
Finally waited for you, Rain Sound


When the ear was a child, I got otitis media when I swam into the water, and my hearing was not very good, and the ancients said that the reality of rain hitting plantains has not been in my world. However, this year, the air conditioner at home was broken, so I asked the master to reinstall a new one. The master's newly installed host is just placed on the balcony outside the window, and it is just installed when the heavy rain comes. In the haze, I heard a different sound hitting the air conditioning host, like a drum, like a buckle, like an arpeggiator, like a piano line, like a flock of birds spreading their wings, like a ball falling from the sky. Happy and happy, open the curtains, put your hands out, follow the rain, listen to the beautiful melody. How many years of dreams, is the rain on the air conditioner dripping really understand the rain music, water dance, nature to give. Love the rain, and the magic of the rain is that it has a natural sound! I love this rain!