
The Red Gene of the Yangtze River Delta | the Centenary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China - A Communist Manifesto

author:Yangtze River Delta observation


The Red Gene of the Yangtze River Delta | the Centenary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China - A Communist Manifesto

In June 2020, the library of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences found a volume of the first edition of chen Wangdao's translation of the Communist Manifesto. This volume of the Communist Manifesto was published in Shanghai in August 1920, with a water-red bust of Marx printed on the cover, and the title of the book was mistakenly printed as "Communist Manifesto", so it was also called "Red Head Book". At the top, from right to left, is printed "The First Kind of Small Series on Socialist Studies", signed "Co-authored by Margus and Ingles, translated by Chen Wangdao".

The Communist Manifesto is a programmatic document that marks the birth of Marxism. "The advent of the Communist Manifesto is a great event in the history of human thought. The Communist Manifesto is the first great work to comprehensively expound the principles of scientific socialism, "openly explaining to the whole world its views, its own aims, its own intentions", erecting a monument to the spirit of Marxism. But by the Time of May Fourth, the Communist Manifesto had not yet been published in full in Chinese. In the autumn of 1919, Chen Wangdao, who had returned from studying in Japan, received a letter from Shao Lizi mentioning that Dai Jitao, the editor-in-chief of the Weekly Review, intended to invite Chen to translate the Communist Manifesto for the journal. Chen Wangdao gladly agreed, and returned to his hometown of Yiwu Fenshuitang Village to translate day and night. At that time, even the necessary reference books and basic materials were lacking, "it took five times the usual translation of the book to translate the whole text, and it was proofread by Mr. Chen Duxiu and Li Hanjun." In May 1920, Chen Wangdao rushed to Shanghai with a translation. However, the Weekly Review was forced to cease publication. The translation of the Communist Manifesto had to be published by another organization. When Vyshinsky, the representative of the Comintern, learned that the translation of the Communist Manifesto had been translated, he decided to fund its publication. To this end, at No. 12 Chengyuli on Lai fei de Road (now Fuxing Middle Road) in Shanghai, a small printing house called "Youxin" was built. In August 1920, the full translation of the Declaration Chinese finally appeared in Shanghai, and the 1,000 copies printed were quickly sold out. In less than two months, the Communist Manifesto was printed twice in a row, which is also rare in the history of The Publication of Marxist works. After that, various places competed for reprinting and reprinting.

Shanghai is the birthplace of the Chinese Communist Party. In the history of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the translation, publication, and dissemination of the Communist Manifesto occupy a special position and are of particular significance. The publication in Shanghai of the full translation of the Communist Manifesto was the most important theoretical innovation in the history of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and made ideological and theoretical preparations for the initiation and organization of the early Party organizations of the Communist Party of China and the birth of the Communist Party of China in 1921. General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "The older generation of revolutionaries in our party have all embarked on the revolutionary road under the influence of the Communist Manifesto. The first Programme of our Party was formulated in accordance with the spirit of the Communist Manifesto. The road of new-democratic revolution, the road of socialist revolution, the road of socialist construction, and the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics opened up by our party are all great creations that integrate the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific reality. The Communist Party of China is a faithful inheritor of the spirit of the Communist Manifesto. ”

The inscription in the upper left corner of the cover of the "Communist Manifesto" in the library of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences reads "Honorific Gift to Mr. Xiulu", in the middle there is the seal of "Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Library Collection", and the first page has the seal of "Xiulu Collection". From this, we can basically clarify the process of entering the Communist Manifesto into Tibet. Xiulu is Wang Yun No. 5, and the "Xiulu Collection" print indicates that this volume of the Communist Manifesto is Wang Yun's five old collections. In September 1921, on the recommendation of Hu Shi, Wang Yunwu entered the Compilation Institute of the Commercial Press, and in January 1922, he officially became the director, and began to reorganize and expand the library. In 1929, Wang Yunwu resigned from the Compilation Institute and was recruited as the director and researcher of the Legal Affairs Group of the Institute of Social Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences, and still served as the editor-in-chief of the Commercial Press's "Universal Library" and the director of the Oriental Library. In 1930, Wang Yun served as the general manager of the Commercial Press for five years and the director of the research institute until his departure in 1946. He presided over the collation and publication of the "Universal Library" and the "First Collection of Rare Books of the Four Libraries".

