
Struggle for a hundred years to set sail for a new journey • The party flag is flying high on the frontline of the grassroots 丨 "migrant girl" Liu Jiaxiu: from "integrating into the city" to "making the city better"

author:Xinhuanet client

Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, June 3 Title: "Migrant Girl" Liu Jiaxiu: From "Integrating into the City" to "Making the City Better"

Xinhua News Agency reporter Lan Tianming

In an international metropolis full of talents, how far can a migrant worker go? Liu Jiaxiu explained it with his experience of constantly "growing upwards".

During the part-time work, he continued to study and further study, obtained a college and undergraduate degree, successively won the "Shanghai May Day Labor Medal", "National May Day Labor Medal", "Shanghai Excellent Migrant Worker", "National Labor Model", became a representative of the 14th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress and a glorious preparatory party member... This simple woman has a "no submission to lose" energy in her body.

On a rainy day in 2002, 29-year-old Liu Jiaxiu came to Shanghai from a small county in Anhui To work. When she first arrived, she worked as a quality inspector in a garment factory, with less than 100 yuan in her pocket, and almost nowhere to live.

After only working in Shanghai for half a year, she understood a truth: to gain a foothold in an international metropolis, it is necessary to "run in two steps and one step" and "the only shortcut is not to take shortcuts", down-to-earth, buried in hard work.

In the first Spring Festival in Shanghai, Liu Jiaxiu gave up the opportunity to go home and spent 6 hours every night for three consecutive months in a study class to learn sewing techniques; after that, in order to be competent for management positions, she studied at the University of Electricity and Electricity almost every weekend, and obtained college and undergraduate degrees through several years of "hard study".

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. In a year and a half, she went from workshop worker to workshop director, from managing herself to managing nearly 300 people. After more than 8 years in the workshop, she became the manager of the company's purchasing department.

Today, Liu Jiaxiu has stepped from the textile industry to the complete electrical industry, serving as the director of the office of Shanghai Shangke Electric Appliance Group.

She knows that for migrant workers who do not have a high starting point, "knowledge changes fate" is also applicable. Her "competition" for work is misunderstood by people who do not understand as "nitpicking" and "nosy", but it makes the company's business more refined.

During his tenure as the chairman of the company's trade union, the members of the copper row team in the company's assembly workshop found that there were certain process problems in the direction of the female row of the incoming cabinet on the right side of the electrical cabinet.

Liu Jiaxiu led his colleagues to set up a "research team". After unremitting efforts, the research team overcame the problem in one fell swoop, and the new electrical cabinet effectively saved costs and improved efficiency for enterprises.

Liu Jiaxiu also encouraged young migrant workers like her to "grow upwards." A migrant worker born in 1993 in the company lacks confidence and enthusiasm for his work. Liu Jiaxiu said to him in a serious tone: "You are smarter than me, better than my environment, what a pity that you don't learn something." She recommended the other party to study at the University of Electricity. Soon, this "post-90s" migrant worker was promoted from a workshop quality inspector to a quality inspection manager.

In 2012, Liu Jiaxiu was elected as a deputy to the 14th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress, and she remains concerned about rural revitalization in the international metropolis. She noticed that some rural roads did not yet have street lights, and many elderly people in the village did not dare to go out in the middle of the night.

She went to Fengxian's rural research alone and measured with her hands whether the width of the rural road met the requirements for installing street lights. Her bill expanded from a "naïve idea" of less than 1,000 words to a mature bill with logic and illustrations, which eventually led to the installation of street lights on fengxian rural roads.

During the work period, Liu Jiaxiu actively participated in various activities organized by the party branch of the company, and also actively participated in the party building work of the company. She felt that this was a rare learning opportunity and was more deeply attracted to the party organization.

"There is always a temperament in the excellent party members around me - the spirit of 'no matter how bitter the post, we must make sweetness'. They are always the hardest working group of people, infecting people with hard work, as attractive as magnets. She said.

In May this year, after submitting two applications to join the party, Liu Jiaxiu became an honorable reserve party member.

"Communist Party members are the 'bellwethers' in thought and action, and I also want to use my experience and actions to influence more ordinary migrant workers like me." Let everyone understand that I am in Shanghai, I am a local, here to do a good job, do a good job. Urban construction is indispensable to our part. She said.

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