by the light of heaven and earth, and I became proud of myself. It turned out that he was also a small flower bud. The benevolence of heaven and earth, the selflessness of the landscape, the grace of all things, the love of the world, were all received according to the order, and I saw the ethereal light and the blue dream in the reflection of the lake.

It is still the sound of spring water, and the mountains and rivers are dependent on each other. Nothing has changed, what changes is the impermanent human world and the complex state of mind. Just like the tragic love told by the ancient well of Lanqiao in Huayang Palace, just like the mysterious legend that happened in the Lü Ancestral Hall "ate the monk and starved the wolf", the folk tales have been recited for a long time, and the past and present lives of Huashan are constantly rewritten------ and every time we climb is rewritten, facing the future in the rewriting, and the heart is rich.

Snow cherry blossoms

He is a member of the Chinese Writers Association, the Chinese Prose Literature Association, the Shandong Writers Association, and the Shandong Provincial Prose Literature Association.

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