In 1928, Pan Founded The Fong's Accounting School in Shanghai. In 1937, it raised 170,000 yuan to establish the Credit Accounting College. Due to the outbreak of the August 13 Incident, Shanghai became an isolated island, and the enrollment work was suspended. In September 1939, the school enrolled 38 junior college students in its first class. After the outbreak of the Pacific War, in April 1942, the Ministry of Education agreed to relocate the school to Chongqing. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Chongqing Beibei School was re-established as the Xin Senior Accounting Vocational School, and Sichuan nationals formed a new school board to continue to run the school. Beibei's school buildings and property, including all books with less than 10,000 books, could not be shipped to Shanghai, and due to the need to set up Lixin Advanced Accounting Vocational School in Beibei, most of the existing Beibei books had to bequeathed to the school. In February 1946, the Ministry of Education approved the reopening of Fong's Accounting College in Shanghai. In order to better run the school and develop, the school decided to build its own school building on 33 acres of land in Xuhong Road Persimmon Bay purchased with a fund of more than 94,000 yuan in 1940. Construction began in June 1946 and was moved to a new location in February 1947. The school library has a large library and two reading rooms, which can accommodate 200 people at the same time.

As early as 1937, Wang Yunwu was invited by Pan Xulun to participate in the preparation of the school. Chen Qicai is the chairman of the school council (chairman), Wang Yunwu is elected as the vice chairman of the school council (vice chairman), and Pan Xulun is the president. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the library of the new school in Shanghai was very short of books, so Pan Xulun's eldest brother Pan Boyan donated 10,000 books, and Wang Yunwu, vice chairman of the school board, not only donated a large number of "Xiulu books", but also sent staff to purchase a large number of Western books for the library in the United States. Therefore, the "Xiulu Collection", including this volume of the Communist Manifesto, should be entered into the library of the Tibet Lixin Accounting College at this time.

In August 1950, Shanghai Business School was renamed Shanghai Institute of Finance and Economics, and in the same month, Shanghai Law School (part of the department of finance and economics) was merged; from April to August 1951, East China School of Finance and Economics, Department of Financial Management of Jiaotong University, Business School of Guanghua University, and Accounting Department of Daxia University were merged; in September 1952, Lixin Accounting College was merged. The books of Lixin Accounting College were transferred to the Shanghai Institute of Finance and Economics, so this volume of the Communist Manifesto was stamped with the seal of "Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Library Collection".

In 1956, the Shanghai Institute of Economics and the Shanghai Institute of History of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences were established, which were the earliest social science research institutions in Shanghai after the founding of New China. In September 1958, the Shanghai Institute of Economics, the Shanghai Institute of Economics, the Shanghai Institute of Finance and Economics, the East China University of Political Science and Law, and the Law Department of Fudan University were merged to form the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (in September 1959, the Shanghai Institute of History of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was merged), which was the first social science academy in China. At the same time, the library of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences was established on the basis of the library of East China University of Political Science and Law and the library of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. The library collection of Lixin Accounting College, which was previously incorporated into the Shanghai Institute of Finance and Economics, is also included in the library of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. At this point, this volume of the Communist Manifesto, together with other "Xiulu Collections", along with the changes in the library of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, moved from the Red House of east China University of Political Science and Law to Building 1 of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Branch at No. 1610 Zhongshan West Road (1999), and then moved into Building 2, which is the current library, in 2009.

It is understood that there are a total of 12 "red head books" in the country, mainly distributed in Shanghai, Beijing, Yan'an and other places, of which There are 5 copies in Shanghai, which are stored in the Shanghai Library, the Shanghai Municipal Archives, the Shanghai Lu Xun Memorial Hall, the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the Library of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

Gao Ming, deputy research librarian of the Library of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences

(Reprinted from the June 2021 issue of Yangtze River Delta Observation (No. 111))

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